
chapter 52. The brave girl fall down


Chapter 52

Word's counted --- 1600



Akane pov..

Anonymous. ID 32POzs21

"I bet her agency took over her account."

"I meant it'd be bad if she made it herself."

"Looks like an even bigger idiot lol."

Anonymous. ID 16kktGz55

The agency's risk education is trash.

Anonymous. ID kkggg24

Sigh, the agency is taking a huge risk by keeping her.

"When the next episode airs, I don't even have the willpower to check what they made of it," I muttered, scrolling through the endless hateful comments on my phone screen.

Ring ring

The sound of my phone ringing startled me. I answered it absentmindedly. "Hello..."

"Akane... I know what's going on, but for now, it might be best if you don't tweet anything. Anything you say will only add more fuel to the fire. Consult me first if you want to say something," came the familiar voice of my manager on the other end. His tone was serious, lacking any hint of encouragement.

"Yes, manager..." I sighed, hanging up the call. It wasn't the reassurance I was hoping for, but it was nothing new. Still, I couldn't help but wonder where I went wrong.

**Slap**I slapped my cheeks lightly, trying to snap myself out of it. "I need to give my best," I whispered to myself. With a deep breath, I forced myself to focus on my assignments for school.

The next morning, as I walked through the school corridor, I could hear the whispers. Everyone was talking about me.

Even some of my childhood school friends were in on it.

A girl whisper "I've known her for a long time, and it's like she thinks she's different from everyone else. Like she sees herself as some kind of genius or something. She doesn't care about anyone's pain."

Another voice jumped in. "Don't bother with her. She comes from a rich family. I bet she's never had it hard in her life."

"Does anyone even like her? Haha."

"She's impossible to get along with. Her shallow nature is so annoying. She never thinks about the consequences of her actions."

"She probably never once put her heart and soul into anything. I know selfish people like her—they're everywhere."

Hearing them talk about me like that felt like a punch to the gut. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. Gritting my teeth, I repeated to myself, "I need to give my best."

Days passed, but the hate didn't stop. In fact, it only seemed to get worse. I stood in front of the mirror one night, staring at my reflection. Forcing a smile, I tried to hide the sadness that was threatening to consume me.

That night, I received a few notifications. "Messages? Who would...?"

When I checked, my heart dropped. I had been avoiding social media to protect myself from the constant onslaught of negativity, but now, people had started sending me messages directly.

Anonymous no ***********


Anonymous no ***********

Just die.

Anonymous no ***********

Arrogant bitch.

I could feel the sweat drip down my face as I hurriedly logged into my account, only to find that my reputation was utterly destroyed.

Anonymous ID kkggg24

1-star review.

So that Akane girl who got flamed was really hardworking in Lala Lai, but after seeing this whole uproar, I think she was just using that as a selling point.

Anonymous ID 32POzs21

1 star review.

I was in the same middle school as her, and everyone hated her. The word is that she's a nympho slut.

Anonymous ID khhf13

1 star review.

Anyway, she has a really ugly face. Doesn't she have a sinister look?

Anonymous ID fgd23

1 Star review.

Her days as an entertainer are over. No one's going to hire someone who slapped a model.

Anonymous ID ss35

1 star review.

Just die.

Reading all those comments, I collapsed onto the floor, my phone still in hand. I didn't want to look anymore. I didn't want to feel anything anymore.

"I haven't eaten in a while," I thought. I should go get some food.

The wind and rain were strong, hitting my face as I walked outside with lifeless steps. I didn't even care. I was so tired. My body felt like it was moving on autopilot, detached from my mind.

I had picked up some food, but my legs gave out as I climbed the bridge. I fell to the ground, the bags slipping from my hands. But I didn't care. I just stood up and walked to the edge of the bridge.

"I'm tired," I muttered under my breath, feeling the exhaustion seep into my bones. I looked down at the road below, thinking it would all be over soon.

"Oi, you!"

A voice rang out, cutting through the rain. I turned around quickly, startled. I could tell that person had come to scold me too. I didn't want to hear it. I didn't want to listen to more hatred.

Suddenly, when I jumped, the person who had just called out to me grabbed my arm and pulled me back with force. Emotions swelled inside me as I struggled to break free, desperate to jump again.

"No, let me go! Ahhh!" I screamed, thrashing in his grip, wanting nothing more than to end it all.

To my shock, the man slapped me, his hand coming down hard on my face. My cheek stung, and for a moment, I felt like the world had slowed. Not only mentally, but now they're hurting me physically too? I thought, my mind spinning, but before I could say more, the man's voice rang out, louder and harsher.

"You! Are you an idiot?" he shouted, his frustration sharp, cutting through the storm around us. "Don't you have a mother who'll mourn over your dead body? A father who'll break down after you're gone? Is this why you're committing suicide, or are you an orphan with no one to cry over you?"

His words felt like a slap to my heart. I couldn't argue with him. Everything he said was true. My mother, my father, those who cared about me... How would they feel if I was gone? But despite knowing this, I just couldn't bear it anymore. I didn't want to live through the pain, through the endless torment that life had become.

"Hic... hic..." My voice cracked as the tears I had been holding back began to flow uncontrollably. I couldn't stop it anymore. The floodgates had opened, and all my pent-up emotion poured out, mixing with the rain.

"Damn it," he muttered again, this time under his breath. Then, he knelt down beside me, his tone softening. "Look... I get it. Life gets hard sometimes. But suicide? That's not the answer."

I listened but didn't respond. My head stayed down, my vision blurred by the tears falling onto the wet ground below. I hated everything he was saying, but at the same time, a small part of me wished it could be true — that there was a way out that didn't involve this.

He sighed softly, clearly annoyed but unwilling to leave. Why was he still trying to talk to me? Why didn't he just leave me alone? "Think about the people who care about you. Your parents, your friends... How do you think they'll feel if you do this?"

I clenched my fists. Of course I know they'll be sad, I thought bitterly. But why does that matter? I don't want to live. I can't keep living like this. I've tried so hard, but the suffering, the endless weight of it all — I just can't take it anymore.

"You're hurting, I get that," he continued, his voice calm, almost soothing now. "But there are other ways to get through this. You don't have to do it alone."

That was the final straw. Anger, frustration, and exhaustion boiled over, and I couldn't keep quiet anymore. He didn't understand. He had no idea what I had been through. Who was he to act like he could fix everything with a few comforting words?

I snapped, my voice rising as I looked up at him through the haze of my tears. "What do you care?!" I shouted, my voice raw with pain. "What do you know about what I've been through? Don't bring my parents into this! Don't talk to me like you know me, like you know how much I've suffered! I know you're just like them too, criticizing me however you want, judging me, but please..." My voice cracked again, trembling as more sobs escaped me. "Please... don't pity me. Don't act like you care... hic... hic..."

The rain kept falling, but at that moment, all I could hear was the sound of my own voice, broken and desperate.

Then, this time, he called my name in surprise.


I froze. How does he know my name? Panic surged through me for a moment before the realization hit. Ah... I get it. Everyone probably knows me by now... The weight of my own thoughts crashed down on me again, a bitter laugh slipping past my lips.

"Hah... Of course," I muttered to myself. "Of course, you know who I am. Why wouldn't you? The whole world's probably seen everything by now."


2chapter hah...

Well I cannot garenty my internet Sigh my state government banned net whenever they want like in 2023 for 6 month and privious 8 days too... maybe there more... To cover Gore like ra.e killing, torturing, chopping of human vidio they banned internet so that this information won't spread. what a statistic Bravo India Lol.
