
Uninvited, A Vampire Becomes Part of My Youth

Hikigaya Hachiman always considers himself to be different from others because of how he views the world. He professes to be a genuine person as he doesn't hide behind a mask. Deep down, of course, he knows he is just afraid to form a meaningful relationship; traumatized by what happened to him and unable to move on. What will happen if Hikigaya Hachiman truly turns into something else that makes him different from others? How will he view the world now that he is not something he used to be? Can he accept himself? How will his change affect the people around him? "So... I am a Vampire now?" --- Disclaimer: Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatteiru belongs to Wataru Watari. I am just a mere fan who can't help exploring the possible scenarios that each character could face and how they will react.

Frona_Gorgophone · Tranh châm biếm
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73 Chs

To His Dismay, His Popularity Rises (2)

Up to 20 advanced chapters on Patreon: Fiction Haven



I looked up at the voice and found my father looking at me with an acknowledging look. I had just returned from my morning run, so I ignored him and closed the door.


"It's rare to see you haven't prepared for work at this time," I remarked.

"Well, I got a super important son. My boss is so intimidated that he tells me to take it easy," he responded with a shrug. "You are not the only one whose life changed for the better. Now, I can laze around."

"Good for you, then."

Nodding my head, I walked past him. I was heading to the bathroom to clean myself when he stopped me.

"Hachiman, you smell funny."

I abruptly stopped in my tracks, mind racing as I cursed my carelessness. I had just consumed a pack of blood. I had made sure to not spill it, but it seemed the smell lingered on me. I should have washed it down with a sports drink before going home.

"I just went back from a morning run; of course, I don't smell good."

"No, the funny thing is that you don't smell bad. That's why I am wondering."

Staring at my father silently, I flatly said, "That's kinda gay."

"Indeed. Forget what I said," he concurred with a serious gaze.

Inwardly heaving a sigh of relief, I turned around and went to the bathroom. Before I could open the door, he called me once again.

"Hachiman, you don't do any substance, do you?"

I shot him an indignant look and said, "What do you take me for?"

"Ah, it's just… you grow so quickly. I mean, look at those muscles." He gestured at my arms.

"I am not that kind of junkie. Also, why did you have to make it sound gay?"

"It didn't sound— okay, it was. Hey, isn't that a common phrase at the gym?" He shot me an indignant look.

"We are not at the gym, though."


Knowing it was the end of the conversation, I opened the bathroom door and stepped into the bathroom. My father's gaze lingered on my back, but I ignored it. I could feel his bitterness, apprehension, and regret. I didn't know he valued our strained relationship that much. He almost made me want to reconcile with him. Almost.

When I got out of the bathroom after showering, I was greeted by a sleepy Komachi. Her eyes lingered on my exposed abs until I patted her head. She looked up at me and then smiled sheepishly. Judging from her red cheeks, she must have thought that I was angry for catching her checking me out.

Komachi has the privilege of admiring her Onii-chan. Come, look at me as you please!

Komachi shot me a weird look. I must have said it aloud. Since I sounded like a pervert there, I patted her head once again and then left her to avoid unbearable awkwardness. I got into my room, wore my uniform which seemed to have shrunk again, and then went downstairs to cook something.

Komachi helped me when she had clothed herself. When we were almost done, a zombie (Mom) joined us. She hugged me from the back and then hurled kisses at my neck while saying how proud she was of me. She recalled how dysfunctional I used to be which kind of hurt, but I didn't take that to heart. I found myself agreeing with her, after all.

"So, who are you choosing, Hachi? Shinobu-chan or the mature Laura-san?"

At the dining table, the zombie had regained enough of her life to chirp like she always did after eating my and Komachi's cook. I merely glanced at her before focusing back on my food.

"You know I am dating Shinobu."

"Well, I was kind of against it when I saw the photo you guys took during the camping since I didn't know who Laura-san was at the time. Now that I know, I approve even if she is older than you."

"You sound like a mother who is about to sell her son to a rich female noble."

"That's what I am trying to do, though."

I quirked an eyebrow and shot an unamused glare at Mom. She stopped eating and looked at me apprehensively.

Ah, she is still afraid of hurting me. Don't worry, Mom, you already hurt me more than you know. But I don't hold a grudge.

Her anticipating look pissed me off slightly. I didn't like it when people walked on eggshells around me. Though, in this case, I was partly to blame. Sighing lightly, I smirked, causing Mom to regain her chirpiness. Still, I didn't miss the look of relief that flashed in her eyes. Also, the tense three seconds was hard to miss.

After having breakfast, Komachi and I packed our lunch and then headed out of the house. Our parents stood before the door, seeing us off, which was a rare scene to witness. Both of them had decided to take some break from their demanding job, so it would be regular soon. Komachi was excited about it and I was glad for her.

"Where is my hug from my son?" Mom asked after letting go of Komachi.

"Do I have to do this every day?" I asked in mock irritation as I hugged her.

"Who knows when the last hug will come? I shall cherish it while I can."

Mom's words made me think about the future where I lived without her and Komachi. I instinctively tightened my hug. I had made my peace with my fate, but it still felt like a gut punch whenever I thought about it. Mom seemed to notice my change of mood as she looked up.


'Are you okay?' was left unsaid.

"I am cherishing the moment," I replied with a small smile.

The Hikigaya household was full of bright-minded people. Mom knew there was more to it but didn't probe further. She just pulled my head and then kissed my forehead. The gloominess was immediately chased out of my head as I was too embarrassed to even mind it.

Letting go of my mother, I gave an acknowledging nod at my father who seemed to be expecting something. Do you also want a hug? I wouldn't give him that. He had enough from Komachi. Bidding our farewell, Komachi and I got into my car and left for school. I took Komachi to Kaihin Sogo first before driving to Sobu.

Getting out of the car right after I parked it, I immediately noticed the gaze that the students passing by sent at me. Shinobu had done everything she could to prevent the media from talking about me more than necessary, but a CHRO of my age was hard to ignore. We were lucky that my being a board director of Orion Inc. wasn't announced publicly.

Regardless, the stares were quite annoying. They weren't as brave when Shinobu was around. Ah, I wish Shinobu was here. Being a successful businesswoman, Shinobu had a lot to take care of. She couldn't attend the school for the next three days, leaving me on my own. My gaze repellent was absent, so I had to deal with it on my own.

Let's see. I just have to glare the way I used to do.

"He's looking."

"Kyaa! How intense."

"Imagine being looked at by those eyes every day."

"I will die of happiness!"

What is happening? Aren't you supposed to run away and scream in fear?

I was befuddled. The result was not like what it was supposed to be. Before summer, I was sure my glare would be enough to make them call the police on me. Humans; what a complicated species they are indeed.

Going on autopilot while ignoring all of the stares and whispers, I met with a kindred soul. In other words, Yukinoshita Yukino. She was keeping her shoes in her locker, unaware of my presence. I suck up behind her and then leaned my head into the crook of her neck.

"Yo!" I said softly.


Yukino turned around in shock, hands ready to kill whoever entered her territory. I would have been terrified if her face wasn't so red. She looked adorable. Alas, her adorable visage didn't last long as she immediately composed herself.

"Good morning, Hachiman-kun."

"Sorry for startling you."

"Don't worry. You are only required to defend yourself before the court."

"Am I getting charged? Why is it? For being too sexy?"

"Ye— I mean, it's obviously sexual harassment."

The Ice Queen was flustered. I chuckled at my victory, causing her to grumble. Telling her to go ahead, I kept my shoes in my locker. Yukino decided to wait for me, so we walked in the hall together, only separating to get to our classroom.

Everyone's eyes were on me as soon as I entered the classroom. Unfortunately, Saki was also absent today, so I had no one to shield me from the gaze. I was about to wear my headphones and ignored the surroundings when Yui entered the room. She dashed to her seat to put down her bag before running to my seat to talk. Thanks to her, the gaze lessened.

Ah, for once, Gahama-chan is useful.

"Why do I feel like you are talking bad about me?"

"I am praising you this time in my mind, Yui. Be glad."

"Oh, thank— hey, are you admitting that you have always been insulting me in your mind for all this time!?"

I just patted her head to calm her down. What a lovable airhead.


Honorary Mention:

Venerable Immortal Bowzr

Venerable Immortal JayJonnaJamison

Venerable Immortal Kkmoney

Venerable Immortal Solaz