
Uninvited, A Vampire Becomes Part of My Youth

Hikigaya Hachiman always considers himself to be different from others because of how he views the world. He professes to be a genuine person as he doesn't hide behind a mask. Deep down, of course, he knows he is just afraid to form a meaningful relationship; traumatized by what happened to him and unable to move on. What will happen if Hikigaya Hachiman truly turns into something else that makes him different from others? How will he view the world now that he is not something he used to be? Can he accept himself? How will his change affect the people around him? "So... I am a Vampire now?" --- Disclaimer: Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatteiru belongs to Wataru Watari. I am just a mere fan who can't help exploring the possible scenarios that each character could face and how they will react.

Frona_Gorgophone · Tranh châm biếm
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73 Chs

Serendipitously, His Past Hovers Over Him

Up to 20 advanced chapters on Patreon: Fiction Haven


Isshiki's problem stemmed from her popularity among the boys. Now, unlike Yukino who became popular because of her extraordinary traits and talents, Isshiki became popular because of her expert manipulation of boys. She had even subtly admitted that. While I wasn't condoning what her classmate did, I could understand why it happened.

Life is about choices. The end that we meet is dependent on the choices we make. When you choose to stand out—to be popular—you have to be ready to have the light shone on you. The nail that sticks out will get struck down. Unlike me, Isshiki did that to herself. She should have seen it coming. Honestly, it was quite mild compared to what happened to Yukino in primary school.

"I think you are holding off Hachiman-kun's name because you want to prevent what happened to Isshiki-san from happening—am I wrong, Sensei?" Yukino asked.

"No. I am holding it off because I want to notify Hachiman first," Shizuka-chan denied.

"What do you mean?"

"Hachiman has a lot of people vouching for him to be the student council president."

"Oy, oy, who are those stupid people?" I inquired, flabbergasted.

"They are not stupid," Shizuka-chan glared. "You are a CHRO of a giant company in Japan. Even if you are helped by someone, you know about managing an organization more than any ordinary high school student does."

"If you look at it that way, you are correct. However, I refuse."

Shizuka-chan didn't say anything. She had heard my reason, so she must be reconsidering her decision to put up my name. Truth be told, I could be absent from work any time I wanted since the company could contact me through Email or Skype whenever they needed me. However, if I had to choose, I would choose the company over the student council.

If I had to work, I wanted to get paid. I didn't need to put being a student council student president in my CV. I didn't need to brag about my leadership capability to recruiters to land a job. I already landed a job that only the lucky 1% of the population could land.

"I think, for the time being, we have to put up Hachiman-kun's name."

Yukino's suggestion made me turn to her with a betrayed look. She had lectured me once about my self-sacrifice tendency, but she easily sacrificed me this time.

"Calm down, Hachiman-kun. We are going to look for another candidate to run for the presidency soon," she assured me with an exasperated look.

"What if we can't find one?" I asked.

"Then, we shall help you in your new role as the student council president."

"Yukinon is positive that Hikki is going to win!" Yui exclaimed.

"Did you just insult me, Gahama-chan?"

"Don't call me Gahama-chan!"

Shizuka-chan clapped her hands to get our attention.

"All right, all right. Since I've got everyone's permission, I will leave and put Hachiman's name up. You kids continue discussing without me."

"Hey, what about my opinion? Doesn't my opinion matter more than the other's!?"

Turning a deaf ear to my anguished cry, the tyrannical Christmas cake left. She stopped in the doorway to glare at me, making me briefly wonder if I had said my thoughts out loud. She just scowled when I tilted my head and then slammed the door. Turning my attention to our client, she shifted on her seat and looked down.

This foxy junior is not going to get me with her act.

"I can provide you with a sure way to get you out of the candidacy, but you have to go after Hiratsuka-sensei and beg her not to put up my name."

"What is it?" She instantly perked up.

"Make a very bad speech during the campaign—I will help you write one—and everyone will vote to get you out of the candidacy."

"Rejected!" Yukino stated firmly.

"Why? It's a good plan," I rebutted, sipping on my tea.

"Isshiki-san here doesn't want to tarnish her reputation by winning the election without anyone competing against her. Doing that would only give her the exact thing that she wants to avoid," she explained in exasperation.

"Yukino, do you think what others think about you?" I said calmly, earning a curious look from her. "Given the way you behave and your blunt attitude, which I like, by the way, I believe you can't care less about what people think about you. Reputation shouldn't be what Isshiki concerns. Her behavior also doesn't seem to portray that she cares about her reputation much; at least, among the girls."

Isshiki flinched.

"She doesn't want to be put in constant suffering by being a student council president. I am just giving her a quick way out of her predicament." Turning to Isshiki, I added, "Besides, she can slither her way out of embarrassment by saying that she was nervous during the speech and didn't have any intention of becoming a student council president. I believe everyone would understand that; at least, the male populace would."

"That is a very Hachiman way to solve the matter," Yukino concluded. "I can see the pragmatism behind your reasoning; however, I can not agree with your suggestion. Rejected!"

"Okay, Princess. I am just saying."

Yukino was slightly flustered. She looked away when I turned to her, clearing her throat before redirecting her gaze to Isshiki.

"Well, Isshiki-san, you may leave if you want. You can rest assured, but we may have to ask you for your help to look for someone willing or suited to be another candidate to save our clubmate."

"Ah, thank you very much, Yukinoshita-senpai." Isshiki bowed and then stood up. "Thank you for the help too, Yuigahama-senpai," she turned to me, "and Hikigaya-senpai. I hope you won't become the president."

"Thanks for doubting me," I scoffed.

"Ah! That is not what I meant!"

I chuckled lightly and then waved my hand dismissively. "I am just messing with you. Hard not to do that when you remind me of my sister."

"Eh, I can be your sister at school if you want."

For some reason, Isshiki's offer attracted my clubmates' interest. I would prefer them not to glare at me as if I was going to assault her, though.

I mulled over the offer before coming to a decision.

"No. Komachi is irreplaceable!"

Besides, I won't waste my love on a random junior. I had never been a shallow person.

"Eh, gross," Isshiki muttered.

"I am not a Siscon!"

"No one said that, Hachiman-kun," Yukino pointed out, strangely sounding relieved. I thought she hated my healthy love for Komachi.

Isshiki bowed once again and then excused herself. She was our last client of the day, much to my relief. Packing our stuff, we got out of the room. Yui excused herself first since Miura messaged her to join them at the karaoke. Yukino and I ended up going to return the key together.

On the way, I idly messaged Sae-chan, asking if I was needed at the office. She replied quickly, saying that nothing she couldn't handle, but she would be glad if I could come. I decided not to come. After all, I had finished my portion of the job.

"Then, good afternoon, Sensei."


As Yukino closed the door, an idea struck me.

"Hey, Yukino, do you mind going on a date?"


She dropped her bag and froze as she looked at me. I didn't expect her to be so averse to going out with me. I thought we were friends. But, maybe, I should have worded it better. Still, I didn't feel the need to clarify.

Dates are not always romantic. Grow up, Yukino.

Of course, I didn't say that to her face.

"I am not forcing you. You can refuse if you don't want to."

"H- Huh… no," she stammered with a red face. Clearing he throat, she clarified, "I was just surprised that you willingly invited someone to socialize."

"I have asked you guys to hang out a lot of times," I deadpanned.

"But it's different…"

I see. She is doubting my skill to make a conversation. You will be surprised, Yukino. After dealing with a lot of weirdos at the company, I know how to entertain someone in a conversation.

"Well, do you want to?" I quirked an eyebrow.


"All right, let's go."

Picking up her bag, I walked to the parking lot with Yukino closely following behind. Yukino was looking at me with a weird gaze the entire time. She was probably puzzled at why I was carrying her bag. Having a girlfriend teaches you the way to treat a woman. I had picked it up quickly and it became a habit.

When we got to the parking lot, we promptly entered my car. When Yukino had properly sat beside me, I stepped on the pedal and then drove the car to our destination. It was a café that sold the best donuts in the city. I had been wanting to try it out.

Yukino was silent during the entire drive. She kept glancing at me, but I guessed she was just preparing to smack me when I sped off.


Honorary Mention:

Venerable Immortal Bowzr

Venerable Immortal Cris Venegas

Venerable Immortal JayJonnaJamison

Venerable Immortal Kkmoney

Venerable Immortal Solaz

Venerable Immortal Tomas Lopez-Familiari