
My Sunday

"Rachit's point of view,"

I'm not sure why I've been so restless since Riya told me about her relationship.

I'm jealous of her boyfriend, even though I've never met him.

I'm the second person in the office who knows about her personal life.

Why can't I ever win first place in my life?

I can't stand Riya and Ashish's friendship.

When I see her with her lover, I'm not sure how I'll react.

I know I have no right to meddle in her affairs, but I'm not sure why my interest in her life has grown.

She asked if I considered her a friend at lunch today.

I couldn't say anything in front of her, even though I knew the answer to her question.

I like her.

I don't believe in love at first sight, but after meeting Riya, I feel as if everything is pushing me in her direction.

After seeing her online, I sent her a WhatsApp message.

I'd like to learn everything I can about her.

Her likes, dislikes, hobbies, and goals.