
39 -B

But as a den of thieves. I mean, Harapan Bangsa's naughty kids were there. There's Alex, Andrew, and friends whose names I don't know.

"Are you going to fight, huh?" asked Lala looking worried.

"Do not know," I answered. Because I really don't know. But thankfully, there's no Ricky today. At least Ricky wouldn't be in trouble if they wanted to brawl between schools. Please they want to hit each other. Original, without Ricky. I do not care!

From behind me, it looks like Rendy and his friends are Ricky's gang. Was riding a motorbike casually then stopped after seeing a Harapan Bangsa High School student. And what a fool I was, to be in their midst!

"Bastard! Calling for another fight, they!" Rendy shouted with an emotional face. He seemed to be calling someone impatiently. I'm guessing he's on the phone with Ricky.

Is Ricky so important to them? Aren't there a lot of them? Then, why should Ricky be there? Oh, I forgot. Ricky, right, their leader.