
I'm So sorry

"Evans, I'm sorry Mammy, honey. Sorry, it's all Mammy's fault. Mammy is selfish, Mammy can't be a good Mammy for you, Evans. I'm sorry, honey," Nindy cried as she hugged Evans' tiny body and kissed his face many times. Don't forget he also stroked Evans' hair and kissed his head.

Nindy feels that she has failed as a mother, she can't take care of Evans. He was more concerned with his annoyance than looking after Evans. Besides that, he was also annoyed with Devan who was so careless in taking care of Evans that Evans was left alone like that.

When Nindy was crying like that, suddenly Gerry came in. Gerry saw Nindy who was crying like that, he also heard Nindy's words blaming himself.

"Don't blame yourself too much, it's not your fault," said Gerry.