
Unforeseen Talisman

Humans have neglected their one hope of survival except one man and his daughter who seek to save their beloved Arcadia.

Arison_T · Kỳ huyễn
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Short full story

The winter horizon was as beautiful as the eye could see. The majestic setting sun was illuminating the sky with a stunning golden hour view, but the world it was shining upon was far from beautiful. It is a dying world soon to shrivel from existence and I have the last hope of saving it. Our world sits alone as the only one to soon die, but unlike it I am not alone on this mission to save it. Unfortunately. I am accompanied by my trusted black bladed katana, and my young thirteen year old daughter ... whom I currently do not know where she is.

"Aurora!" I shouted her name as I began searching after realizing how adventurous she is. 

"Yes Father!" she responded as I saw her fall from the limb of a tree onto a pile of snow which has messed over her winter clothing and her gorgeous white hair with its signature blue streak. She got up, shook some snow off and ran towards me. 

"The Arcadian Tree is not too far from here. We'll arrive quicker if we hurry!" she said with her seemingly excited facial expression. I stopped her and began brushing off the remaining snow with my hands. 

"I know that. If you are just going to be playing around then you could've done it at home. I am very capable of doing this on my own." I said as I was about to continue down the path, till I felt her hold my arm. 

"Mother's dream is for a perfect world for us and she died trying to achieve that." she said with a sad yet serious look as she held it tighter, "Even though I was still very young when she passed, the stories you told me about her made me love her so much and I even got to properly meet her. My wish is to make her dream a reality." Damn that speech touched my heart. I am beginning to feel sympathetic to let her continue with me. 

"Besides," she said with a sudden burst of excitement "Mother said that it's too far for me to go back and you know that you're growing old for this. We took six days instead of four to get here." "It's called preserving energy, now let's continue."

My daughter says that she has the ability to see spirits and my wife said the same thing, but whenever I asked them to prove their ability they never did. I wonder if they both hit their heads when they were born, because that would explain a lot. My wife always used to tell me about how she dreamt of the arcadia she wished for our family to live in. Without any warnings she set off to save this world. I haven't seen her since then for ten years.

Our world's main source of life is the Arcadian Tree, it ranges from nine hundred and fifty metres high and a two hundred and fifty metre radius and its shape is similar to an umbrella. Our sun is a really powerful star and this tree is the only thing able to maintain a stable ozone layer, but ever since the sudden incursion of the Hades Virus it has not been the same. The tree provided special healing orbs which when placed on the heart of any living creature, could heal it from anything within a matter of seconds and since the tree provided so much it could be used by everyone. That was until the virus. It has no origin but it is spreading faster than any of the previous viruses and its carnage terrifies us all.

Its terrifying symptoms can be seen with a naked eye, the blood vessels of a living body begin to turn black starting from the fingers and toes and spreads all the way to the heart and brain. Once it is within five centimetres from them, you only have moments to live. When one has been fully infected, their body simply crumbles to a pile of ash as they die. The people began to scramble for the orbs not realizing that their foolishness would lead them to regret. They left the healing tree barren and with only months left, it is set to share the same fate.

Now that everyone is infected, the last remaining orbs are being sold on the black market and I have one of them. I briefly remove my glove to see that the virus has only affected my hands so far, but due to Aurora's weaker immune system it is about to consume her arm. There is no time to waste.

We make our way over a hill and see the full scale Arcadian Tree. It's dying. The leaves are slowly turning into ash and being swept away by the cold wind. 

"Father look over there," Aurora said as I turned to where she is pointing "It's the Arcadian Knights and they look like they're . . . dying." My heart rate accelerates as I see that the twelve golden Arcadian Knights were golden no more as the black vessels signify the virus which is making them rust and crumble to ashes, slowly. I look upwards to notice the night sky has formed and we need daylight for this mission. 

"Aurora we'll do this in the morning, we need shelter and something to eat right now. There," I pointed towards a nearby cave "we'll rest there till dawn, then we'll save this world."

The cave seems pretty spacious with a pond within it whose water I do not completely trust. "Set up the sleeping bags while I prepare a fire and food." I said as I took some sticks, prepared the fire and checked my bag to see that, oh damn I forgot the food. Damn. Looks like I'm going hunting. Just as I was about to draw out my katana, Aurora stopped me. 

"There is no need to go hunting," she said as she let go and opened her bag "Mother showed me that you forgot the food bag, something about you being a forgetful idiot."

I want to scold her but she saved us from hunger, I'll let this slide. "Sure she'd say that"

After eating I was about to sleep, till I saw a bright light and saw Aurora with something that filled my heart with joy. 

"🎵Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, Happy birthday to you 🎵 Happy Birthday dear Father." She so joyfully sang as she presented a small birthday cake which she decorated so beautifully. I thought of my wish and blew out the candles as she cheered me on. 

"What was your wish?" she asked with a cute and curious facial expression. 

"My wish is for yours to come true." I said as she gave off a glorious smile. I took a bite of the cake and . . . it's kind of burnt. But I can't tell her that, her smile is overpowering me and it tastes oddly familiar. "It tastes great." 

"Thank you, Mother taught me how to bake it." I don't know how but, no wonder.

"Go to sleep, by morning we'll save this world." I said as I tucked her in her sleeping bag then went to mine. 

"Love you." she said as she fell asleep. 

"Love you too." I said yet got shocked, because it sounded like I said it with someone else. Maybe I'm just tired. I went to sleep waiting for the break of dawn.

My wife left a note saying that she figured out that the only way to save this world is to heal the barren Arcadian Tree. Who would've thought that the all healing tree needed healing as well. All her hopes rest on me now.

When morning came we got up and prepared ourselves for the battle against The Arcadian Knights, because instead of killing those who harm the tree, the virus tainted them to kill those near it. 

"Aurora, check for any obstacles other than the Knights then tell me." I sent her out because I did not want her to see what I've discovered within this cave. The remains of a deceased. I searched through it and found a necklace and a ring which I instantly recognized. It's her mother's remains. I put on the ring and packed the necklace as I headed out while holding back the tears.

I walked out to see Aurora preparing her steam powered shotgun which she made herself to pack extra damage towards enemies than a normal shotgun. I drew out my black bladed katana and notice a red component running down the middle of the blade. What did she do this time? "Aurora, what did you do to my blade?" I said as she turned to me with a nervous face. 

"Uhm, I put a heating component within it to heat up the blade for more effective strikes," she said as she faced downward making her hair cover her eyes, "Problem is, it is powered by blood. The more it feeds on the hotter it gets and the longer it lasts." 

She had the audacity to do this without my concern. Huh . . . just like her mother. I removed my glove then cut my finger and fed the blood to my blade as it began to heat up and the component began to glow red. 

 "Alright here's the plan," I said till I noticed that she is no longer there. 

"Come and get some you dead knights!!" she shouted while shooting at the still knights. Why did I even bother?

The black Knights began to get golden cracks on them as they began to attack. She decided to attack them by jumping onto one and shooting the others and while she does they'll attempt to attack her, but then she jumps onto the next as it hits a fellow Knight. I left her to take on the defenseless ones, while I take on the big boys with their swords and shields. Good thing the virus has slowed them down or we'd stand no chance of beating them. 

 "None shall harm the Tree." the Knights said as the cracks grew wider. 

"We're trying to save the Tree you idiots!" Aurora shouted just before she took a short ranged shot towards one of the highly glowing spots on the chest of a Knight as it broke apart and crumbled to a pile of ash. 

"The virus has corrupted their hearts and minds, that's the weak spot!" she shouted as I notice a Knight pulling its sword back for a swing. I used my katana to block and redirect the strike towards the ground and as it tried pulling it back again, I used the continuous momentum of the blade to stab its heart as it crumbled and turned to ash. But I should've been paying attention to my surroundings, because just then another knight pushed me down and kicked me backward. Damn something's broken. 

"Father!" Aurora shouted as she ran to my aid. 

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I said as I put my hands out while she continued running. She jumped onto my hands as I boosted her upwards into the air. A cold winter breeze hit my face making me cover my eyes. When I opened them I saw small bronze balls fall to the ground as they exploded and filled the area with white mist in the air. I bet they're some of Aurora's inventions.

All that could be seen from within the mist is the glow from the Knights and the glow of my blade. I attempted to strike a knight but I tripped on something which is fortunate because it helped me dodge one of the Knight's sword strikes. I looked up and brushed the snow off my face as I removed my glove and I'm shocked to see this. The virus is moving faster. I looked around and saw a figure similar to Aurora's, leaping from Knight to Knight performing a series of headshots as the shotgun gave off blue sparks with every shot.

I got up and threw my katana towards the heart of the knight, then ran towards it as the blade got stuck and drop kicked the katana for the blade to go in deeper as the Knight crumbled to ash. I grabbed my katana and fed it more blood as I ran towards the next Knight. Damn it hurts. The Knight attempted a swing, but I jumped onto its arm and used it to leap over it while using my blade to stab its back and force the blade upwards as I landed which made the Knight break in half and crumble to ash.

The mist cleared as I was searching for any remaining Knights within the area. They're done? Or so I thought till Aurora shot the last one which was planning to attack me from behind 

"Thanks for the assist," I said as I turned to her and got shocked by the site. She looks different. Her signature blue streak of hair gave off a light glow as her irises had the same glow while she gave off a serious look. 

"Place the orb and push it into the Tree," she said seriously yet it sounded like two people are talking I sync "but you have to beat that first, if you don't they'll come back stronger." She pointed her gun towards the Tree just before she stopped glowing and fainted to the ground. I quickly rushed over to check her condition. Oh please no. 

"Are you okay? Hey talk to me!" I said as I looked at her shoulder and noticed that the virus has expanded. I looked at the Tree and what I thought was just a statue of a Knight began to grow gold glowing cracks as it took out its sabre and stood at three metres tall. It used both hands on the sabre to pierce the ground clearing the snow around it.

"All those who seek to harm the tree shall perish," it said with a noble yet scary voice

"Now prepare yourselves for the final Sagacity." It said as it pointed its sword towards us. 

Oh damn. I took Aurora back to the cave then went out for battle. I tried to feed my blade with more blood, but its excruciating heat is too much for my hand. It's time for my biggest challenge yet, since raising my daughter. 

The Knight turned its sabre horizontally as the blade began to emit black smoke. "None shall harm the Tree"

I pointed my blade towards it as we dashed towards each other make our blades meet with a great shockwave and a gust of wind. The Knight held my arm and pulled its sabre back for a mighty swing with its divine yet deceased blade still emitting the black smoke. It sought to finish me off in one strike as it swung its sabre towards my neck. I fortunately ducked under it as I could feel its impure presence scratching my face as it moved past. The blade struck the ground as it destroyed the structures in the path of the swing. I looked at the Knight who is currently staring at me as it threw me aside then took its sabre out to continue the battle. Ohh, something's definitely bleeding.

I got up and quickly dodged a surprise strike by shifting to the right and noticed something's missing. The orb. I looked around to find Aurora trying her best to move her body to the tree as the Knight noticed this as well and began to saunter towards her. I began to pursuit it as it grabbed her by the neck and lifted her. 

"You will suffer for seeking to scathe the Arcadian Tree." It said as it began to choke her and pull back its blade 

"Don't you dare touch her!" I shouted as I tried to strike its torso, but it blocked my blade with its own and kicked me backwards. Its sabre began to absorb some black smoke as I looked at my hand and noticed it. It's absorbing the virus. It pulled its sabre back as I could tell it wanted to strike Aurora. She began to struggle for it to let her go but it didn't heed. I won't let it hurt her. I got up and swung my blade as it swung its own and our blades met with each trying to assert dominance. His blade is getting ever so close to Aurora's torso, but I won't let it pierce. I mustn't. 

"Die you swine!" it said as it amplified the sabre's power making its black aura intensify. 

"Father." Aurora said with a weak voice as I put all my strength into not letting this Knight overwhelm me.

The Knight's blade has made contact with her clothing as the layers of clothes begin to decay away, exposing her skin. 

"Stop Please!" I shouted as my blade moved backward slowly, making the Knight's pierce her. Her black vessels got darker as the adrenaline kicked in and I manage to hit the sabre away. Oh no! Oh no! 

"Aurora please talk to me!" I shouted as I notice her opening her eyes with black tears coming out of them.

The Knight got up, grabbed the sabre and pointed it towards me "One adversary down, one to go." 

I looked at Aurora's bleeding body then turned to the Knight. I'm silent, no words can express this anger, because now . . . I'm pissed. The Knight pointed its sabre upward as it began to absorb more of the virus. Its aura grew bigger and darker as the winter winds accelerated. 

"Decease you adversary." It said as a demon like creature appeared behind it and its sabre absorbed it.

I took my katana and gave myself a cut on my arm then fed it my blood as its heat intensified at a great rate making it turn blue. I grabbed one of Aurora's contraptions and began shifting sideways, away from Aurora and the Tree. 

"Let's finish this the old fashion way. One strike to determine the achiever, like jousting." I said in a way to taunt it. It took a great jump backwards as the sabre began to give off its aura again then it prepared for the strike. There is no room for errors. I took a preperational stance as my blade grew lighter.

"Decease" it said as it was about to dash. 

"See this blade," I said as I pulled it back for the strike "your life is done." 

We both dashed at each other as the Knight performed a horizontal strike while I activated the mist bomb and ducked under the blade. I took this opportunity to give it a proper slash through its torso. It's hard. I forced the blade as much as I could as great sparks formed till I cut through it. I looked back as the mist cleared to see the Knight crumbling to ash.

"Please . . . don't hurt the Tree." It said as it crumbled and disappeared to ash.

"Aurora!" I shouted as I turned to see her struggle her way to place the orb in the Tree. I ran towards her grabbed the orb and tried to heal her critical state but . . . she's rejecting. 

"Why aren't you taking it you're going to die!" I shouted as I continued forcing, but she kept denying. 

"No, no, I don't want it," she said as the black tears continued "save the tree. Fulfill your wish." 

I stopped forcing as I took a moment to think. What should I do? Till I heard a whisper saying "Do as you wish." I looked around to see no one else till Aurora touched my hand. 

"Make me . . . happy." She said as I got up, took the orb and marched to the tree.

I tied some cloth to my wound and tried to place the orb, but I can't. What am I if I have no one to live for? I tried to throw it away till I felt Aurora touch my hand. She helped me place the orb as I also felt another warm and soothing touch. It feels like her mother's. The orb sunk into the bark of the tree as blue vessels formed, overlapped and dissipated the black vessels as new branches and leaves grew back twice their size as well as the Tree. New healing orbs began to form like fruit, but it's too late. They won't be ready in time. I got down and noticed that the virus in me and throughout the area dissipated. The sides of the tree began to glow gold as New Arcadian Knights came out looking twice their original size with much more powerful armor and weapons with sacred text engraved on them.

"Aurora, the virus it's . . . gone." I said as I turned to see that the virus in her has not.

"Father, Father where are you." she said as she is stretching her arms out "I can only see Mother."

"I'm here, I'm here." I said as I held her. Her eyes are completely black as only her irises show.

"Father, please don't cry." she said as I looked to see my tears on her "at least I'll be able to properly hug Mother."

Her body began to crack as the winter began to fade. 

"When you meet her, I want you to tell her how much of a good girl you are, tell her about all the adventures we had and tell her," I said as the cracks were about to consume her "Tell her that I love you both so much." 

Her limbs began to turn into ash as her blue streak lit up once more and the second voice synced with hers as I could tell that it is her and her mother. 

"Don't worry, we already know and we'll always be with you." she said as she began to close her eyes, "Like we always have." she said her last words as she crumbled and faded to ash.

Plants began to grow as peace has been restored. But what's the point . . . without her. The winds picked up once more as her ashes were swept and absorbed by the Arcadian Tree. The leaves began to glow blew as a great beam of blue light shot into the atmosphere illuminating the sky with a glorious . . . aurora, as the Knights took a knee down in respect.

It's beautiful.

The End