

I couldn't believe that we moved to division 2 of the place Ancestra and the fact that I didn't remember what happened in division 1 where infants and children of age 2 will be coming to grow here till they want after completing division 4.

While trying to recall what may have happened there, my twin sister slapped me though I was not sleeping and screamed Mia we came here, finally we are going to meet our dad for the first time.

I got some memories like how everyone was excited to meet their parents and talk about it in division 1. But remember having a diary and some clashing pictures but couldn't remember any of them, even if I tried, I go unconscious after that.

We were told that we could meet our father in a few months and that we lost our mother during the labor. life usually gives us what we don't expect and we received it so soon after coming here. I and Satara soon realized that we couldn't go anywhere alone or speak at the same time when we are among the other kids.

Because of our nemesis Aria Triffan, we thought of keeping it a secret. Soon the training started and we came the last in every single event they held which was the complete opposite of division records as to my half-minded knowledge. The tragedy started after kids started to gain skills that we couldn't get like reading 500 pages in 20 minutes and concentration tests. Aria excelled in everything and soon gathered many people against us to make our life hell.

Hope in a deep cave which is the welcoming ceremony of the parents. Aria bullied us on the exact day because of which we came late to the main hall sneaking by the backside, as we already knew that kids can't see their parents if they were undisciplined. Anyway everything went good and the general of all divisions who is said to be the worst nightmare of all heads went up to the stage and she didn't give a speech but proudly announced one person who is a former student who completed all levels in all divisions in the age of 7 which is like division 1 to many of us, and also he joined the normal life disguising himself as a normal student, that his story is suspense and could be discovered at the end of division 5 "the dead building" where most of the people don't even join.

The most interesting fact is that he is one of the parents who will be joining in a short while and even the general had to fear because of him

we both know that Aria secretly went to the basement to see her parent's appearance and the list of parents coming to the upcoming ceremony and she succeeded in it. So Satara stared at her if she knows anything about the man she is talking about, and Aria looked like she saw down and was totally frightened.