(Nier pov)
I went home early, deciding I wanted to rest more than usual, definitely not because I was annoyed with Fen.
He was just so annoying, neither of us were naive or dense, our childhoods left no room for the innocent naivety so common within the average civilian, I had long realized my developing feelings for him, and so had he, he knew, I knew, and he knew I knew, an incredibly annoying prospect considering I still didn't know how he felt about me. Don't get me wrong, I knew he felt something for me, I was just unsure of whether his feelings stemmed from a place of romance, or simple familial love. And it seemed, neither did he.
Fen had never been good with emotions, to the point it was almost cute, how a boy, so good at everything he had ever tried or done, could be so unsure of something as simple as feelings. I knew he was not normal when it came to emotions, and many who interacted with him would describe him as emotionally mute, as if his feelings were quite, suppressed, or nonexistent, but I knew better, his emotions were weaker than normal yes, but they existed nonetheless, evident in his rare smile's often no more than a twist of his lips, or a smug grin.
He seemed to take great pleasure in watching me squirm, his shamelessness knew no bounds, in fact, despite our years spent together, I had never once seen him embarrassed or flustered, any attempts on my part to cause such a reaction easily turned on me, as he would say things most couldn't while maintaining a perfectly straight face. Add on the fact he loved sarcasm, and many find themselves completely unable to tell whether he is joking or stating fact.
But despite all this I loved him, I loved his beautiful, silky hair, the way his soft fluffy ears would flick slightly whenever he was annoyed, and his equally soft tail would twitch slightly, the same appendages he would grumble about when I ask to pet them, before always giving in in the end. And glowing gray eyes that seem to see everything and nothing all at once. His perfect body and nonchalant attitude as he does a workout physically impossible to many, strapped with enough weight to make many adults falter, yet endures for hours without even the slightest sign of fatigue.
I slap myself, my thoughts having begun to stray, despite our maturity, we were after all, just children, and a lack of experience on the subject of love made developing our relationship difficult, I had sometimes found myself jealous of the normal children, lost in the ignorant naivety of childhood, unaware of the horrors and trials of the world, but both me and Fen knew better to complain, the combination of powerful quirks, powerful families, and busy but loving parents, we were both born with unobtanium spoons in our mouths, losing out on a normal childhood is a small price to pay for such boons.
My mind returns to Fen's smug smile as I left the gym, and I feel my cheeks warm as I remember his beautiful smile, before collapsing when I remember what caused his smile to begin with.
Fuck, now I'm annoyed, I would normally take a shower before bed, but I'll take one in the morning anyway, might as well just go to bed early.
I think to myself as I collapse in my bed, exhausted, I fall asleep quickly.
My mind is torn from the comfort of sleep, I groan, still exhausted, I briefly think I accidentally set an early alarm, annoying considering it's currently winter break, my mind running through my schedule, trying to remember if I had anything important to do today, before my returning lucidity reminds me that this is not the sound I use for alarms, but my ringtone. I glance through the window, staring into the dark of the night, as I wonder who could be calling me at such an ungodly hour.
I don't recognise the number but I have a habit of answering any calls that aren't inconvenient, you never know when it will be something important, or a blackmail attempt I can turn on the dumbass stupid enough to try and blackmail me, although unlikely considering this was the phone I use for my civilian identity, there are no shortage of idiots and random criminals in this world, two traits that are quite fortunately not mutually exclusive, I shudder to imagine a truly competent criminal with a powerful quirk, and i'm reminded of the horror stories my parents tell me of the time when AFO was still in the public eye. The media censorship is grossly ineffective against those with real influence.
"Hello? If this is a scam call or wrong number just know I'm not in the mood." It takes a moment for the other end to reply, and I briefly entertain the Idea of hanging up. It was far too early for someone to be calling me anyway, so it's their own fault if it was something important.
"Please don't worry mam this isn't a scam, are you perhaps Nier? If so, I would like to talk to you." the voice responds
I instantly adopt a more professional tone, it's unlikely for a scammer to get my name, so it's probably just some normal call for a survey or maybe a call from some place I gave my number previously. "Yes that's me, sorry for snapping, it's just really late."
"I totally understand mam, I wouldn't call you this late if it wasn't important, trust me I would rather be asleep myself, but before I continue, it may be a good Idea to sit down."
Now that's suspicious, you only hear that line in tv shows, and it's always the prelude to bad news. I feel some anxiety worm its way into my heart as I respond, slightly apprehensive.
"What happened?" my tone is slightly more cold than I would like it to be. And the voice responds with a hint of nervousness.
"Well mam you see we found your friend bleeding from his neck face down in a giant crater, in critical condition, and we managed to get your number from the owner of a gym nearby that claimed you two were close friends, so we thought it prudent to call yo-."
The wood table beside my bed shakes, as its top sports a new group of finger shaped holes, I ignore the mild pain as splinters of wood worm their way underneath my skin, my thoughts a mess, as I wrap my head around the news I had just received. Unbelieving, after all, Fen's quirk was extremely powerful, to the point it would be no stretch to call him a demigod, and yet he was injured? What had happened?
"Where." my voice sounds out, icy cold, as frost begins to form around the edges of my phone, slightly losing control of my quirk in my anger.
"We-well we found him in a back alley, people nearby reported a large explosion and called the polic-"
"What hospital?"
"O-oh it's uhh… Sapporo Hospital-."
"I'll be there in 20 minutes."
I hang up, my phone screen cracking in my hand. As I rushed to get dressed, throwing on the first pair of clothes I found, my hair was still a mess from sleeping. Bolting out the door, I called over my driver. While the villa was registered under the Okami family it was usually rented out so I had no need to hide my Identity. I ordered him to take me to Sapporo Hospital. He tried to ask why at first, but quickly shut up upon seeing my angry expression. I barely remembered the drive, the only thought occupying my mind being the hope that Fen was ok.
I stand on the other side of a wall of one way glass, the observation room for active surgeries, as Fen is surrounded by numerous doctors, all working tirelessly to stabilize his condition, I see the giant missing chunk of his neck, anger rising within me, as I swore to kill whoever was responsible for putting my beloved Fenrir in such a sorry state, my eyes only softening slightly at the occasional comment from the other hospital staff, amazed by Fenrir's sheer survivability, with even the sharpest scalpels struggling to penetrate his skin (not a plot hole, the attackers knife grew with such speed that it cut through easily on entry, but couldn't cut on the way out, hence the reason it pulled out such a massive chunk of flesh.) I remembered when he had offhandedly commented about infusing graphene, metal, and numerous more reinforcements into almost every part of his body, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
One nurse spoke out in disbelief wondering how he had survived losing so much blood, when they had found him the bleeding was quite slow despite the severity of the wound, one of the emt's describing a translucent solid construct taking the place that once housed a one of his carotid arteries, they had disappeared upon his arrival in the hospital, the staff had panicked at first at the large amount of blood loss, his blood, a deep black ichor unlike that of a normal human's, making transfusion impossible, but somehow despite losing nearly 4 liters of blood, almost as much as most adults, but unlike the dead or dying cells they expected, it was as if the cells unable to be supplied with needed nutrients went into hibernation.
It took hours of intensive care, but the doctors quickly found themselves with much less work than anticipated, his injury healing at a remarkable rate, they ended up having to do little more than prevent any more blood loss until blood simply stopped flowing from the wound, as if the broken vessels had been shut off.
The police were still looking into what had happened, but little had been uncovered yet, it was after all, to early in the investigation.
It had been 3 days since the incident, and I found myself beside Fen, sleeping peacefully in his bed, by now his injury had completely healed, not even a scar left behind, as if he was never injured to begin with, yet he still had yet to wake up, But I had a suspicion as to why, so I wasn't that worried, he had told me once that using his powers to much could damage his soul, and that it took a long time to heal such damage, I believed this to be the case because the police had recently found some cctv footage from the incident, the criminal seemingly dumb enough not to find a place without camera's to commit his crime. (again, not a plot hole, the mc was still looking for a place to teleport when the scene happened, he was not going to teleport in view of a camera.)
I, along with Fen's parents, had been called to the local police station to see the footage, we were told that it had some important information for us.
We watched everything play out, the footage only starting upon Fen's arrival, I felt bile rising in my throat as I saw the woman's corpse, although blurred, it was easy to tell how terrible it looked, and from the way the criminal was adjusting his pants hidden behind a dumpster, I nearly retched thinking about what might have been happening prior.
I watched as Fen stopped, standing still, as he stared at the corpse, the others may have thought his lack of reaction to be shock, I knew that was part of it, but it was mostly his lack of care for the poor woman, although I did see the pity he held for her in the slight lowering of his tail, I watched as the criminal rushed out, easily caught by Fen, we watched as he held the criminal in place, staring blankly into the mans eyes.
I wondered how he could have possibly been injured when he so obviously had the upper hand, when suddenly the criminal pulled out another knife, missing a few times, the blade far to short to reach fen, when suddenly, during one of the swings, one moment it was its original size, and the next it was in Fen's neck, ripping his throat open, and spilling his precious blood across the street, anger rose in me, and I felt the plastic seat crumble beneath my fingers, one of the police officers tried to pat me on the back in an effort to comfort me, before stumbling backwards as I shot him a glare, he simply walked to the other side of the room.
Returning my focus to the recording, I saw the man preparing to stab Fenrir in the chest, my hatred for the man only continuing to grow, as I promised him a long and painful death within my mind, when suddenly the screen froze, I, along with Fen's parents stared at the head officer in confusion, but he merely motioned for us to look back at the screen, confused, I returned my gaze to the screen, still showing the last frame, the criminal, frozen mid action, as he tried to stab Fen, when suddenly time returned, bringing with it a blinding flash, as everything within 5 meters of Fen simply ceased to exist, and everything beyond suffered from extreme damage, before the footage finally stopped, the camera likely destroyed in the ensuing chaos.
(an, How's everyones days been, mine sucked, procrastination is a bitch, its entirely my fault yes but the last two days I had to complete 3 essays, 2 labs, 5 assignments, help organize a school event, do community service, and more minor things I dont want to go into detail about, so I had a lot to do, add on my incredible lack of self control and even after finishing all my shit I wasn't able to fall asleep untill 2 am last night, so yeah, the last two days have been a pain, anyway here's a chapter, I feel bad having not updated any of my other stories for a while, but I'm a busy person, and its not like I'm making money doing this, so I'm not really obligated to do anything, anyway I know some people don't like chapters from other perspectives, especially when its just their reactions to events that have already happened, but I personally like them, and I only write because I want to write something I enjoy, so if you don't like it, sucks to suck, its my story, now I should probably go to bed now, it would be the healthy choice, but I'll probably just read for a few hours and leave the consequences for tomorrow me, fuck that guy, he's an asshole.)