
Unfiltered In MHA

got the image off of Pinterest free, didn't have any credits on it, if its yours and you want me to take it down just tell me. As a young child Sebastian developed savant syndrome in the field of physics and mathematics as a result of a fall off of a building while playing, this came at the unfortunate cost of a slow and permanent necrosis of some parts of his brain, beginning with his short term memory and advancing to his fine motor functions and emotions, eventually losing all ability to feel emotions at all, as well as some of his processing abilities, and now as an adult he begins to find himself with more extreme symptoms, periodic temporary amnesia, and an inability to process basic things, getting diagnosed by a doctor he finally becomes aware of the extent of the damage to his brain, and understanding that he only has so long to live, and will likely soon lose all higher brain function, decides to end his life early, now he finds himself in the world of an anime, one he had never watched himself, and only knew of from passing mention and memes. And with the ability to see reality in its raw form instead of the color and sound he is used to, as well as spatiokinesis, energy manipulation, and telekinesis, watch as he slowly rediscovers what it is like to feel.

kokishorttail · Anime & Truyện tranh
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25 Chs

Chapter 1

I awake to a strange sensation, as my mind fills with unfamiliar information. I "hear," for lack of a better word, movement around me, information on the frequencies of movement traveling through the world around me, as my mind struggles to decipher their meanings, beyond that my mind is filled with the raw information of my tactile senses, the relative kinetic energy of particles in contact with my skin, as well as the molecular movement that is the true form of temperature. And its form.

  and while my mind struggles to pin meaning on the raw information I find myself presented with, I can at least tell from a basic standpoint that I find myself suspended in a liquid of some sort, the way it flows around my body outlying the possibility of a solid, and the viscosity and resistance removing the possibility of a gas, outside of that, the sole fact I am still alive means I am not in plasma.

My mind is similarly assaulted by wavelengths of light, but unlike the other sensations, my mind is instantly able to assign meaning to them, see in my past life I may not have studied exactly what vibrations correlated to what sound, although I did learn the difference in decibels, but I had learned the exact wavelengths that correspond to what, and as such I was able to easily notice that I was in a location primarily dominated by red light within the visible frequency. But I do find it odd that I can similarly pick up information on photons traveling well outside of the visible spectrum for humans.

A large headache begins to demand my attention, and in an attempt to distract myself from the pain I decide to organize my disjointed memories.

I begin from the most important step, establishing my identity to prevent a possible slip in my personality, my previous life's struggle with amnesia proving a blessing for once. And yes, I say previous life with certainty, after all, before I awoke here my last memory was of my death.

'My name was Sebastian, and when I died I was a 20 year old student, studying Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. I was born March 22nd 2003, to a family of 3, four should I include myself. But my parents had divorced less than 8 months after my birth. From then on I spent the next decade of my life bouncing between houses.'

'Back when I was six an event that would later come to define my life occurred. It was a summer day, and me and my sister, mother, and grandmother, were staying on a small Island in greece where my grandmother owned a house, not because we were rich, but because my grandmothers family was originally from the island, and her grandfather had built the house himself, but that is unimportant.

  It happened when I was climbing the stairs, the house had an open staircase set inside an open air section of the house. And while climbing the stairs, in my childish boredom I decided to bounce myself between the wall and the handrails, eventually managing to somehow trip over said handrails. Falling 10 meters to the floor. Miraculously I survived with little more than a few bone fractures, and a concussion, the root of my later issues.

See as a result of said concussion I had developed savant syndrome, a rare syndrome developed by some patients after a brain injury, leading to an unnatural aptitude in a certain subject, for me it was science, but the change was not extreme at first, and as such it was never discovered that I had savant syndrome.

The problems began when years after the incident I began to experience difficulties with my short term memory, but it was little cause for concern at the time, so I never looked into it, and symptoms continued to progress. I soon found myself with difficulties when It came to my fine motor control. 

Then alongside a further degradation of my memories, I began to lose some of my processing capabilities, finding myself always making obvious mistakes, forgetting to carry the negative, adding or subtracting the wrong number, simple mistakes, but big enough to throw off an equation. But this was not limited solely to math.

Then It finally took my emotions, beginning with a slow dulling of my emotions, similar to symptoms of depression, something I had long suffered from, and as such thought nothing of, but eventually I found myself incapable of feeling anything.

It was then that I decided to get an in depth diagnosis, I went through many doctors, many incapable of diagnosing me. Many simply told me it was a mental illness, but I was not satisfied with anything less than a full diagnosis, eventually culminating in the discovery that my brain was very slowly dying, an MRI scan showing portions of brain tissue completely lifeless, follow up examinations showed the condition to be spreading, likely the cause of my continued degradation.

At the time of my diagnosis I was only 18, at the time, I had already lost contact with my friends and family, estranged by my emotionless nature, after months of lessening contact due to me living at a boarding school, they eventually stopped contacting me all together, but my damaged emotions made me incapable of caring.

2 years after my diagnosis, I was now 20, and my symptoms had begun to lose more and more function. I would periodically find myself blanking, only to wake up again hours later, unaware of how I got there, or what I had been doing. Similar to the effects you experience after taking anesthesia for surgery. I also found my ability to live my life degrading, my memories reached a point where at some moments I would forget things mid thought, and my motor controls degradation further.

The doctors told me I had a year at most before I became completely braindead. And unwilling to lose my Independence, I decided to kill myself before then, It took little planning, I simply traveled to california, intending to explore my hometown one last time, during the plane ride I once again lost myself, waking once again to the sensation of freefall, I felt the cold night air rushing along my skin, as I looked out over the churning water of the bay, the golden gate bridge, my chosen suicide spot, standing tall behind me, the imposing structure shining in the moonlight, and while I regretted not remembering my last trip to my hometown, I was in the end thankful, thankful that I did not have to deal with the possibility of losing my determination right as I prepared to jump, and I felt a calm pass through me, as I closed my eyes and waited.


I felt my bones snap, bent at odd angles, the collision from such a high drop similar to landing on concrete, my mind is hazy, evidently suffering a concussion, ironic considering such an injury is what brought me to this in the first place. As my crumpled body sank into the depths of the bay, the murky water infiltrated my body as my lungs, independent of my will, attempted to fill themselves, the impact having knocked the air from my lungs.

But the pain is negligible, my damaged mind, already struggling with the concept, further mitigated as adrenaline fills my system, and as I sink, my mind slowly fades to black, as the last of the oxygen in my cells is consumed.'

But now my conscious has returned, my first theory being that this was a hallucination created by my dying brain, was quickly dashed, I was far to lucid for that, and my brooding was quickly interrupted as light flooded my senses, far more than the dim red I had adapted to, I feel my headache return as my mind is assaulted by information. Light, movement, and noise. But the noises in the air are strange, no longer is it the rhythmic pulses of vibration, but a cacophony of strange, varying frequencies, similar to speech, and I realize that I have just been reborn.

(3rd pov)

In a hospital room in Japan, a doctor operates on a sleeping woman, her stomach distended in an obvious pregnancy. The doctor works with quick practiced motions, carefully cutting open the woman's abdomen, avoiding blood vessels, nerves, arteries, muscle, and organs, as he cuts open the womens womb, a normal C section, a common medical practice used to birth babies, by removing the child directly from the womb many birth complications can be prevented, and as such, It has been a popular choice when giving birth for centuries.

Carefully cutting through layers of flesh, the doctor pulls out the child, still held within the amniotic sack, the doctor carefully cuts an opening in said sack, removing the child. The timing had been perfect, the child was fully developed, and required no incubation or specialized equipment, its size and weight healthy, the doctor passed the child off to an assistant, who quickly placed said child in a sterilized cart to be taken care of until the mother awoke.

The doctor then returned to the women, working backwards as they closed the wound, until the only evidence of the procedure was a red line along the woman's stomach, crisscrossed with biodegrading stitches, the doctor left the operating room, having other patients to take care of.