
Chapter 1: The day everything broke loose

"Will you stop looking at her and go talk to her?"

Mine asked in a friendly manner. Yuuta looked up at Mine with a serious look. "Why won't you just say something?"

Mine asked on the brink of breaking a whisper. "Ever since your mom and dad-"

Yuuta stopped her right there. "Don't even-" Yuuta was interrupted by a shout. "Get your assover here!" Calib shouted with a tremble.

"Why the fuck were you looking at Taiga?"

"You know that she isn't your type!"

Taiga (the young woman that Yuuta adores) looked back with fright.

"Stop it, you know I hate you!" "You just-won't-stop!"

Just as Taiga shouts these phrases, and a fight is about to break out, the teacher barges back into the classroom.

The 6-foot 7 man (whom of which is very intimidating) who has good looks and the body shape to be a professional athlete and a pro bodybuilder captures all eye and attention.

"Hey, what the heck is going on here?"

He shouted. "Hey, Mr. Bullock," Calib says to try to charm his way out of the situation. "Me and um my buddy Yuuta here were disagreeing."

"Oh?" "The kid who never talks, has straight A's, and has the looks to be a harem king had a "disagreement"?"

Mr. Bullock says with a grin. Breaking all silence, armed men with black masks covering their whole face barge in and start storming the class.

The whole class was filled with shouting, running, and the actions of the armed men knocking out squirming 17-year Olds in the attempt to restrain the class and get their attention. Yuuta and his best friend Mine were just standing in the middle of the mess, wondering what could have been in this world of wonder. "Hey!" Mine screamed as she was pulled by a soldier.

"Why did you-" Yuuta was suddenly pulled with such force, that one could confuse the force with one of a large gun's withdrawal. The teens were forcefully escorted out in the hallway, when Yuuta looked to his side, seeing all of the students also lined up and silently crying at gunpoint, saying things like "I am too young to die!" and, "I don't want to die; I have so much to live for, don't I ?".

Yuuta had nothing but the ripped grey hoodie he had on and his burned jeans. He had no family to live with. He had little food to eat. He practically lives behind the school and must commit crimes every week just to get something to eat.

To him, his life is over. The only reason he goes to school is to get an opportunity to get a job. But the only thing that kept him going for the past 8 months is Taiga. And it was not her looks. It was her personality and the persona she gave off when Yuuta was in her presence.

Yuuta was initially saved by the elegant young lady. On November 20, 2034 (8 months and 2 days ago).

Yuuta was standing on the side of a 350 ft. tall bridge, and he was ready to jump. But right before he could do the worst imagined, he heard a faint shout. "Wait!" shouted a jogger.

"Please don't do it!"

"I will help you!" This jogger was later shown by Yuuta as Taiga from his homeroom, math, and business economics classes. But the only reason he stopped was because of her tone and voice.

It was soft and meaningful, not fake. Many other people tell him that he will be "okay" and "everything will be alright". But they do not have any evidence.

"The world is a beautiful place," Taiga says while on the brink of crying. "You just need the right people to make it one."

"And I won't say you have a lot to live for, because whether or not you choose to use the gift of life for good or for bad, that is always your choice "And with those exact words, Yuuta has been trying. But with every opportunity to get people to like him, or to talk to him at the least, he fails. Only his good friend Mine understands his pain.

8 months from the present time, his parents died in a suspicious "freak" accident.

Yuuta's parents were his world. His mother is so sweet, loving, and caring. His father is so funny, understanding, and wise. They taught him everything they knew. But they did not pass in vain.

They were scientists, and they were in the middle of an experiment when the lab suddenly caught fire, and an earthquake happened, then a tsunami/flood, and then poisonous vines grew everywhere around and, in the lab, with shrub and bush growing everywhere. Then lightning, and hard acid rain. Not just any acidic rain, but the one you would see in outdated comics from the 1990's and the clichés that you'd see in the early 2030's.

It was hard on Yuuta. Not knowing what happened to his parents in there, and not knowing if he would ever find out what occurred in that smooth marble and granite lab with expensive equipment and nostalgic rooms with lights that buzzed like bees. Good memories; sometimes bad, but mostly good.



Yuuta snapped out of his daydream trance. Somehow Yuuta was spaced out with the noise of the crying, pleading, gunshots, and the oh, so sweet cursing.

'How is it already dark outside?'

Yuuta thought clenching his fists.

'I could run since I am the fastest guy I know, but then again, I could get shot, and I do not know many people. But I am smart, aren't I?'

Yuuta kept thinking about what he should do next without acting.

5 long minutes later, everybody reached the gymnasium. Just then, a general in full black, with a white mask started talking, or more like yelling.

"Listen up!" He yelled. "A nuclear bomb is about to drop down in the area, destroying the world in about 10 minutes."

His voice getting softer and lower, he sounded on the brink of crying.

"We will choose a few of you to live with or not. We will inject you with a special serum that allows you to survive in the wasteland that will become of the earth in mere minutes."

"I am getting old, and so is my military crew."

"But with this serum, you live for thousands of years."

"I will choose a few of you teenagers to repopulate this world." He went on, "There are a thousand of these serums scattered around the world." The general speaks like a country leader, now, still on the edge of crying.

"Many other military groups in other areas are choosing students as well, so you won't be alone." "I need to execute most of you." "For that I am sorry, but it is because we only have about 10 of the serums on us."

"Our supply got destroyed by those-"

There was a 30-second pause.

"Those creatures- we need you chosen 10 to destroy using the power within these serums."

Then, Yuuta raised his voice.

"What if you don't want to live for thousands of years? And don't say we don't have a choice because you know you do."

The silence broke as Yuuta made a cowardly move.

"Responsibility and the weight of the world rests on us."

"And you want me to believe that you choose?"

The general clicked his tongue and chuckled as he started talking.

"I like this one." "He's full of fire and has a dead expression in his eyes." "I can tell he wants us to shoot him, but we won't let him go off that easy, won't we?" The general expressed with a dead tone.

There was a small pause.

"Darn you" Yuuta whispered.