
Permission to drink

While Yue Ling and Lu Tian board the plane, the air didn't feel the same back at their home. What should have been usually quiet was now bumping with loud music like the party of the century was happening.

Xu Long had showered and changed into a simple white long sleeve and black joggers as he stood in the kitchen. He pops open one of his boss's bottle of red wine and pours himself a glass. As he did so, his head did not forget to move in rhythm with the music echoed throughout the house.

"Wow, you really have a death wish, huh?"

Lin Hui's voice sounds from behind as he enters the kitchen and sees the scene in front of him. He wore a black t-shirt with De L'amour's white logo on the front and grey lounge pants. His usually nicely kept hair was now slightly damp with a few waves.