

_XiaoNuray99_ · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
5 Chs

chapter 1

"Did you know a girl was killed again yesterday?" "Yeah, saw that in the news." "I'm not even surprised as this keeps happening now frequently."

"Like the other kills, she had claw marks on her neck." "Woah, could that be a werewolf?"

Your classmates are all busy gossipping and you're waiting for your friends to arrive. Another girl was killed yesterday.

"Good morning, y/n." Khai takes her seat beside you. She settles her things before looking at you. "Did you hear the news?" She asks with excitement.

"Yeah, I heard it. Everyone's talking about it." You can't help but eye her wierdly when she squeals with a happy face. "I'm so excited." She joins her hands and smiles widely towards the air.

"Excited about what? To die next?" You say making her glare at you. "What're you talking about? Anyways you're right though, I may die looking at his handsome face." She goes back to squealing. You shout at her, "Who is he? Do you know who's the killer? He's 'he'?"

Khai facepalms at your remark, "I was not talking about that incident.

Today there'll be new transfer students coming here. And when I say students, there are many. Like 10 and more I assume. I had told you about my childhood friend, right?"

"more like lover?" You laugh when she gets flustered. She clears her throat before speaking again, "He's one of the transfers. He called me yesterday. And I can't wait to see him." You smile at her happy face. Cute.

And just as Khai said some of the transfers joined our class. The regular classes continue. Khai is sulking at how her friend didn't get to join our class.

*Lunch time

You sit alone on the cafeteria as Khai runs to her friend who's standing at the door. She escorts the 7 boys towards the table you're sitting at. They're handsome.

"Guys, this is y/n, my friend." Khai takes a seat across you and you smile at them. Your breath hitches when two guys sit next to you. They introduce themselves.

Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook were their names.

Taehyung was the boy about whom Khai keeps on talking about and they're talking to each other now too. She's so happy.

"y/n? Can you tell me where I can find water?" Hoseok speaks with worried tone. You stand from your seat and inform him that you'll be bringing it from the counter.

As you make your way to the said place, you bump into someone,"I'm so sorry." You quickly bow towards the boy. He smiles creepily before extending his hand towards me, "Hi, I'm Samuel. Call me Sam." He winks at you and you quickly excuse yourself before getting water from the counter.

"Do you know him?" Jimin speaks as soon as you reach the table. "Him? Who?" You ask confused as his voice sounded so stern. "Samuel" You shake your head, "Just bumped into him. And he introduced himself. He was too nice to be normal, tbh."

After lunch, you excuse yourself to go to the restroom. After you finish your business you head out to see a girl in front of you. "Can you like move? You're blocking my--" She cut you off by pushing you hard on your shoulders. You yelp when your butt meets the floor.

"Stay away from my man." She smirks and you roll your eyes. "Which man? What man are you talking about?" You stand on your feet and glare at her. "Do you own him?"

She falls silent and you lean towards her right side to leave, "Thought so." But she pulls you again and slap your left cheek. That was too powerful and you know what she exactly was.

You look at her to say something but she beats you to it. "Stay away from Samuel." She raises her hand to slap again but you smile when he catches her hand from the back. Jungkook.

"What do you think you're doing?" He literally growls and the girl yanks her hand back before running off to somewhere. Jungkook comes to you and you see that his eyes are changing colour. You immediately put your hand on his eyes as a girl passes by.

"What?" He says before removing your hand away. You giggle when he pouts, "Your eye colour was changing." Just as you say that Jungkook widens his eyes and you smile at him, "Don't worry. I know what you are and I'll keep it secret." He smiles back and asks you to return to the cafeteria.

"wait." You stop as he says so and you look at him. He takes something from his pocket and looks at you. "You're bleeding. She hit you real hard, Huh?" He applies the aid on the corner of your lip while you look anywhere but him and it doesn't go unnoticed by him, "Are you shy?" You quickly look at him and bit your lips thinking what you should say next.

"I'm not." You curse yourself internally when your voice comes out like a quack from a shocked duck. He chuckles before leading you to the cafeteria again.


It has been some weeks now and you were currently walking alongside Khai and Taehyung. They're a couple now. So, literally your single ass was in your own world.

"Hey, y/n." Samuel approaches you as usual. And you internally roll your eyes but fake your smile at him. "Yes, Samuel. Do you need anything?" Khai and Taehyung stop and look at you both. Samuel looks at them and you again before saying, "Can I talk to you alone? I need to tell something."

You glance at Khai and nod as she takes Taehyung away with her. You clear your throat, "What do you need to tell me?" He smiles, "Well... I've been trying to say you this since the first time I saw you, y/n." He looks at you with that so-irritating smile. You hum as a response signaling him to continue his talk and he adds, "y/n, Can you be my girlfriend?"

You act surprised and look at him. 'I knew your instincts already. I'm reincarnation of Sherlock, boy.' "But Samuel. I'm sorry. I.... I-" You bite your bottom lip when you run out of excuses.

"you know? I can make you so happy. I'll never hurt you and I'll never make you regret your decision of choosing me." He walks a step towards you. You panic, "No. I'm not ready to have a relationship yet. Please understand. And I can say that you'll find a better girl than me." You back away due to your closeness.

However he gets a grasp of your arms and yanks you closer to him. "I'm really serious. I won't let you go now."

You squirm to get out of his grasp. You're annoyed at him and let's not forget scared. "Samuel! Let me go." You glare at him.

He smirks and whispers on your ear, "I told you that I won't let you go." You try to scream but stop when he gets pushed away.

"DON'T YOU DARE!!" Jungkook walks to you and grabs your wrist dragging you away. You just stare at his back profile and smile at his actions. You can feel your heart thumping.

As he reaches a distance away form Samuel, he turns to look at you and you quickly remove your creepy smile. "Are you alright? He didn't do anything, did he?" You shake your head and smile at him.

"you...you just came in time. Thank you, Jungkook." He returns you a smile, "Shall we go to our class now?" You nod with your still thumping heart.

As soon as the school ends, you and Khai walk to a cafe near the school. You tell her the incident with Samuel and she literally chokes on her latte. "WHATT!! HE DID THAT? THAT SICK BAS--" You quickly cover her mouth noticing the people looking at both of you wierdly. "Do you want people to kill us because we're loud?" You whisper and slowly take your hand back. She rolls her eyes, "I'm worried, okay? I knew that leaving you'd turn out bad."

"It's okay, our wolf friends are there to save us. Well, your boyfriend specifically." You smirk and she tries to hold her smile. Failing to do so she cover her face. "Cute? Nah! She's dramatic."

"Well, don't you think it's unusual that the kills are suddenly on a halt? I mean there is no sign of the killer or anything and--" She hits your arm to stop you from talking furthermore.

You pout at her sudden hit. "Won't you be glad that there's no kill for now? Do you want someone to die again??" She scolds you and you look at her defeated. "I didn't mean that. What I meant was there's no trace of the killer, okay?? And I don't want any girl to die again!!"

"I just hope Taehyung with his friends will find the werewolf as fast as possible." She glances at me and takes a sip of her latte.

"Same. But you know? I want to see Jungkook's wolf form so bad." You blurt out that unconsciously and Khai chokes on her drink again.