
Unexpected Love Blooms

In the largest forest of the world called Almanzon, there lived a community of werewolves. For a long time, they successfully hide from human beings since the forest is prohibited to human. One day, Enasha, one of werewolves villagers (female lead) went out to get food and herbal medicine since her mother was sick. But she lost her way and end up in a water falls. She was amazed by the moon's reflection in the water and taught it was the real thing. She jump in the water and end up drowning. Luckily Nicholie, from the City of human (male lead), was near the area and jump off the water to save her. Nicholie brought Enasha out of the water. He distance himself and about to leave. He turned around to see if Enasha can manage herself. Enasha look towards Nicholie and bow her head. Nicholie bow his head too and runs back to their camp site, while Enasha find her way back to their village and went home safely. Enasha promised herself to find the guy who save her and pay him back. After a year, Enasha turned 18. In their tradition, you're allowed to go out from the village if you turned 18. They did some ritual and ceremony to give them protection and blessing. The next day after the ceremony, Enasha started looking for the guy who saved her. After a month of searching, they luckily meet each other when Enasha was roaming around the City. When Enasha already know where Nicholie lived, she applied to be a house keeper in his unit. Every after Enasha's shift, she always left food and note with message to Nicholie. Nicholie always check his cctv from the first time Enasha left food. And apparently he feel inlove to Enasha's sweet gesture. Nicholie wanted to meet Enasha. But she always leave earlier before he arrived at his unit. While on weekend, she has always no schedule. One day, while Enasha is cleaning, she accidentally closed the door. The units door is already high tech. Unfortunately Enasha trapped inside. She has no choice but to wait for Nicholie to come home. She just finished everything and wait. Later on, Nicholie open the door and his eyes widened upon seeing Enasha sleeping. Suddenly Enasha wake up and stand up right away. When Enasha is about to go, Nicholie hold his hand and tell her how he felt. Enasha felt happiness when she hears it and tells Nicholie her feelings too. They hug each other and Enasha bid goodbye. She hurriedly went back to forest before it gets dark. Enasha and Nicholie's relationship keeps stronger each day. But Nicholie felt that Enasha was mysterious because she went home early. And she doesn't want Nicholie to meet her parent's. One day when Enasha went home, Nicholie follows her secretly. Nicholie was shocked when Enasha entered the Almanzon forest. He kept following Enasha. Then suddenly she stop infront of a big tree. Enasha walk again towards the back of the tree. Nicholie was surprised seeing a community in the middle of the forest. Enasha was surprised uppon seeing him behind. Enasha ask Nicholie to go back home before it gets dark but he refuses. Suddenly the sun sets already and the villagers started to transform. Nicholie was shocked and got afraid, so he fainted. Enasha brought him home. When Nicholie wakes up, he still afraid of seeing wolf. Enasha explained to her everything. She also tell him that he once saved her life before. Nicholie understand everything and accept Enasha heartfuly. Enasha introduce Nicholie to her family and to all villagers. Nicholie also introduce her to his family and friends. Their relationship went well through the year. One day, the villagers got captured by Armies. Luckily Enasha was with Nicholie. They keep searching for the wolves and finally they rescued them from the scientist club. Because of the incident, The werewolves decided to put a barrier so that no one can get in and out from the village. Enasha and Nicholie decided to part ways to keep everyone safe. From then, they didn't keep in touch with each other.

Yhengsky · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

The invisible village

It was already morning when most of the villagers gain their consciousness. Enasha and Agatha started to wakes up too.

"It's already morning. What happened mom?" (Enasha ask to her mom)

"I think we pass out from releasing our energy." (Agatha replied)

"That's why I feel tired. But mom, the sun is already shinning but your ears, paws and tail are still visible." (Enasha ask shockingly)

"You too Enasha, And I think all of us." (Agatha said while looking around.)

"Mom, what is the meaning of this?" (Enasha ask in irritated voice)

"We will wait for Nano to wake up and hear what he will say." (Agatha calmly reply)

Everyone was shock to their human and wolf mix form that is why the Standrium is noisy.

Later on, Nano ascend to the stage weakly and also in mix form. Everyone shut their mouth as they saw Nano. waiting to what he will say.

"Everyone. I would like to inform you that the ritual is a success. now, the village is invisible from the outside. Which means, even the human keep entering the forest, they will never have the chance to locate our village." (Nano explained)

The villagers clap and are happy for the result.

"But, as you can see, the exchange of what we did is our appearance." (Nano said)

"That's what I am about to ask Nano. how can we go to the City with these form? Is this permanent?" (Someone from the villagers)

"Amh that, for the mean time, we must stay inside our village. We will stay in these form morning and night. We cannot let human see this form of us, it is dangerous for us. And this is not permanent, we will go back to what we are on the next full moon. At that time, I will regain my power and I can already create a portal in order for us to come in and out of the village without ruining the shield." (Nano explained).

"But the full moon is next year! We will wait that long?" (One of the villagers)

"Yes. And we have nothing to do about that. We need to wait. We can go back to our homes now. (Nano reply)

The Standrium is in great noise from villagers complain after Nano's last statement. Later on, the villagers leave the Standrium one by one including Enasha and her mom. Enasha's dad and his men remain at the Standrium to clean the area.

While walking home, Enasha talk to her mom.

"Mom, when is the next full moon?" (Enasha ask her mom.)

"It's on 15th of October Enasha." (Agatha replied)

"It's 10 months from now! That long?"

"Yes, we just need to wait."

"But mom, how can we do household chores with these paws?"

"We need to adjust and get use to it for the mean time. As Nano said, we have nothing to do about this."

"Gosh! It's really irritating. And how about those who has activities in the City?"

"Well, they need to stop attending for the mean time. They can't also pass through the shield without portal."

"I'm sad for them, this is so sudden. For sure they didn't say their farewell to their friends in the City."

"That's for sure. I think Nano purposely did not tell anyone the outcome of the ritual, for sure no one will help."

"I think too mom."

"Let's hurry home Enasha."

Enasha and Agatha walk faster into their house. When they arrived, all their furnitures and things inside are in mess.

"Gosh what happened here? I clearly remember that we cleaned out house before leaving." (Enasha said angrily)

"I think it's the effect of the shield. We'll just clean it." (Agatha said)

"But mom, can we do it later, I'm still so tired and weak."

"Yes sure, we need to rest first. Go to your room now. I'll just take a nap in my room."

"Ok mom. I'll do the same."

Enasha and her mom went to their rooms and take some rest. On the other hand, their neighbors house are in great noise due to the mess brought by the ritual.

It was already afternoon when Enasha woke up. She felt her stomach rumbling. She went off the bed and walk towards her bedroom door. When she open the door she saw her mom start cleaning the mess.

"Mom, why you did not wake me up? I told you we will do it together."

"Nah, It's an hour after I woke up. And there are still lot of mess. I already cook food to eat. We will do the cleaning after we eat. Ok?"

"Ok mom. But, how about dad? We will not wait for him?"

"Oh, your dad just left. He said they already eat at the Standrium after tidying the place."

"Ah I see. Dad is very busy this days. We seldom spend time with him."

"That's we must expect from him since he is the village master."

"Your right mom."

"Sit down now, and le's eat our food before it gets cold."

Enasha and her mom silently eat lunch together. After eating, Enasha wash the dishes while her mom sits on their living room drinking tea.

"Gosh! This paws irritates me. I can't handle the dishes well. It makes everything Im doing slower."(Enasha talk to herself in dismay)

"Enasha, you can take your time washing the dishes. It takes time to adjust to new appearance. (Agatha replied in soft voice since she heard what Enasha said.)

"Ok mom."

After a while Enasha finished washing the dishes. She went to the living room where her mom sits.

"I'm done mom."

"Oh, that's good."

"I thought I will broke all our dishes since it always slip in my paws."

"But you didn't. You did a great job."

"Yes mom. I am so great. Anyway, what are we going to do next?"

"Hmmm. We will start putting back the things that scattered on the floor."

"Alright mom, let's start!"

Enasha and Agatha cleaned their home all day long. After some hour, they manage to put everything back and tidy up their house. And, since, meal time is just an hour, the two start cooking for their supper.

Later on, Enasha's dad arrived.

"I'm home!"


Enasha run towards her dad and give him a hug. Agatha also get near to get his baggage and give him a peck on his checks.

"Are you hungry already?" (Agatha ask)

"Nah, I can still manage." (Vristan reply)

"Do not worry dad, the food is about to cook soon, you can relax in the living room while waiting. (Enasha excitedly said.)

"Alright. I can smell it already, it smells delicious. Now I get hungry because of the smell."(Vristan said then laugh)

"It's done so soon. I'll leave the two of you first and finish cooking our food."

"Ok honey."

Agatha left Enasha and Vristan in the living room and went back in the kitchen to finish cooking.

"Dad, what will happen to us while we are in such kind of form?"(Enasha ask Vristan)

"All I know is we need to stay in our village because it was very dangerous if human finds about our existence. They have such weapon that can kill us immediately even we regain our werewolf powers."

"But how about the upcoming ritual? it was scheduled 3 months before the full moon. Do we need to postpone it.?"

"Yes Enasha. Nano said we will reschedule the ritual the next day after the full moon."

"Hmm, how unlucky I was. I'm looking forward to going to the city so soon, but I still need to add 3 more months."

"Well, this happens for a reason."

"Enasha! Honey! Dinners ready!" (Agatha shouted from the kitchen.)

"We're coming!(Enasha and Vristan said in duet)

I just want to say thank you for those who keep reading my creation. I hope you are entertained.

Thank you for the support.

Yhengskycreators' thoughts