
Unexpected Fate.

Being the youngest of the family Hiya is doted on by her parents and brother. Hiya thought her life is perfect this time. She wants nothing but a simple and peaceful life. But fate always works on a mysterious way. Hiya never knew fate would give her a surprise that nobody has ever imagined in their wildest dream. Ishid is an eighteen year old werewolf who is yet find his mate. He thought once he find his mate his curse of being jealous of lovey dovey mated couples going to end. Only after finding his mate Ishid realized what kind of sweet torture is waiting for him.

rinee98 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 4

Three month went by like blink of eyes, Ronen family is having a good time in Green city. Javed had already completed his high school in River city with excellent score which made it easy of him get admitted in Angel University which is one of the best university in the western continent. The best thing is Angle University is in Green City which means he can come back to home whenever he wants. Javed chose to study medicine just like his father. He wants be a great doctor to make his parents and little sister proud. Javed has seen how much his little sister admire their father. He wants to see the same admiration in his sister's eyes for him but he is never going confess this because this going expose his jealousy toward his father who is admired by his little sister.

Javed planned to get admitted into Angel University even before they planned to move in Green city. So, Ronen couple was mostly worried about their daughter who is in eighth grade which is last year of middle school. They were afraid that it might be difficult for Hiya to get admission in any good school in such a short time. Fortunately, Hiya's grade has always been good. She was straight A student and on top of that she was three years ahead of her peers which made it easy for her get into the best school in Green city Mountain Blue Academy.

When Hiya started to attend her new school everyone in her class was shocked to see that their new classmate was just a small kid. Of course most of the students were not convinced to see that a kid who three years younger than them can attend same classes with them. What's more outrageous is that the kid was being praised for being better than them. Some of them who was previously teacher's favorite became angry and challenged her. Of course, Hiya crushed them with her amazing grade and high IQ. Everybody felt Hiya was amazing when she defeated the top students of her class even though she was three years younger than them. Hiya does not think that she was amazing because she thinks she could defeat them since she had high IQ which she inherited from her parents and she could handle situations better due her memories from her previous life. 'I have the advantages that other children don't. So there is no need to be happy about this competition. I still need to work hard, talents makes things easier but only hard work brings success.' that's what Hiya thought when she won against her classmates.

After that incident everyone accepted her in the class she even gained some new friends. Among them Nathan and Natali are twins and they are werewolves. Since half of Green City is under Blue Moon Pack werewolves are majority here. Nathan and Natali are members of Blue Moon Pack. Nila is a human with werebear genes. So she is very tall and has some strong muscles. Her metabolism is terrifying and has a huge appetite. Although Hiya also have fast metabolism that does not allow her to be fat no matter how much she eats. Still she was surprised to see Nila's appetite. She has never seen a human to eat this much. It was actually normal that Hiya was surprised. Werebears are rare and a human with were-bear gene is even rarer. Nila's father is a werebear and mother is pure human and they are not mates. They married for love which is not seen in were-people. Were-people have soulmates and they love their soulmates. Nila's father also had werebear mate who died early. Nila has a half werebear brother who is old enough to become her father and has a child older than her. 'Such a complicated family' Hiya thought when she heard about her family history.

Felomina is a fae. Felomina has beautiful purple wings which are mesmerizing but she hides them in school since it is forbidden to sift inside the school. Felomina showed them to Hiya secretly just once.

Recently, she is feeling weird she can't describe what she was feeling. Something like combination of longing, expectation and disappointment. She does not understand why she is feeling like this, what she is longing for and what she is expecting? She is confused and frustrated with this unknown phenomenon. If her aunt was here she probably could tell what Hiya is feeling after all she also once has gone through the same thing.

With burden of overwhelming feelings that she doesn't even understand she finished her morning classes then went to cafeteria to have her lunch. She bought her lunch and went to her friends and she witnessed an amusing scene after reaching their table . Actually it was nothing much Natali was being proposed by a boy. The poor boy was rejected by Natali and the reason is she wants to wait for her mate. Natali is a beautiful and kind girl. So, it's only natural that many people would like Natali and as for Hiya although she looks adorable she is just ten which means too young to date. No one wants to be called pedophile by proposing her. Hiya sit beside Natali and asked her "Are you really not going to date anyone until you find your mate" Natali smiled softly "Since I already have destined mate why should I date others! It will bring unnecessary pain for both of us." Hiya nodded "You have a point" "When can you find your mate" she asked Natali "When we turn sixteen we can find our mates; I am thirteen now which means I have to wait three more years." just then Nathan came over to their table with a girl and introduced her to us as his new girlfriend. Natali looked at her brother and shook her head helplessly. Hiya noticed this Nila asked her "What happened" "nothing, its just dating someone who is not your mate can bring trouble" everyone understood what she meant.

Nathan despite of being Natali's twin does not share the same thoughts. He wants to date different girls before he meets his mate. According to him, after finding his mate he would have to be tied down for life. Which is he happy to do. But before that happens why can't he play around a bit. He is a famous playboy of their class who does not even spare seniors. At least he never disrespect girls so he is not a total lost case. "I feel pity for his future mate who would be mated to a boy with a lot of romantic debts" just as Hiya muttered Nathan looked her and growled "I heard that" "How could you be so mean to me?" Nathan whined. 'God! He is such a drama queen' Hiya thought "I am just telling the truth and truth is bitter but good for health" "You should be used to it" Hiya shrugged. "Don't despise me so much Hiya. Otherwise God might punish you to become my pitiful mate." Nathan said ambiguously. Hearing this Hiya shot him a disgusted look and Nila got up to pinch Nathan's ear and said "There is no way our cutie is going to be mated to a whiny kid like you." "Yeah, don't even think about it Nathan." Felomina also commented with mysterious smile. Nathan's face twisted with pain he still managed to say "How do you know?" Felomina, Nila and Natali shouted together "WE JUST KNOW". "OKAY FINE." "Nila release my ear, I was just joking" Nila released his ear and shrugged. Nathan muttered about his ear being hurt and Natali said him "Serves you right" and hugged Hiya protectively. Hiya who was the center of the incident was amused her friends antic.

In the middle this, they completely forgot about a person who is now furiously glaring Hiya and Nathan furiously. The person is Nathan's new girlfriend whom he introduced to them earlier. 'How dare Nathan to talk about being mate with someone else in front of me. What's so good about that kid that Nathan wants her as his mate'. Although Nathan said he was joking about Hiya being mate but she didn't believe it. No werewolf would ever joke about their mate. In fact, others knew that too. They just decided to play dumb because nobody knows what will happen in future. Mates are decided by fate. It is not something that can be decided just because they want to; so somethings is better to keep unsaid.

Rest of the day was went as usual, after finishing her classes Hiya returned home. She greeted her mother went for shower. This has been her habit since her last life. After showering she moisturized her skin with moisturizer than get down stair. She took a packet of chips and started to watch animation movie. "Don't eat too much snacks. You still need to eat dinner" Nimfia said to Hiya. "Okay mom" Hiya replied.

Later at night the family was discussing about Hiya's eleventh birthday party. It was decided to keep it simple since Hiya is not a fan of big parties but later it became big. The culprit of this mess is Anurup and Javed Ronen. They kept bragging about Hiya to their colleagues and friends. Now everyone is curious about Hiya. Not just that Nimfia also invited a lot neighbors to show off her amazing daughter and Hiya's classmates are of course invited. 'Such a mess' Hiya thought. Everyone felt guilty but they don't regret it. Seeing her parents and brother's guilty expression Hiya softened her heart and said "It's good to have a big party. We are new here it's good to get along with everyone" her family sighed in relief they thought Hiya would be angry with them. Then they began discuss about the new plan; there are only three days left until Hiya's birthday they need organize everything fast. Javed suddenly remembered something and call for everyone's attention "Ishid Blac is coming to Hiya's birthday party" Hiya' parents were shocked but Hiya was puzzled by her parents reaction 'Who is Ishid Blac? And why is my heart racing after hearing this name' she can't explain what was she feeling now. "Is he Alpha Blac's youngest son? When did you two became friends? I didn't hear any of Blacs studying medicine." Anurup asked his son "He does not study medicine but we are roommates. He also studies in Angel University." "And he came to our house a few more times with me but none of you were at home you guys didn't saw him" "Javed you should have told us about this sooner" this time Nimfia spoke. "I am sorry, mom. I know should have told you earlier but I didn't get a chance" "Alright I hope you won't hide important issues like this in the future." "Green city is Alpha Blac's territory it good to be on better term with them. But we don't need to curry favor with them. We just need to be polite and respectful" Anurup said to his family. Javed and Hiya admired their father's vision.