

Two and a half years later.

Li mansion.

" Zian, Singtan get up and start getting ready." Ming shouted.

Lying on the bed, the father and son duo had their face covered under the blanket and had no intention of getting up.

Taking out their clothes from the closet, Ming placed it on the couch and shouted," I'll give you both ten minutes to get down from the bed and rush towards the washroom otherwise I'll leave both of you and stay at the Xie mansion forever." 

" I am up." Singtan said before getting down from the bed.

" Me too." Little Zian said before jumping on his father's back.

" Both of you washroom now." Ming said.

Piggybacking Zian, Singtan entered the washroom.

" We already getting late and-"

Cutting her off, Singtan said," Ming it's our private plane, you don't have to worry about getting late."