

Giving the employee a polite nod, Yushen said, "Good evening."

When Jennifer didn't take the cotton candy, Yushen asked, "What happened? You didn't like the flavour? Do you want me to get another one for you?"

The colleague's eyes widened even more when she heard the way Yushen was talking to Jennifer. It sounded so intimate and casual that anyone would think Yushen and Jennifer shared a different kind of relationship. 

With her head still lowered, Jennifer bit her lower lip and shook her head. How could she ask Yushen to stop acting that way without her colleague misinterpreting things? She could vaguely guess what the colleague was thinking but what could she do? She didn't want fake rumours about Yushen and her relationship to spread in the company.

"Then do you want something else?" Yushen asked.

When Jennifer shook her head, Yushen said, "Hmm then let's go, the movie is about to start."