
Eyes up here Mr Lui

Zian thought for a while and smiled, "Dad, I'll take care of it."

"Can't we just throw him out of the country?" Ashton asked.

"Didn't you say that he has connections with the mafia's? So how hard is it for him to come after Elsa again? If we get things done legally, it will be easier for us to deal with him." 

After analyzing and thinking about what Zian had said, Ashton decided to let Zian handle everything because that would be the best thing to do. Zian was more experienced and his way of handling things was as flawless as his father.

Turning towards his son, Singtan reminded him. "Your mom wants to help Elsa so make sure you execute everything flawlessly. I don't want your mom to stress out or worry about anything." 

"Don't worry dad, I won't let anyone down."

"I'll leave it to you then. Meanwhile, I'll go and prepare the guest list along with others." 


3:00 am

"Dude, what are you? An owl?"