
Chapter 14 : Victory

This oath was what explained the victory !

Victory of women !

This oath the biggest change in the history of the world...

The first woman to sit on the highest position of a country's army....

The youngest Military Supervisor of the world ...

Victory !

Only one name ....

' Ning Xi'

The hall erupted in cheers and tears of happiness ....

The dream of millions of girls of China , Imperial could now be fulfilled.

It was indeed a battle won....

Thanks to ' Ning Xi ' .

Now was the time for press conference :

The new Military Chief faced the media with complete confidence.....

After calming down the crazy audience ....

The questions started .

Reporter 1 : " Who does the Military Chief give the credit for her success to ? "

Ning Xi : " All the people out there who watch dreams . Having a dream is what is the toughest. But after that , my six brothers and their complete support . "

This answer was not what they expected.

Reporter 2 : " So does the military chief not acknowledge her family ?"

This was a tricky question . If she would say she didn't acknowledge Ning family , the media would make it a hell of stories claiming bad relationship between Ning family and Ning Xi and she will face criticism . And being in media disputes for the highest authority of country the moment she sat on the throne was definitely a bad idea.

If she would say that she acknowledged them , then it would prove that she found such petty and cruel behavior like that of Ning family acceptable .....

A smile appeared on her face and a smirk ...

The media still hadn't changed .....

Ning Xi : " I do . I do acknowledge my family of 92.7 million . They are my inspiration. "

The reporters were stunned speechless.

High IQ indeed !

Playing Tai Chi around their questions. She didn't considered Ning family as her own .

She considered the whole China her family . A quality that was a must in the Military Chief of the nation.

Damn ! This woman wasn't easy to be tricked .

Many different questions started to be asked after that to trick her but , damn this woman. Indeed she has a capability to be Military Chief of their Nation

Reporter 3 : " What does Military Chief plan for the combat units of the army ? "

Ning Xi : " With increasing defense threats everyday , Country X needs the best combat units more than ever . There will be a Military Combat Forces Training Center (MCBTC) setup soon in City A for the purpose. I plan to recruit more than 600 combat commandos this year . "

Reporter 4 : " What fighter jets do the Air Forces are going to introduce this year? "

Ning Xi : "Sorry . Confidential and classified information . (smiles)We need to wait and watch . "

Reporter 5 : " Do we have the permissions to ask personal questions to military chief ? "

Ning Xi : " Depends on the question . "

Reporter 5 : "Does the military chief have a boyfriend ? "

Quite an intense one .

Ning Xi : " I have given my breath to my country . But in case of love , I am yet to give my heart so nope , I don't have ..... "

Reporter 6 : " What kind of men do the Military Chief like then ?"

Ning Xi : " The type who can handle the torment of my six brothers , all at one time , just like i do. "

All the people started laughing.

Reporter 7: " What will be the reaction of six brothers of yours , if one day , you get a boyfriend ?"

Ning Xi : " Simple . He wouldn't be introduced to them . He will be interrogated by them like a criminal and face some torture ".

Again the laughter and happiness filled the hall.

The interview ended on a happy and satisfied note .

Now, was the time to meet her family. Her six brothers .

Her eldest two had married already . Li Jin , the industrial business tycoon , fell in love and married a national koel singer Bei Wei Wei . While , Mo Zixuan , the trade businessman , married an amazing artist Xiaoling and was happily in love.

Bei Wei Wei hated rich people because she think they are truly despicable and Xiaoling hated Mo Zixuan himself from the beginning .

But how they each became couple ?

Easy !

All the six men had their personal cupid devil . She became the 'love guru' for them and made them realize their feelings for the two women and also helped them impress the ladies . She wants herself sister-in-laws too Hehee....😁😁😁😁

But it was not a selfless , in fact , it was selfish . After all , she was extremely desperate to complete her goal of having six sister - in -laws .

And her relationship with them was actually way better than the relationship of her brothers with their wives .....

She actually found two sisters in these five years ...

Now , one more goal .....

Pushing the remaining 4 towards the marriage and , about these 2 ....

.....pushing them to have kids....😉😉😉🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😎😎😎😘😘👌👌


She was going to stop at nothing ...

She still had to give the tag of 'Little Lady Devil ' .......


Meanwhile , the whole country was in an uproar .

The women were celebrating the success of achieving one more milestone in betterment of their condition .

Only thanks to their superwoman , their idol Military Chief Ning Xi .

!0 years ago , she ruled their hearts with her voice and acting and today she ruled it with her capabilities , willpower and nobility.

She was like a ray of sun , who made their life even more brighter than before . She was the fire who ignited their desires to go out and fight for what they were , what they wanted . She brings lights to their darkness . She develop their willpower to prove themselves . To prove woman can do anything and they can stand side by side to the man .

And what about men , they were completely taken aback by this lady .

Overnight , Ning Xi got an army of fans . Die hard fans . Those fans who have had been following her from the times when she was a singer and actor , felt like their life was revived again . Their idol was back.

Social media was on fire . Facebook , Twitter , Instagram . 'Ning Xi' was one of the most searched names on every site. #myXi'erIsBack , #MilitaryChiefNing , #WomenInArmy were one of the trending trends.