
Chapter 19-Alexis

I watched her leave and I sighed. She was not at all committed to the baby. It almost seemed like she stuck around just because she felt she had to. Like I was compelling her to or something. I didn't want the baby to be born, grow fond of her only to have her bail at some point. It would be easy for her to do so.

Me on the other hand? No.

I ran my hand through my hair as I carried on cooking. I really wasn't asking her to change or to ditch work but she had a commitment. And I at least expected her to keep to it. I bit my lip as I stirred the sauce, thinking deeply about Kasey and I's situation.

I stood there until I heard a knock. I snapped out of my daze, switched the stove off and rushed to the door, opening it, obviously expecting my friends. But to my utter dismay, it was Kasey again. "I left. As I was walking in the cold dark night, trying to make it to my car without losing my mind, I realised something." She said, panting.