
UnderWorld Vampires

Saoirse Connor is a college girl living a typical teen life with her best friend Silvia Byrne. 'Twas fun and games until she stumble onto a girl who turned out to be a portal-walker as what people in their realm refers to. Curiosity took its place and led Saoirse's mind dwindling, making her regret things after; however, that one decision didn't only brought her to a whole new world, but also made her fate clearer.

ExoShaneey · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Into the other realm

In the heart of the ancient forest, where the trees stood tall and ominous, a clearing served as the backdrop for the opening ceremony of the five kingdoms' grand reunion.

Rui, the confident king of Lexious, demonstrated his prowess with the bow, drawing admiration from the gathered crowd of vampires, werewolves, fairies, elemental beings, wizards, witches, and fallen angels.

Amidst the cheers and applause, a young vampire prince of Rexious stood with a conflicted expression. Zennosuke, his name was not widely known among the gathered nobles, but his thoughts were heavy with the weight of tradition and the upcoming "Bloody Week."

This ritualistic event, so revered by their ancestors, demanded a human sacrifice from each kingdom over five consecutive nights. It was a tradition steeped in power dynamics and ancient pacts, one that he had vehemently opposed in private discussions with his father, the head of the five kingdoms.

Next to him, his twin brother, Zero, mirrored his unease. "When will this end?" he muttered quietly, his eyes scanning the crowd for familiar faces among their close-knit group of friends.

"I don't know," his twin replied softly, shaking his head. "But I wish it could end tonight."

A mischievous glint flickered in his eyes. "Let's sneak away."

Zero raised an eyebrow skeptically. "And risk sister's wrath? I'd rather not."

Their sister, a formidable figure with scarlet eyes that bore into them from across the clearing, seemed to sense their discussion. She held herself with the regal authority befitting her role as their father's right hand, and her disapproval was palpable.

Before they could ponder further, Queen Eris approached them gracefully, her presence commanding attention. "Your highnesses," she greeted them formally, "the leaders are gathering. Will you join us?"

The vampire prince nodded silently, casting a quick glance at Zero, who declined with a dismissive shake of his head. "Go ahead. I'll wait here until the game's over."

Following Queen Eris towards the border where the leaders of the other kingdoms were assembling, the young prince felt the weight of his responsibilities pressing upon him. His mind wandered briefly to the alliances and rivalries that defined the intricate web of relationships among the kingdoms.

At the border, Kenji, the spirited vampire from Hexious, noted Zero's absence with a playful pout, running his fingers through his striking red hair. "So? Your twin isn't with you again, huh?" he remarked, his tone teasing.

Ahito, the calm and wise leader from another kingdom, intervened diplomatically. "Let him be. He's been through a lot lately."

The prince interjected, attempting to lighten the mood with a hint of humor. "Just imagine if Zero were here. His keen sense of hearing might catch wind of our plans and surprise us all."

A ripple of laughter echoed through the group, momentarily dispelling the tension. Rui, known for his decisiveness, redirected the conversation towards more practical matters. "What about the hunt?"

Riku, always pragmatic, suggested human prey, a suggestion that the prince swiftly vetoed with a furrowed brow. "They're too vulnerable," he stated firmly, his voice tinged with disdain.

Akio, realistic as ever, voiced a more moderate perspective. "But they are our sustenance."

Riku wisely changed the subject to night walkers, creatures of the forest known for their elusive nature and formidable abilities. Excitement stirred among the group, plans quickly taking shape amidst banter and camaraderie.

Rui established the rules for their hunt, his tone serious as he laid out the stakes. "The one who catches a night walker first will claim all of our blood shares at the end of this celebration."

Zennosuke nodded silently, his thoughts drifting momentarily to Zero, his twin who no longer participated in such competitions. Once the fastest and strongest among them, Zero had withdrawn into himself since that fateful night. His absence weighed heavily on the prince's heart, a reminder of the sacrifices and losses they had all endured.

They formed a line, preparing themselves for the hunt ahead. Eris, observing from the sidelines with a watchful gaze, volunteered to be the referee. Her presence underscored the gravity of their gathering and the delicate balance of power among the kingdoms.

"Ready? Start!" Her hand rose, and in a blink of an eye, they vanished into the shadows of the ancient forest. Each was driven by their own motivations—honoring tradition, seeking glory, or simply escaping the weight of responsibility that hung over them like a dark cloud.

As they dispersed, Zennosuke found himself reflecting on the complexities of their world. The five kingdoms were united by bloodlines and ancient alliances, yet each was distinct in its customs, strengths, and vulnerabilities. In the looming darkness of the forest, where secrets and shadows intertwined, their unity and differences were both their strength and their burden.

Be there nothing else that he could do, he decided to focus on the competition; his senses attuned to the slightest disturbance in the forest around him. The hunt for night walkers was not merely a test of skill and strength; it was a reminder of their primal instincts and the delicate balance between predator and prey.

Kenji, ever the boisterous one, broke the silence with a whispered jest that elicited soft chuckles from the others. "You think you can keep up, Riku?" he teased, his voice carrying a hint of challenge.

Riku, focused and determined, replied in a low voice, "I've caught bigger game than this, Kenji."

Their banter was laced with camaraderie and competition, yet beneath the surface, there was an unspoken understanding of the gravity of their mission. The night walkers were not to be underestimated; creatures of the forest with supernatural abilities and a fierce territorial instinct.

As they pressed forward, the forest seemed to close in around them, its ancient trees whispering secrets of ages past. The air was thick with anticipation, each step bringing them closer to their quarry and closer to the inevitable confrontation with the night walkers.

Suddenly, a rustle in the bushes ahead alerted them to the presence of their prey. The prince's heart raced as he drew his sharp nails, his senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through his veins. The others moved swiftly into position, their movements coordinated and precise as they closed in on their target.

In a flurry of motion, the night walker sprang from its hiding place, its eyes glowing with feral intensity. It was a formidable opponent, its speed and agility matching their own as it evaded their attempts to corner it. Yet, they were hunters trained in the art of combat, their skills honed through years of rigorous training and disciplined practice.

With a swift and decisive strike, Zennosuke managed to ensnare the night walker, his weapon finding its mark with precision. Cheers erupted among the hunters as they secured their prize, their victory a testament to their unity and determination.

As they gathered around the fallen night walker, the Zennosuke felt a sense of accomplishment tempered by solemnity. This creature, like themselves, was a denizen of the forest, bound by its own instincts and survival instincts. In capturing it, they had fulfilled their duty as hunters, yet the prince could not shake the lingering doubt that lingered in his heart.

Ending lives, whether they belonged to monsters, demons, or humans, was never his inclination; the loss of their mother at a young age had instilled within him a deep reverence for the sanctity of life.

As they made their way back to the clearing, the prince found himself lost in thought, his mind wrestling with the complexities of their world. The five kingdoms were bound together by bloodlines and ancient alliances, yet each faced its own challenges and struggles.

Suddenly, Zennosuke's stride was arrested by an unfamiliar aroma, reminiscent yet subtly altered from a scent he once knew.

"It can't be," he murmured, turning towards the source of the potent fragrance, discernible only to his keen senses.

"Zen?" Rui's sudden appearance beside him broke his reverie. "Are you alright?"

He met his friend's concerned gaze with a nod of assurance. "Yes, perfectly fine. Uh..."

Aware of the others' curious eyes on him, he raked his hand through his hair, searching for a quick excuse.

"Actually, I just remembered something urgent I need to attend to."

"Oh, come on! It's the Blood Week. What could be more pressing than the hunt?" Kenji teased, wincing as Riku nudged him sharply in the ribs, causing him to fumble the nightwalker they had captured.

"An experiment, you know," Zennosuke improvised, gesturing vaguely towards the fallen creature. "Inspiration struck after dispatching this one."

"Right, sure thing, Your Highness," Kenji retorted playfully, lifting the nightwalker with a grin as they prepared to showcase their trophy to the others.

"I'll join you all later," Zennosuke bid his friends farewell before swiftly slipping away, his heart racing as he followed the trail of the unsettling scent.

His instincts prickled with apprehension, and he cursed inwardly as he found himself standing once more at the nexus of a memory that refused to fade.

"Of all places," he sighed deeply, his steps slowing as he approached the weathered and nearly crumbling cabin where memories of both beginnings and endings remained vividly etched in his mind.