
Chapter 5

After the squall had passed,a man came down to the shore.Slightly built,waifish almost,with a strong aquiline nose and cheekbones as defined as the cliffs above.Dark straight hair pulled back from his face and tied in a sloppy ponytail that hung down his back,strands of it wisping around his face,softening his features.His dark eyes stormed like the sea,and there was a restless energy about him that piqued Dere’s interest.

Though he wore a flannel shirt and jeans,the baggy clothing accentuated the narrow jut of his hips,his lanky arms,his narrow chest.He carried a pad of paper whose pages fluttered in the stiff breeze that blew in from the sea,andhe picked his way among the driftwood and sea trash until he found a spot that suited him.Dropping to the sand,he raised one knee and set the pad against it,pen in hand,intent on sketching the ocean’s fury.