
Human Soul?

I woke from my bed at in the morning. It's funny though, there is no sun or moon but we know when its day or night. Last night I came home, Papyrus almost called Undyne again. After that I went to my supposedly bedroom only to find it is a total mess. I have experience of cleaning my bedroom because I always try to keep it clean. So I was able to completely clean the holy mess of a room in 30 minute. I stretched out my skeleton arms and got out of bed. instead of what sans usually wear I surprisingly found a black shirt along with a neon green and black jacket, a pants, shoes, and black gloves. I just replaced my current clothes with them and continued one with my day. When I came out Papyrus who was in the living room instantly noticed me and called me.

"D! can you help me cook breakfast?" Papyrus asked, he seems excited to try my cooking again.

"Sure" I replied, I slowly moved down the stairs and walked towards the kitchen. I was thinking on what food I should make? A fruit salad? burritos? spaghetti again, but then I remember a breakfast I meal I always enjoyed. I quickly gathered the ingredients and a pan to Cook the classic Ham & Cheese Sandwich. Papyrus stares intently at my actions seemingly trying to learn how to cook whatever I am cooking. First I heat up the pan at a high temperature until I feel the heat when I put my hand over it. Second I get the butter and cut a reasonable size of butter and put on the heated pan. Third I moved the butter around as its melts from the heat, until the butter is completely gone and the pan is completely buttered. Fourth, I was supposed to do this step as the first step but who cares. Its to set up the sandwiches, I get out four slices of bread. Then I put ham on two of the slices of bread and then put cheese on the ham. Then to top it off, I place the other two slices of bread, onto the cheese making an uncooked Ham & Cheese Sandwich. Fifth, I put the uncooked sandwiches on the butter pan and press them down with the spatula. This is important because the heat is almost I directly heating up the entire sandwich. Sixth, I repeatedly press the flip the sandwich until the cheese and both sides of the bread of the sandwich is golden yellowish-brown. Sven I grab two plates and place the sandwiches on them and brought them to the table. Its time for breakfast, I placed the plates on the table in front of two chairs. I the proceed to sit on one chair start eat the Ham & Cheese Sandwich. Papyrus also came to the table and eat but seems a bit confused?

"Sans , what is this?" he asks, he seemed to be confused on why I didn't make spaghetti.

"It's a Ham & Cheese sandwich bro" I replied as I continued to devour my sandwich. Papyrus picked up his sandwich and seems to be studying it before he took a bite. His eyes sockets and mouth seemed to shoot beams of light.

"IT'S SO GOOD!" Papyrus yelled as he literally inhaled the sandwich. By then I already eaten my entire sandwich and got up and headed towards the door.

"You are heading out again?" He asked again seemingly worried.

"Yeah bro, I am heading to a friends house, if I am not coming home then I am sleeping over there." I replied, Papyrus worry dim down a bit.

"Ok D but please be careful!" he asked one final time. He really cares about me huh, I nod my head as I head out the house and teleport right to the bottom of the birchwood stairs. As I walked up the stairs I heard the soft tune coming from the living room. The tune seemed familiar? wait I know! this tune is the soundtrack 'Once upon a Time'. Each step I take there is a little creak under the board so its easy to tell if someone is there. The tune suddenly stop as I entered the room. Toriel was reading a book with sitting on the cozy chair next to the fire place, she looks at me with shock.

"D! I didn't expect you to come so soon. Wait... how did you get inside?" she asked, not surprising, the is locked from the inside so it would be impossible for me to open it.

"I took a 'Short'cut" I replied, I hear her giggle from my pun. She got up from the chair and placed the book back on to the bookshelf and walked towards me.

"Do you want to have pie again?" she asked me in a kind tone.

"No thank you, I just had breakfast, you could say it was... 'Egg'cellent" she giggled again to my joke. We walked over to the dining table were we chat about pretty much anything we had in common. It was an normal ordinary conversation until, Toriel asked.

"Do you want to stay over tonight?" I was shocked by this question. I know that we where in contact for years, but it only has been two days since we actually seen person to person.

"Uhh... Sure!" I replied, she led me to a red room.

"This is the guest room, I will give some time to get comfortable" Toriel said before leaving the room and closed the door behind her. I looked around the room and found a bed, shoes of various sizes for kids, a brown closet with golden knobs, various toys, a lamp, and a small sideways book shelf that all seems to be the color red. I sit down on the bed, it feels like a cloud that I am slowly sinking into. I looked at my items to see I still had lottery tickets left, a Rare and uncommon.

I opened the uncommon one first.

*Ding* You got...

10*Common Lottery Tickets

Really, I guess I will do 3 of these before Rare.

*Ding* You got...

1*Hand Held Mirror

1*Rare Ticket

1*Bar of soap

I got another Rare ticket? isn't this supposed to be 'rare'? (A/N:LOL) I am just gonna put the bar of soap away. This mirror however, can let me see my glowing eye! I wonder if it changed? I brought the mirror up to my face and made my glowing eye appear. It's quite simple, it's just flipping a switch, but the result shocked me. The blue eye in my left eye was still there, but my right eye was glowing to. I was Black with Neon Green surrounding it. Was it because of my clothing? or is it because I am a different person? Anyways, I open the two Rare Tickets.

*Ding* You got...

1*Human Soul(Kindness)

1*Character Customization
