
Underneath A Destroyed World

The land above was overrun with monsters, thus humanity retreated underground. This story takes place more than 200 years in the future through the eyes of a small little boy named Toby. Follow Toby on his journey of meeting new people and creatures, and discovering what really happened to the land above.

DjCatnip · Khoa huyễn
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24 Chs

The Punctilious Mrs.Green

The parrot's cast was nothing less than marvelous. It had a white color with grey straps. This cast was sturdy so no apertures would form. The parrot ate a treat (some type of seed) although it caused most of the problems. Parrot likeability score: Toby 5, Eva 2. (Eva's score increased because she fed it after she put the cast on.)

The next day at school their teacher Mrs. Green returned and she was as shrewd and punctilious as ever. It's safe to say that everyone missed Mr. Martinez, he was carefree and most students were indolent, including Eva, thus it was the perfect match-up. It's a shame that Mr. Martinez was replaced by a blond elderly woman, she even had gray hairs.

During class Eva and Toby passed notes, throughout this Eva mentioned abalone, Toby made a mental note to ask her about it later, but Mrs. Green caught them. Maybe because it was her first day back she might've been in a bad mood, because she used the notes as a reason to search them. She must've thought that the students were too lax and maybe she wanted to make an example out of them, or she just liked to bully kids who knows? But for Toby and Eva there was a problem, a big problem.

Toby was fine with the search but Eva was sweating bullets. They were standing in front of the class holding up their bags. Eva tilted over and whispered something into his ear. After hearing this he started freaking out too. He wouldn't be able to see the light of day again.

lax- relaxed

abalone- an edible mollusk of warm seas

punctilious- showing great attention to detail or correct behavior

aperture- an opening, hole, or gap

indolent- wanting to avoid activity; lazy

I will not be posting next week because it’s Christmas. Thank you to whoever has read this far and I hope for you to continue reading and enjoying the story.

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