
Underneath A Destroyed World

The land above was overrun with monsters, thus humanity retreated underground. This story takes place more than 200 years in the future through the eyes of a small little boy named Toby. Follow Toby on his journey of meeting new people and creatures, and discovering what really happened to the land above.

DjCatnip · Khoa huyễn
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24 Chs

A Protective "Friend"

The rest of history class mainly focused on human civilization, which wasn't anything new to Toby. The class flew by and it was now lunch; 12pm. He looked around for Eva but didn't find her.

At 12:30pm he finished eating and then he started to debate on what to do for the next thirty minutes. He lifted his head and saw that there were a bunch of people crowded inside a corner, most people didn't notice them because they were busy talking to each other. Once Toby got closer, he immediately understood the situation. 

"Excuse me, Ms. Lyvia asked for you guys. She said that you're in trouble." Toby said leaning down to the group of girls so that he could be on their eye level. 

Ms. Lyvia was an extremely strict vice principal who kept an iron fist in the school. She was the one teacher everyone feared, thus when she would send a student as a messenger no one would dare question said student. The group of girls got a scared expression, then they started to walk towards Ms. Lyvia's office with their heads down in fear. Even though Ms. Lyvia didn't call them, the girls' guilty conscience would rat them out. 

"What's wrong? Did i arrive too late?" Toby said playfully looking down at the angry black-haired girl with crossed arms. 

"Shut up, I could've handled it myself. You're just an unknown factor that should've stayed unknown." Eva said mad at the fact that she needed help from him. 

'An unknown factor that should've stayed unknown. I'm adding that to her list of quotes.' Toby thought as Eva scoffed and walked away.

At the end of Toby's last class he looked on his desk and saw a note. This was a unanimous note and it read, 

"Meet me at the clock tower and don't keep me waiting like you do in the alleyway. And bring the leftover money that you have." 

Although the note was passive aggressive, it looked as if the person who wrote it tried very hard to make it readable. Because of this little fact, Toby got a small smile on his face. Later, at around 4:30pm Toby walked to the clock tower and saw Eva. 

"You're late." Eva said.

"But I got here early, it's only half-past four." Toby said confused then pointed up at the lofty clock tower. Eva glanced up at him then switched the topic,

"So, we both know that the parrot's wing is injured right?" Eva said as Toby nodded. 

"So we need to construct a cast for it. But the cast will probably feel weird for the bird, so we need to make it comfortable. After the parrot wears the cast for an amount of time, then its wing will be healed." Hearing this Toby's eyes glistened, he was finally able to help the mystical creature. 

"So why are we here then?" Toby asked.

"We are here to do what you do best, bargaining." Eva said with a smirk.

quote- to repeat a passage, phrase, etc

lofty- extending high in the air

unanimous- without any name aknowladged