

As you can know I'm a celebrity in Collerwood ,Tervs My name is "Liam Pierce" or as they call me in college "Cody Woods". I am undercover because I want to live a normal life, the nights are young and I wanna take advantage of that. I am 22 years old and I go to Teverse University, I am currently studying to be a Professional Singer. Even though I'm a celebrity I still want to work and be a normal person I just don't wanna be a slacker lying on my couch, heh. So I'm a solo singer and When I go on stagei hear the chant of " Mystîç Pïêrcē" I feel calm and free while they chant those beautiful words, they are music to my ears and I appreciate all the support.I gaze at the audience as they simply quiet down. I glance around at the audience and I spot a guy, not just any guy it was my childhood friend from pre-k at Riverine School. He was... Rain Peterson~ I finish my song and command one of my guards to get Rain for me, I can see he doesn't remember me but that won't be a problem~ As a kid at Riverine I was also known as a different name other than Cody Woods, I was known as "Jacob Rivens ", I had to change my name that time due to my father, Martin Pierce yes I'm one of the Pierce's, the most wealthy family in Collerwood and we are well known to make the famous brand "Continumer" or for short and for everyone that hates long brands"Contin", for that I am a model and I model the brands of Contin ~ I don't want to be famous where I have no body ,after I left Rain without saying goodbye I was lonely and there is always a time where you can get tired of being alone..At last I've found you... Rain

~To Be Continued ~

This is a boys love romance ?‍? hope you enjoy, this will take me a long time probably 2 ups a week Saturday or Sunday if I don't post I terribly apologize I will let you know what happened when I don't post

~ = a different timing

FeelingsUnrealcreators' thoughts