
Scary Movies

After everyone calmed down, Terra not really needing to as she is practically always chill, Red and Lenny picked a horror movie from the vast amount of horror DVDs. Zain was still confident in himself and held a very flushed and flustered Alex. The group sat down and watched the movie the three girls sitting on the ground while the boys cuddled on the couch. Zain holding Alex in his arms closely as if he was a stuffed animal that was helping him be calm while watching the film of fear. Alex kept Zains arms tightly around him as if he was a warm protective shield. Lenny had became bored of the movie and had started drawing a picture of the killer in the movie at one side of Terra. Terra sat mostly unfazed a small annoyance creeping upon her face, the death being made into a hideous form. Red was sitting next to Terra on the other side leaning on her arm messing with  her shirt unfazed, making the grown men the only ones really bothered. All eyes looked up as moans begain to fill the room from the T.V. causing Lenny blushing maddly, Zain gaining the feeling slightly, the male Alex hiding his face in Zains arms while feeling Zain against him, then Terra and Alex started talking. "I see you girl" Alex smirked out with a slight chuckle. Terra rolled her eyes before she spoke with her voice oozing in annoyance "oh how mortals revolt me with things like that". Lenny giggled  softly at the new found killer behind the affair on the screen. Once the movie finally finished everyone but Terra was tired with Lenny pretending to be asleep. Lenny peaked at Terra as she slipped out of the house silently.