
Under Lock & Key

Mafia Story / With Regular Updates **Serious Assault, Strong Language, Mature and Dark Themes Throughout - 18+** Short Story Description: Jaxon Gray is New York's hottest businessman, gangster and mafia king. A terrifyingly harsh man that claims to be 'impossible to love' due to his dark nature, murderous choices and suffocating demeanour... That is, until he meets the sweetheart known as Faye Woods... The perfect victim to fulfil his selfish plans. Faye and her best-friend Michael, both were bullied throughout high school and were unfortunate enough to be left without parents. They struggle to make ends meet as they work in a run-down cafe - praying for something to go right for them for once... Jaxon lands himself in Fayes hold, quickly deciding that she would be the perfect target for his master plan... One altercation leads to another, as he decides to kidnap and threaten the innocent girl - which he claims is the only one right for the job - before he forces her fully into his hectic world filled with crime and darkness. Could someone so cold survive around someone so warm? Could a criminal actually love or be loved? Or will the monster hidden within be impossible to beat... read at your own risk to find out more! *********************************************

Beed910 · Thành thị
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31 Chs

Chapter 25

*****Jaxon's POV*****

"Come on now Jaxon! Don't be like that! We've not seen one another in years!" Joey's rat like voice rips out, as he stands before me grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"Why the fuck are you even here?! What do you want?!" I waste no time on shoving him backwards, sending the drink spilling from his hand as he stumbles before regaining his composure.

"Fucking hell famiglia! I'm not here to cause problems! Our Nonna invited me!" He defends, holding his hands up in surrender as I glare at him.

I don't trust a word that leaves this rats mouth...

"Don't lie to me Joey." I cross my arms, as he briefly glances around at the other guests - noticing quickly that they mostly consisted of my men- all of whom where now aware of the altercation happening between us.

They remained nearby and ready to react if necessary...

"No bad blood here Jax! I just wanted to accompany Nonna and mend bridges is all." He brushes off his suit, wiping down the spillages from the pint I had ruined.

"You can't mend a fucking bridge that I burned! And less of the Jax, it's sir to you!" I grit back, wanting to knock his teeth back into his throat.

If my Nonna wasn't so close by I would have strangled his scrawny neck by now...

"Look I apologise for the past... I was young and selfish... but thats enough chat for now! Don't let me ruin your special day... I'll stay with Nonna and you won't even know that I'm here!" He bargains, as I glance back to the tent where Faye had gone.

"Try anything smart and I'll fucking shoot you in front of everyone here... and don't test me because I will..." I warn, as he nods once before I continue-

"I also expect later for you to give me a valid reason for why you really came and you can cut out the bullshit!" I step closer to him, pointing an accusing finger at his chest now before he nods and grins innocently again.

"Of course, of course! I won't be any hassle I swear!" He states, before turning and heading for the direction of my Nonna who now stood chatting and showing her friends around the garden.

I felt my body tense at the sight of his lanky frame, seeing the way he smiled and pushed his greasy black hair back every so often.

I watched my Nonna turn to him, smiling and introducing him to her friends as they smiled and returned his handshakes.

If only she knew what he nearly did to our family...

I decide it would be best to continue on with the rest of the day as planned, for Faye's sake, since she had in fact been dragged into this whole mess fully now.

The least the girl deserves is a hassle free wedding.

I march my way across the grass, entering the large fully equipped tent, which had now been transformed into a dance floor and bar for the guests.

The sun was slowly setting, as the fairy lights sparkled and illuminated the tent and surrounding garden.

I scanned the large area - crowded with people who were slowly becoming drunker by the minute. My eyes landing on the familiar spot in the corner beside the bar - where I instantly spot Faye.

I study her as she knocks back two shots with Mike and Rinna, as they all giggle and seem to be enjoying the party on their own.

The music played loudly, and I knew that it would soon be time for our first dance in front of the audience.

I still couldn't fully settle after seeing Joey. My mind raced to find a good enough reason for him wanting to attend my wedding...

"Boss there's a call for you." My attention is suddenly gained by one of my men, as he holds a burner phone in his hand - showing me that it was a business call.

"Can it not wait?!" I snap, as the man shrugs and looks around nervously.

"I'm not sure who it is boss... Seth told me to pass it over to you immediately - said you'd want to take it!" He informs me, picking at my curiosity further.

"Where is Seth now?" I question more, making a move to again head back out of the tent and back in to the open garden - as he follows me all while still holding the phone.

"He ran off to find Nico, said you would need him after you took the call..." He holds up the phone once we get to a quieter place in the garden, as I finally take it from his hand.

I gesture with my hand for him to leave, as I pace the garden back and forth with impatience already.

"What is it?!" I take the call off hold and rage down the line, awaiting an answer.

"HELLO?!" I snap down the call in frustration again, having gained no response from the person on the other end yet.

I look to my right and notice Seth and Nico both now charging towards me across the grass.

What the fuck is going on?!

I huff out irritatedly, pressing the hang up button on the small phone, before turning to face my approaching friends - seeing them breathing heavily and looking distressed.

"Yo how the fuck are you so chill after taking that call?!" Seth begins, his eyes studying me over as if to look for any ounce of upset or fury.

"What the fuck is going on?!" I rage, as Seth then turns to Nico who also looks back at him - them both clearly anxious about something.

"Well?!" I snap, as they both look back to me, their mouths opening and closing like fish out of water.

Before they can pull together a sentence, the small phone begins to ring in my hand, showing an unknown number as their eyes both widen.

I grow irritated again, as I crush the green button with my thumb to take the call...

"FUCKING SPEAK AND DON'T WASTE MY TIME!" I speak harshly down the phone, hearing shuffling and small sounds on the other end this time to signify somebody was indeed, there.

"Now, now, baby... is that any way to speak to your long lost bambola (doll)? I'm in the area and thought that we could maybe... meet up for a reconciliation, for old times sake?"

My entire body stiffens from the familiar voice as it taunts me down the phone. Seth and Nico both share my horror, as I understand now what all of the fuss had been about...

8 years later...

Cynthia comes crawling back!