
You have me

Xuvicer stares at himself in the dark mirror before him.

His dark and blazing aura is everywhere and it is staining his thoughts and everything he does.

His sharp-edged wings have little horns on the top, the darkness of his wings aims to be a bit lighter in blackness, but it is merging with the darkness of the atmosphere.

His beautiful face cannot be expressed in words, and the sorrow it displays cannot be comprehended.

He is heading to the witches' chamber now. Their coven can be heated and can be a bit cool sometimes.

Though Xuvicer had never visited the coven and it was cool before. If it was, he'd give the Creator thanks.

Back in those days, when he takes Raven out to see the witches, she'd hide behind him because she was scared and very shivery.

She hated the witches. No one even her, except him knew the reason and it is very difficult to say it when he knows it will cause her too much pain.

He tried his best to make sure she had no bad mindset when it comes to the Devil and Hell settings.

But things didn't go as he expected.

He rubs his nape as he continued to stare at the mirror in front of him, impatiently waiting for the head of all witches to come out as he summoned for almost an hour now.

He doesn't want to go into the coven, because so many witches will rush him like flies on poo.

And he isn't in the mood to face that right now.

But like the darkness around him heard his thoughts, the mirror starts to glow dimly. A dark green light split the mirror in two and an opening begins to form.

Xuvicer's eyes widen as his hope began to vanish gradually because he knows that the witches have already planned to feast on a man his type.

"Come in, Xuvicer"

He has to go into the coven!!!

Something's he dreads ever since a witch told his daughter that she will never make it out of Hasma and Hell whether she liked it or not.

Raven cried that day. And due to her still being a little Demon, she had a terrible hangover and the witches didn't even care.

Witches and female Demons do not agree with each other. No matter how hard they tried.

Witches are the female version of demons, so having female Demons got them thinking.

They started thinking that since they are female Demons, they might steal their male demonic partners from them since they are in the same category. There is no such thing as a male witch, and if it is apparent that a male witch is to be created, they'd take the life of the male witch and insert it into a dying female witch.

They don't care about it's the right thing or not.

All they want is to feel the sexual pleasure that a male witch can't give a female witch because they are both witches.

But when a Demon lays his hands on their sheen body, they feel like they are being transported into a different world entirely.

Xuvicer gathers the courage and takes a slow step into the opening, remembering to start flapping his wings immediately he enters their coven.

The Queen of the witches is a beautiful... Very beautiful witch, seated on the throne that is directly facing the opening from which Xuvicer used to enter the coven.

She got a very exposing and black and exposing off-shoulder crop top on. Her cleavage is very much exposed and all that covers her private area, is a long black fabric that is tied to her waist and is covering only between her legs, nothing else.

Xuvicer's eyes pumps like a machine immediately he sets his eyes on her. It's been a while since he last saw a female naked before him.

It reminds him of Golsie. How he misses her!

"Well, well Xuvicer. How can I help you?"

Her lips are all that is seen moving by Xuvicer. Her face is merging with the darkness that's surrounding all of them.

They are thousands of witches seated around them, and like they're are in a judging arena, Xuvicer is in the middle of every other witch. Maintaining balance in thin air and a smile is trying to break on his face as the thought of having his last pleasure hits him.

This witch will feel every single part of him when they are done with this questioning section.

You just wait!

"Do you have... Anything for me?"

"Yes, I do"

The witch says nothing. Her eyes aren't showing. Just the tip of her nose downwards is exposed.

The way she is seated is aimed at attracting different Demons to her, and yes, she won.

But not until she does what Xuvicer will say.

"What is it?" she asks lazily.

Xuvicer smiles widely. So she really is interested, huh?

A lucky guy that he is then.

"The Devil has done so many things to us, Xale. He has taken so many things from us, even our family. He has made us fall from Heaven and our landing wasn't very good, just because of curiosity and sin... "

There's no sign of impression. What he's trying to say, isn't it working? Why are their faces looking like they are having some boring lectures or something?

"I want Revenge for my daughter, and my wife, Xale. I believe the Devil has done so many terrible things to you and-"

"Glad you mentioned it, Xuvicer"

The witch on the throne stands up and then a great and eye-blinding light, landed on her, causing all the witches to raise their hands and obstruct the brightness consuming their eyes.

Xuvicer slowly takes his hands off his face and his eyes met with those of Xale.

Her beautiful and curved hips are sheen and attractive. Xuvicer feels like infringing the law the Devil gave that says that all male Demons shouldn't be near Xale for any reason, he was like 'She's His!'

Her face is like that of some supreme goddess! Argh!

She doesn't have wings, yet she remains balanced in thin air and moves towards Xuvicer who has his hair wet again and spread over his back and breasts.

"I have been looking for a way to get my hatred out and persecute the Devil. I want freedom! Riches... And that can only come back if we do what's right. We were all Angels once... But we did a grave mistake"

Xuvicer smiles satisfied.

Mission accomplished.

"I am with you Xuvicer. But only on one condition"

All the witches smile because they all know what Xale is about to say.

"Name it"

Xale smiles sharply. Exactly how she wants to hear it.

"You will give me your body, Xuvicer. Even when we are over with the Devil"

Golsie had already become the Devil's wife now. There's no point in getting her back, even if she will remain the demonic and biological mother of Raven.

They all strain their ears to hear his reply.

And of course...

"You have me, Xale"

Everywhere exploded with cackles of witches as they hailed Xuvicer and Xale. They all flew, cackling wickedly as Xale smirks and pressed her devilish and soft lips to his in desire.

Xale's heart jumps the moment he delves his hot and smooth tongue in her mouth, wandering all over in dedication and faithfulness.

He has made those decisions within him to be faithful to Xale, from now on.

Xale is inhibited but that gives more room for Xuvicer to do what he wants.

He swoops her off her feet and thin air and held her close to his chest as he continued wandering all over her mouth devilishly.

Well... We're coming for you devil!