
Not After An Incident

Seated on his golden and bright seat is the Creator, whose face cannot be seen.

His back is the only part of his body that the Angels can see. His golden and long hair is Majestically held back in a bun beautifully and pretty.

In the Heavenly Heavenlies, are three Angels. Bowing down, with their faces to the clouds as they bring their thoughts about Kancial and Raven and how Hell is planning against them.

"Your Highness. Prince Kancial and Princess Raven are going out soon when the witches are on the loose. Hardon has successfully passed your message to them, but he still said he will take her out because he has already told her that they would go out way earlier before Hardon met them"

The Creator listens carefully as the second Angel goes on from there.

"Where Prince Kancial has in mind to go now is successfully scanned and there is no witch there, but where he has to go by midnight is a very bad place that will make him and Raven sin, Your Majesty"

And then, the third speaks.

"And, Lucifer has released Golsie into the world as an immoral doer. Golsie is moving to the neighborhood closer to the town square where Prince Kancial and Raven are heading by Midnight. She will also be there"

The Creator says nothing but thinks about this deeply. His vision goes in deeper into what beholds them if they go to that Midnight whatever they are heading to.

He sees ahead. And immediately, he opens his eyes.

"Go. Tell Kancial that they are safe but not after an incident"

The three Angels look at each other as they continue to bow with their faces to the clouds.

"Thank you, My Lord"

The Creator breathes in and out.

Well, Kancial wants to screw things up with that stubborn heart of his, huh?

Well then, he has to face what's coming and he gotta be prepared. Really. Prepared.


Melissa walks in the darkness of the night with her eyes not seeming to grow weak with the way she walks in darkness like her eyesight is never growing old.

She enters an orphanage that is still lighted up(even though the place ought to be closed up at this time of the night), scanning everywhere and everyone she sees, the witch inside her seems pleased with seeing other children that she can get and possess.

"Umm... Hello little girl!" the woman at the counter calls and Melissa's attention is dragged to her.

She walks briskly and slowly to the woman at the counter with all the children staring at her. They all stare at her like she has crossed the line by coming into the orphanage to get admitted.

"Hello dear. Are you an orphan?"

Melissa doesn't answer but the witch inside her scans the woman as Melissa creepily cracks her neck, leaving all the staff that's watching them, gawk at her.

"Yes, I am. I came here to get admitted"

The woman blinks several times trying to find a word to start her sentence.

"A-Umm... And... What's your name?"


"Melissa who?"

"Deal with Melissa first"

A sanctuary keeper's eyebrows shot up immediately she hears how Melissa replies.

So what? She's trying to say that because she's an orphan, no adult around her has the right to ask her questions or something?

There has never been a child that has done that before, so why her? Why the heck her?!

"Excuse me?" the woman asking the questions asks.

"You heard me"

"Yo, Melissa!"

One of the boys that got locks calls her and she turns to him in a flash.

"You look like you're ten, guess what"

Melissa smiles.

Another one to eat.

"Everyone has passed that age"

Hearing the word "Age", the witch in Melissa breaks down and cries out. And her cry is like a howl of a wolf before she disconnected from Melissa.

Melissa returns to the normal girl she use to be some days ago. She falls to the ground with a thud and everyone stares at her with fearful eyes.

D-Did she die?

Meanwhile, while everyone rushed Melissa, the witch that disconnected from her, entered another girl that sat very close to the black boy that confronted Melissa a moment ago.

{This is getting cheesier, eh?}


The lady that got past the ticket seller is now seen in a Hotel room with her things loaded up.

The mirror in the room is her passway to getting to talk to the Devil and make him come out of there physically to get her.

On earth, she calls herself Linda. Oh Golsie, why Linda?

"Milord... " she calls staring at the Mirror in front of her and in the room.

The face of the beautiful man shows brightly. His dark and long lashes are almost coming out from the mirror in front of her. His pale white and thin lips make her body shiver like she wore something more than the word "Cold".

"How is it, My love?"

"More than better, Milord. Everything is just going smoothly and according to the plan"

The Devil smiles widely. Of course, she knows how to handle everything coming her way, he sees. There's no need to question anything about that.

"Are you getting ready for midnight?"

"Yes, Milord. I'm getting ready to take a short nap of 10 hours. I will be awake by eight to get there before any of them arrives"

The Devil smiles charmingly.

"Good. You have this one in your hands, Dear one. Don't let it be the last one"

Linda nods and the mirror goes normal and she stares at herself as her lips twist in a sexy manner.

She feels the urge to have a male in her room if she's going to sleep. So where is she going to get one?

Oh! She knows!

Linda smiles as she walks to the door and exits the room.

Oh, God! She really needs to have someone beside her now.

She really does.