
Under Black Scales

a Gamer doing Soldier work dies and finds him self in World of Azeroth a land of constend wars dangers adventures and Glory. Join aur protagonist in story of his battle not to return to lands of the dead. The story takes place in the universe of the World of Warcraft,(I Claim no ownership and all rites of WoW title places and most of hero of story are all belonging to Blizzard entertaiment) I will do my best to research and come with an enjoyable story of what could happen in lore and explore one of my favorite lore universes please bear in mind that this will be my 1 big story so it may be a bit bloody so to say.

Madaremius · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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16 Chs

From The Dark

Moving back through the dark passage i take turn after turn going all be way back to the marks i have left behind, moving at slow pace almost bowing down in the shadows to avoide detaction as well as not to trash around my new passenger i take a stop as i hear a familiar sound.

"Rhaaaa...!" a roar of pain and desperation sounding off in the distance.

Such a roar could mean one thing only "one of my kind was not yet broken!" at this revelation i almost jumped up to my full height which rewarded me with a pained growl from my passenger which worked as a remainder and a problem i wanted to rush to help my kin but rushing in could get the red drake killed or both of us if foe ther is beyond me.

looking down at him i can see his wounds start to dry out as his bleeding has decreased but it is still far from recovering to any healthy level but it may just hold enough to allow me to speed up...or it might open his wounds more and kill him.

As i stand in the shadows conflicted in my options i hear it once again the sound of pain and fear echo in the passage a cry for help just like the one i made in that same spot...

Ther is no time for a plan then ther is only time for...escalation.

Following sounds and smell of old gods servents i came to an all to Similar looking door to the one wher i was being corrupted behind giving a fast look over to my red scaled passenger i note that he while growling in his sleep did not seem to get much worst with his bleeding.

As i carefully put him on the ground good 15m next to the door i see his eye's open once again at that moment he seem to be coherent enough to notice me right in front of him as he realised he just woke up face to face with a black dragon he panicked and hastly removed his head away from me...right in to the wall behind him.

With a loud "THUUUD!" the red drake returned to state of unconsciousness as i hear sounds of movement behind the door guess the element of surprise just went out the window as i load lava breath and run forward to blast whatever is about to come through that door said door exploded

As the door got blasted it rained shrapnel and specks of black fire in to the passage sending me flying right back to wher i started the charge from, lucky for me it seems the red did not took a hit from the blast hastly turning back to wher door once have been i spot a facless one preparing in his hands? a void blast to greet anyone that might be still standing in the passage.

Looking at me and then at the red drake i could almost feel that facless one hade an equivalent of a smug look as he looked in to the passage thinking he just took out the red and wounded traitor dragon with barely any effort.

Rushing the facless one i spread out my wings ready to take a big leap in to the air to dodge incoming blast or so that's what i made him think, as the void blast is lunched in my direction i instantly hug my wings to my back and push my self hard left making the blast go way off the mark deep in to the darkness.

For his part the facless one showed some shock that such a young beast tricked him in to missing but range between us did not allowed me to capitalize on it as he started casting a new while retreating back in to the room.

As i rushed in right behind the facless one i took a fast look all over the room and i spoted two things worth of note first the dragon whos roars of pain i heard was no other then Noxarion who was currently chained to the floor by three chains and was trying to free him self.

Two it was my turn to get baited as i looked hard to my left just right next to hole that once was a door huging the wall was a Dragonkin with raised into smashing upper hand blow polearm greetings, in panic and old Human instinct i raised my hands to defend my head from this blow cursing my self right after as i realised that this blow is just gonna hack my hands off.

Only for me to hear a loud "CLANG!!!" as blow came and sure it was hard blow that just hit all my momentum with big ass stop sign but i was still in one piece much to my surprise as well as my foe's fast look on my arm showed that the Black Guards have hold the blow just fine heck ther was not even a scratch on them.

As i was being surprised by my items the dragonkin looked back to room only for him to go wide eyed and make desperate attempt to get away from me realising what is coming i send my magic to the ground raising an earth wall only for it and dragonkin that jumped away from me to be blasted a part with a wave of void magic.

Most of the spell power taken away by the wall i charge through the wave losing a few scales in process but judging from facless ones surprised reaction when he saw me right in front of him it was worth it as he attempts last ditch effert by entering my head he finds him self surprised once again by find my mind to be ready to hold off his panicked attempt leaving nothing to chance i Smash in to his torso with my claws and blast a stream of lava on him right after.

[YOU LEVELED UP: GAINED 5 STAT POINTS] ooo it's been a while let's see "Stat-" as i was about to check on what to smash points next a voice turned my attention away.

"Ancalagon can you help me i cant get out" o right first things first " On it" aproching Noxarion i give the rune's that have been manifesting chains a fast smack with earth magic resulted in rune's falling a part making chains blow off in to the air as some form of mana clouds.

As i was about to talk to him he walked in front of me and give me a serious look which got me to shut up and he took that as an invitation to speak.

"Thank you for saving me but you need to listen to me i know what i am about to say might sound crazy but that thing" Noxarion said as he pointed claw at the Facless ones corpse " Have been trying to Corrupt my mind to mind control me it said the whole of black flight is Corrupted that some sort of magical disturbance was the only reson why our generation is not under ther master control" as he spoke he started to speak faster and faster fear showing in his voice and body as he started to pace around the room.

"I know it might have been a lie to soften my resolve but then one who lead me hir...it was Nefarion Ancalagon your brother...he was empty in his eye's i only saw cold calculating gaze that was eyeing me for how much use i will be...and there were other Onyxia, tenabrian and so many more of other broods all EMPTY!" he stoped in front of me again "WE NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS ISLE MAYBE WE CAN SWIN UNDER WARDS MAYBE WE CAN CONVINCE THE RED'S TO LET US GO MAYBE!-"

i wrap my wing around him in a hug like motion that got him to stop his panic and just hyperventilate "i believe you and i know dont worry i got a plan how to get out but i will need you to help me with something first" that got him calm down a bit but also got him to look at me questioningly.

"emmhehhmeee" wha-a wher" came sound from the passage and it got Noxarion running in to the passage claws first as i was about to stop him i heard a 'THUD" as Noxarian just headbutted the red that was a lot closer in the shadows then Noxarion expected resulting in both of them going unconscious... looking down on the two of them i realise i got double the weight to carry now.

"....Ehhhh deep breaths Ancalagon deep breaths..."