
Undead Miracles

How do you hold on to hope when the world is dead...

Julie_Mancha · Kinh dị ma quái
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"Hey sweetie, how was work?"

"It was good, I didn't have any trouble with any patients today. I wasn't feeling well, so I came home early."

"Oh, are you feeling any better now?"

"Yeah, I'm okay now, don't worry."

"Oh, alright. Just get some rest, I'll be home as soon as I can. Apparently, there is a lot of traffic today."

"Alright, just be careful, please. I did hear about a few roads being closed so take the Highland bridge."

"Alright, sweetie. I will. Well, I gotta go now, my break is almost over. I love you."

"I love you too. Bye."

I smiled and blushed a bit as I put my phone in my pocket.

"My little hunny bunny."

I sighed happily as I sat at my desk. I then noticed my little sister,

"Hey, Leilei!"

I called out to her, I laughed as she blushed,

"Daniel I thought I told you not to call me that in public. I'm not 5 anymore."

I giggled as she angrily elbowed me in the ribs.

"So where are you off to right now, Leilei?",

she groaned and rolled her eyes,

"I'm on my way to meet with Stephen for lunch, we're meeting at the baggage claim. He just came back from a business trip."

"Well have fun! Oh, don't forget you're coming over for dinner tonight."

I waved to Lorelei and started walking back to my desk.

Lorelei's P.O.V.

I quickly made my way to the baggage claim when I noticed a huge crowd of people running in the opposite direction, I then felt myself being dragged to the side.

"Hey! Let go!"

I tried to pull away until I realized it was Stephen.

"Stephen?! What's going on? Where are we going?"

I asked as we ran through the crowd.

"I don't know Lorelei, all I know is that people are attacking each other and we gotta go."

I nodded and followed Stephen.

"Wait, I know where we can go."

I lead Stephen to the control room. Quickly using my keycard, we ran inside. I gasped as a man almost hit me with a police baton until Stephen grabbed it.

"Whoa! Hey, watch who you swing that at!"

The man quickly closed the door behind us and said,

"I'm sorry, but I thought you were one of those crazy people out there. My friend, Jason, and I just escaped from that crowd and hid in here. I'm Freddie by the way"

"I'm Stephen, and this is my wife Lorelei." We followed Freddie and saw his friend, Jason, sitting on a chair,

"What happened are you alright?"

I asked Jason when I noticed blood coming from his side.

"Oh god! Are you okay sir?"

I heard Stephen say as I quickly got the first aid kit.

"Yes, I'm fine just one of those crazy people out there bit me is all."

I gave the first aid kit to Freddie and watched as he patched Jason up.

"Stephen, what are we gonna do? Oh, god! DANIEL IS STILL OUT THERE!"

"Don't worry Lore, you and I both know that he'll be fine."

I sighed,

"Yeah you're right, I just hope he's okay."

"Do you guys know of another way out? Other than going out there."

Stephen asked the two men.

"No as far as we know",

said Freddie bandaging up Jason.

"Do you think they might be saying anything on the news?"

I looked up as I asked Stephen.

"I don't know, Lore."

I watched as Stephen checked his phone.

"It looks like they're saying its a terrorist attack, but that's impossible there are too many people that are a part of this."

"Then what do you think it is?",

asked Jason as he fixed himself up on the chair and held his side.

"It's hard to say for sure. But whatever it is, it's causing people to attack each other. We should find a way to get out of here and get help from your friend.",

Stephen said as he began to look around the room for anything useful. Freddie and I then began to help, I looked through the drawers on the desk and smiled,

"Stephen look what I found!"

I held the walkie-talkie up to Stephen.

"This could be really helpful. Jason, what channel do you use to communicate with the staff here?"

"We use Channel 3, since Channel 2 is for security, and 1 is for the control room."

I gasped,

"We can contact Daniel. He should have his walkie-talkie!"

I watched as Stephen turned the walkie-talkie on and changed it to Channel 2,

"Hello? Can anyone hear me? Please come in anyone." We all waited for a while. Then I heard a familiar voice come through the walkie-talkie.

"Stephen? Is that you?! Where are you?! Is Lorelei with you?"

"Daniel! Yeah, it's me. Lorelei is here, we're here in the control room. We need to help those crazy people are outside, so we're trapped in the control room. Where are you?"

"I'm in the security room. I'll go get you guys, just keep me posted on how you guys are and be careful. I don't know what's going on, but things are not looking good"

"Got it, you be careful too."

I sighed with relief knowing that Daniel was okay.

"I guess we just wait now."

I said as I tried to relax. I looked at the time on my watch and noticed that it was 3:30 pm. I noticed that Jason on the chair had slowly begun to become paler and paler as the seconds passed.

"We gotta get out of here and get help."

I heard Freddie say.

"He's getting worse."

"I-I'm fine. It just hurts. I'll be fine.",

Jason tried to stand until I saw him flinch in pain.

"No, don't get up!"

I gasped as I noticed the pool of blood on the floor near him.

"Stephen this is bad."

I held onto Stephen's arm tightly, when Jason began to moan in pain as he held his side.

"Hey, hey. Are you okay?",

Freddie asked as he went to help him. I tried not to scream as I saw Jason begin to scratch at his eyes and scream.

"What are you doing?! Stop that!",

said Freddie as he tried to stop Jason.

"You're only making things worse!"

I looked away as Jason clawed his own eyes out while screaming. Stephen held me close as we slowly backed away from Jason.

"Lore, get behind me."

I hid behind him as I continued to watch Freddie try to stop Jason.

"What is wrong with you? Why would you do that to your eyes?!"

Freddie quickly went to get the first aid again. I held onto Stephen's hand as I watched Jason slowly move around the room while moaning in pain.

"You gotta sit down come on.",

Freddie said as he brought out the first aid kit. Jason groaned then quickly grabbed Freddie's arm. Jason then began to let out a blood-curdling scream as he dug his nails into Freddie's arm.

"Ow! What's wrong with you?! Let go!!"

"Stephen, we gotta help him!"

Stephen and I quickly went to help Freddie.

"Let go of him!! You're making his arms bleed!!",

I tried to help pry Jason's hand off but then gasped as I heard banging on the door of the control room.

"Let me go!! What is wrong with you!?"

I heard Freddie yell as I quickly looked for a weapon,

"No! Stop it! What are you- AHHH!!!!!"

I screamed as I saw Jason biting Freddie on the neck, I quickly looked around the room again and saw the ax from the fire equipment. I quickly grabbed a chair and broke the glass to get the ax.

"Stephen! Look out!!"

I quickly swung and hit Jason in the back of the head. Once Jason let go of Freddie, Stephen quickly pulled Freddie away and began to treat his neck wound. I trembled as I let go of the ax. "O-Oh god, I-I didn't know what else to do."

"Lore pass me the first aid kit!"

I started to pass the first aid kit to Stephen till Freddie shook his head and pointed at the ax.

"Y-You have to kill me…",

he coughed violently as he continued, "Jason was bitten by a coworker, who was acting just like him before he was bitten… I don't want to turn into one of them… So please...kill me…"

I trembled as I reached for the ax, but Stephen grabbed the ax

"I'll do it, Lore. Don't look, alright."

Freddie smiled,

"Thank you… You two are good people, be careful out there…"

I covered my eyes as Stephen swung the ax up in the air. I flinched as I heard the thump as the ax hit.

"Don't open your eyes yet Lore."

"I won't don't worry just tell me when."

"Okay, you can look now."

I uncovered my eyes and saw Stephen had covered both men with the fire blanket.

"We gotta get out of here and meet up with Daniel."

I nodded,

"What are we gonna do to get by those people who are sick?"

"We gotta get past them and not get bitten."

"We should tell Daniel that we're going to leave the control room."

I passed the walkie-talkie to Stephen.

"Daniel, if you can hear me we're leaving the control room. We're going to try and get out of the building through the front. If you can, meet us there."

We waited to see if he would answer, but after a bit of waiting, nothing.

"Oh god, I hope he's okay."

"He'll be fine Lore. Now come on let's go." Stephen opened up the door quietly and checked to see if anyone was outside. "Okay, the coast is clear. Come on." Stephen gently held my hand as we quietly left the control room. I looked around at all the suitcases and bags on the floor,

"It's quiet... Do you think there are more of those people out there?"

"I hope not. Let's just keep our voices down and stay quiet."

I nodded as we walked towards the food court.

"Stephen look."

I pointed at a few droplets and smears of blood on the floor and nearby walls. Stephen tightened his grip on my hand as we made our way carefully through the food court. I gasped when I accidentally tripped on a purse.

"Lore! Are you alright?"

Stephen helped me up. I then tried not to scream when I saw two sickly-looking people coming in our direction,

"Stephen we got to go!"

We began to run to the front of the airport until we saw a group of sickly-looking people eating another man. I screamed at the sight, catching the attention of the group, but before they could do anything. Stephen began to lead us towards the airfield.

"Stephen lookout!!"

I quickly pulled Stephen to me before a sick man could grab him. Stephen quickly swung the ax and hit the man in the head. "Thanks, Lore, now come on."

I nodded and quickly followed Stephen outside. I gasped when I saw another group of people eating an air marshal. I covered my mouth before I could scream. "Lore! Come on!"

Stephen lead me towards the airfield, I turned back and gasped when I saw the large horde of people behind us.

"Stephen, what are we gonna do?! They're catching up!"

"Let's head to the Command Center! We'll hide there for a bit!"

I followed him to the door of the Command Center.

"Shoot its locked!"

I heard Stephen say when he tried to open the door. I gasped as I saw the horde of people getting closer.


"Get behind me, Lore!"

Stephen got the ax ready as a sickly group of people got closer. Before he got the chance to swing, a baggage cart cut between the horde,

"Lore, Stephen jump on hurry!!"

I heard a familiar voice say.


Stephen and I quickly jumped on the baggage cart.

"I'm so glad you're okay!"

I hugged Daniel as he began to drive away from the horde.

"It took a while to find you, but once I saw you guys on the security cams, I knew where to find you."

"It's a good thing you found us! It was perfect timing."

I heard Stephen say giving Daniel a fist-bump.

"Let's get out of here before we get surrounded again."

Daniel said as he began to drive the cart a little faster to the front of the airport. Daniel parked the cart in the parking lot. "What do you guys think we should do now?"

"For sure, we need to figure out what's going on and find a good place to hunker down.",

Daniel said looking back at the airport. "We could go to your house."

Daniel said getting his walkie-talkie from the seat of the cart.

"I think it's better if we head to the Medical Center, where Amari works."

said Stephen. I quietly looked Daniel over and noticed he was covered in blood. "Daniel whose blood is that?"

"Oh, It's from one of those things back there. Don't worry about it."

"Just make sure you don't get bitten no matter what."

I said hugging Daniel.

"I'll be careful Leilei."

I heard him say as I hugged him.

"So we're heading to the Medical Center?"

I asked looking at the boys.

"Yup, I'm gonna meet you guys there I have to go get Ilana."

"She's not at work already?"

Stephen asked.

"No, she had left early. But don't worry we'll meet you there still."

"Just be careful Daniel."

I said as we headed for our car.

"I will. Just call me if anything happens."

I waved as Daniel made his way to his car and drove off. Stephen and I sat in the car in silence as we noticed the horde of sickly-looking people exiting the airport doors. We then both said in unison,

"What are we gonna do…?"