
A Stroll (2)

Lily was calmly breathing while looking at the mess, she had made. Trees everywhere, severed, as she had tested the full extent of her strength on them. It was liberating for her. To finally let loose, that's why she might have gone a little too far than she initially intended.

The sun was shining up in the sky, as the clouds had went away, but this forest is thicker than even Lily realised. She had destroyed countless trees, but the sun still couldn't reach her. It was still dark, but not as dark as it was two hours ago.

Lily had moved further from the position she had been two hours ago, now she was thinking of going back home. She could still feel the bond between the twins. She could also feel they had moved away from the apartment room. But it didn't feel as if they had tried running away, as the bond didn't feel stretched.

She could look at the map using her system to pinpoint their exact location, but she knew they wouldn't risk their lives to do something as stupid as running away, well not until they had gained her trust, and test if they could run away. Shrugging her shoulders she needed to do one last test, before she leaves.

She went were there were still trees that were still intact. "Testing my strength, I have already learned, it's not just my arms that had gained strength, each part of my body has the potential to lay waste to my enemies, but they are useless in combat.

I won't make a fool of myself, to try fighting my foes using my breasts when my arms are of no use due to strange reasons, I would sooner give up, and die, rather than humiliate myself like that and live.

But moving to the topic at hand when I used my legs to severe some of the trees. I realised I had the potential to use them for jumping high in the sky, with this I will have complete control, when fighting in narrowed places, that's if I can use the jumping capability wisely.

Even though, I have a trait with wings, and I might be capable of flying. They won't be of much use in places such as this forest, they would only spell my doom." Lily coldly analysed, and processed information about some of her capabilities.

If she hadn't tamed the twins, she would have been cocky about her new abilities, but seeing as even though they were scared of her. She knew in a fair fight, they would lay waste at her.

She needed to learn to use all of her capabilities in her arsenal to survive fights with monsters, like the twins.

Lily shook her head from overthinking, and went towards a nice thick tree, deep purple in colour. She touched it, and felt it's smooth surface, despite how rough looking it appeared. She exhaled and backtracked three steps away.

She slightly squatted down, then using the strength of her legs, to propel herself upwards. A grin split across her lips, as she ascended above the trees, she covered her head, with her hands, as she broke apart tree branches with her strong defenses.

"Hahaha- haha- THIS IS AWESOME... hahahaha- Hahaha-"

Lily laughed, and yelled out experiencing the joy of freedom. She felt like she was flying. But her joy was short lived when she remembered she didn't know how she was going to land. When she was about reach above the tree, she began descending downwards.

"Hehe- I hope my defenses, are as strong as I think they are, otherwise this would be one of the dumbest ways to die.."

Despite plummeting to what was most likely her death, she was still relaxed, grinning from ear to ear smelling the sweet scent of nature. Her head suddenly turned to her left, picking up the scent of blood, reminding her of her hunger.

Her eyes glowed, as her instincts, she also didn't know existed took over. She grabbed on to one of the branches, she hadn't torn off. But the branch eluded her grasp not able to withstand her strength, so she grasp for another, then another, until she found the one that was strong enough to stop her plummeting descent.

The scent of blood, became stronger, as hunger gnawed at her stomach. With a swift and agile motion, she swung from branch to branch, of many trees, her primal acrobat movements awaken. When she got closer to the scent she was chasing after, her movement grew quieter, as not to alert her prey.

She halted, and stood on top of a branch, as she had reached the source of the tantalizing aroma. It came from a scrawny looking kid, who bleeding from his nose. He was surrounded by three other men. They were kicking him all over, laughing the more the kid groaned in pain.

His face was covered in snot, dirt, blood and tears, trying to shield his body from the blows. There wasn't any pity within Lily's eyes, all she saw were prey. Who was at the wrong was of no consequence to her, her hunger came first.

All her teeth became razor sharp, her nails extended and became metallic with deadly sharpness, her eyes glowed more with intensity filled with nothing but bloodthirstiness.

She licked her lip, as a smile split across her lips. She gazed upon all the thugs like prey. Wasting no time, she jumped down from the tree, straight towards the thug with a purple shirt, he looked to be the stronger one, with bulging muscles.

She landed exactly on his face, when he turned to her, last second. Her strength made him lose balance and fall down with her still on top. The thug hit the ground with a loud thud followed by the sounds of skull breaking, and brain being flattened, under Lily's weight.

Blood that spluttered under Lily's sneakers, spread everywhere. The thug died before his friends could react. Lily didn't linger, and followed up on her surprise attack, by ripping the throat of the thug with the red shirt, who was close by.

Her sharpened nails, had dug deep in his throat, and she had grasped the wind pipe of the second thug with her hand, pulling it out, then throwing it away at the same time.

The thug tried stopping the bleeding, as he gagged on it. He suffocated, while loosing large amount of blood, with pain numbing his mind, only fear of death remained.

He fell down on his knees, a tear falling down his cheek, his eyes became hollow, and he died only feeling pain, and fear. The last thug, and the scrawny kid, were frozen with paralysing fear, their eyes wide with shock and revulsion at the brutality caused by Lily.

The scrawny kid's pants became wet, while the last thug puked his guts out, Lily became disgusted by such display, reminding her of a number of times she had to clean after her father's disgusting puke, so she moved with inhumane speed, and drove her hand into the last thug's stomach, and pulling out his organs.

The last thug puked once more, this time, blood that sprayed Lily's face, with a disgusted grunt, she let go of the guts and grasp the thug by the throat, lifting him up, then snapping his neck like a twig, and throwing him at the side.

Her eyes swivelled to the scrawny kid trying to escape by moving backwards using his hands, this action reminded her of her father's futile attempt of escape when she had tortured him last night.

The reminder made her heart pump harder, and a thrill never felt before ran through her veins. The bloodlust took over. She stepped forward towards the kid slowly with measured steps, her smile widened beyond normal, her eyes completely blackened.

She could no longer see, yet her senses became even more enhanced, and the smell that wafted from the kid was so enticing reminding her of the only dish she had ever enjoyed, during happier times, if they ever were.