
Unbroken Charm

WSA 2024 entry. When Charmaine Alysham is sent to a private college, her only goal is to graduate with honors and become independent. But the unfamiliar world she never asked to be a part of – the salt-swept, forgotten Isla Serpiente, is under attack by ancient beasts and powerful demons. A place of secrets, rumors and tight-lipped expectations of newcomers to the island. The natives whisper about untold prophecies and the end of the world. Stalked by demons. Charm found herself being manipulated for her spirit power. Spirit power is dangerous, uncontrollable and deadly. Sides are being chosen, the final war to end all battles is coming. Form an unbroken bond with Charm as she makes her way in an increasingly desperate and unfamiliar world.

NixOrtikal · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

Split personality

Even while running on exhaustion fumes, she still managed to leave Miguel and the others behind. 

She could hear their footsteps coming her way from a distance.

Now that she reached the end of the corridor, Charm pondered if she should wait on them or go straight ahead.

Charm shook her head now was not time to get a case of nerves, there was no turning back.

Alone, Charm pushed open the door to the dark room.

Her conscience made it feel like this wasn't the wisest of moves but she simply ignored it. 

Just knowing she was stepping into the ghoul's lair, her peach fuzz stood on edge and goosebumps flared all over her body.

The dank room stank of dried blood and rotting flesh. 

As she moved further into the pitch black room, Charm felt the oppressive weight of being watched. 

The suffocating feeling made her eyes adjust faster to the darkness of the room.

"Filtthhhy Humannn," slurred a harsh voice from the darkness.