

(A/N: Before you proceed, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. UNDER REVISION. Thank you and Enjoy! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧) (FRIENDLY REMINDER; TWO CHAPTERS THAT AREN'T AN UPDATE: - AFTER CHAPTER 100 (ARC 3) - AFTER CHAPTER 188.4 (ARC 4) IF YOU ARE CURIOUS WHY DID THE AUTHOR NOT DELETE THOSE TWO? THE REASON IS SIMPLE, IT CANNOT BE DELETED IF A CHAPTER IS PART OF THE LOCKED CHAPTERS/PREMIUM CHAPTERS. ADDITIONALLY, IF THE CHAPTER IS ON THE 100 AND ABOVE CHAPTERS, IT WILL STATE THAT IT CANNOT EXCEED 100 WORDS FOR DELETION SO IT CANNOT BE REVISED. I JUST REVISED THE EARLIER CHAPTERS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING! ENJOY! THIS IS MY FIRST EVER NOVEL. ) ---- Xanxia, a diverse realm divided into ten continents, in which the continents had their own varying cultures, traditions, and advancement. In the farther north hailed the top revolutionary chefs, in the west were closed off species existed, in the south where intellective students were known, in the farther east where blood and war breeds - and finally, at the center where the smallest continent located was a girl in male clothing lived. Chun Shuho, an androgynous beauty who could attract 'bees and butterflies' around the place was born to hide her true gender due to an oracle. Because of her lost memories from five years ago, she decided to travel on the surrounding continents to retrieve her scattered, fragmented memories. Together with her was the mysterious butler that was not only a former prince of the demons but he had many secrets hidden behind. And because of a fated event, she encountered Zero, an existence that defied logic was somehow connected to her due to an extinct bloodline. As she journeyed on, a chase between time and space brought her back to the past and led her to the future which made her discover the secrets of her identity and what was her true purpose. This is a story of reincarnation, cultivation, systems and other interesting theme that would surely pique your curiosity. ---- Let yourself fall into the vast and unbridled world of imagination. 'Fortes fortuna adiuvat' -AToastForADay (Author) Warning: There are so many RECAPS in some parts of the story but bear with me as some are put as a flashbacks. Though, you can just skip that. Just do what you see fit. Thank you! cover from the respected owner. ( ◜‿◝ )♡

AToastForADay · Kỳ huyễn
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217 Chs


Seven of them were aware what happened three years ago because they were still normal students in the school before being recruited in this investigation department.

The mission was all about finding out the suspect. Their first step would be profiling in which knowing the possible characteristics of the criminal.

The next slide was a man being hanged on the ceiling. His face was deathly white as he gasped for air and the eyes were focused down with a hint of emotion as he died. This man was an elder from the Yu family, after Yu In Na 'escaped' from their household and her father disappeared. The murders were happening within the household.

"I will bring it into simulation so we can examine it closely," Chun said.

The scene on the slide was brought onto life. The simulation displayed the setting of the room and the older man being hanged, there's no chair near the man or any traces of object that could be used as a platform to execute a suicide so it was concluded that he was murdered.

"This was the first victim. His name was Yu Lan, 64 years old and the second elder of the household," the silver haired youth explained.

"Teacher, there are marks of blackened lines on his wrists. Signs of being tied and he truly struggled," Lerrent spoke while examining up close the victim. The sloth young man was interested on this kind of activity so he said more words than he used to.

"Yes. Even his ankles were not left out," Chun stated while smirking, "What else can you see?" She said, looking at the face of the man.

"He hated the culprit. Obviously, he really hated the culprit because he killed him," Han stated while shrugging.

Terra perked up, "You're right but, while observing this kind of hatred, it is not the common hate but an upper level of hatred."

"Upper level of hate?" The mechanical genius asked.

"In my case, I have my own levels of hatred. There are five levels of it; the misunderstanding, the dispute of hatred, the opinionated hatred, the connected hatred and the severe hatred," Terra replied.

Hearing this, Chun gestured at the former to explain further her theory.

"So the first level is misunderstanding, like the usual misunderstanding, two people did not understand each other or had misinterpreted one another that caused for avoidance and slight hint of hate," while listening they nodded at Terra, understanding her definition.

She continued, "Next is the dispute of hatred. A fight happened and the two of you hate each other because of a disagreement, third is the opinionated hatred, this is a bit critical. While on the first meeting or just meeting 'them', you have this instinct to avoid this person because you don't like 'their' style or even the attitude so it rooted upon your own opinion."

"Fourth is the connected hatred, your friends, family or even your relatives hates this person so you must hate 'them' too. Like the saying, 'the enemy of my friend is my enemy, too' like that. Basically, it's about having you hate that person because of an accumulated hatred from the people you have relation to."

"These four levels can still have forgiveness. But this fifth level is really not good, I must say," the expert behaviorist warned the others.

"Severe hatred can be originated to any factors from the four levels but this type of hate has a whole another level. It does not comply to any reasons of forgiveness so its mainly the peak of hatred," Terra finished there while rolling her eyes. She then turned her attention to the face of the victim.

"He died with a severe hatred."

The seven people listening to her has a bright glint on their face, amazed by their newfound knowledge.

"Hmm. The criminal must have a deeper relation to the victim and they have some kind of fight or misunderstanding, until the day that he died, he would not forgive the culprit," Han stated.

"Maybe something like that," Chun interrupted them while nodding, "Or it can be someone connected to him but just a bystander wanting to kill him to misled the opinion to the person he had a dispute."

"Teacher, you have a point. So a fight really occured?" Lerrent asked.

"A-huh. Before he was killed, he had a fight with his son, the day before," Chun replied.

Li Li dumbly looked at the youth and stated, "Who was his son?"

"Yu Lee In."

As they heard the name, they were shocked. Many conclusions transpired on their brain.

Maybe, he was killed by Yu Lee In because of the fight.

Maybe, the reason of the disappearance of the former head patriarch was murdering his own father.

Maybe, he did not like the decision of his father and the other elders about replacing him so he hated him and killed him.

While looking at their faces, even the blank face Rye has a reaction to it, Chun smiled playfully.

The sloth young man just observed with silence and a hint of light on his eyes passed.

"This was a good scheme of the person behind this," Lerrent pointed out.

"Explain," Chun said with playfulness.

The young man cleared his throat and slowly arranged his ideas, "Let me ask you a question, teacher?"


"Did you ever felt killing your father when you have any disagreements with him?"


"If you killed your father, would you hide?"

"It depends."

Lerrent nodded, receiving the answer from Chun.

"Would you first fought your father without clarifying the situation?"


The young man went silent after asking while Han furrowed his brows looking at the exchanged of words between the two.

Chun deeply stared at Han and said," You're an assassin, right? What is your opinion?"

The surprised youth was awoken from his thoughts and answered, "As a professional killer, I can say that the angle in which the body was tied, was predetermined by the culprit. He positioned the hanged body infront the door connecting the lounge room so he has the intention to threaten the person who will be meeting the second elder."

"Teacher, what room is this?" Lith asked while observing the lavish room.

"This a personal workroom of the second elder. It has three doors, the door connecting to the hallway, the bathroom door and the door towards the lounge room. It said that when he's busy in his workroom, he will allow the visitors to rest on the lounge room," Chun explained as she read through the papers on her hand.

Through what their handler stated, they realized something.

With shining eyes, Li Li asked, "Is it Yu Lee In his next visitor?"

"Hmm. According to the written testimonies in here." Chun simply replied.

"Then who was the culprit?"

"I thought the murders started when the former head patriarch disappeared?"

The silver haired youth just listened to their discussions as she lazily seated herself on a chair.

After pondering for a minute, Lerrent stated, "From this posture and this angle, the killer must be around 6 feet tall. He lifted the victim up while he was struggling so he must be strong, maybe a Median Realm martial practitioner."

"Teacher, do you have any list of martial practitioners in Median Realm in Yu family, three years ago?"

"I have. Art, has it."

A formal suit wearing person appeared from outside with his golden rimmed glasses and a small booklet on his hand.

"Well done, Art! Give it to Lerrent," Chun stated while making herself comfortable on the chair.

"Yes, young lord," Art obliged and handed the booklet to the young man.

The seven students curiously looked at the butler while Art ignored them after he finished his task and stood beside Chun.

"Is he a kept man?" The gossip king whispered to the others while LiLi and Terra has a blush on their faces, hearing Kai Sun's statement.

The butler who was being gossiped just coughed and slightly observed his young master from his peripheral view. The sleepy young master gestured the students to continue their investigation.

They dispersed their unrelated topic and focused to what Lerrent was looking.

There were 25 people who were at Median realm at that time, 22 of them did not match for the 6 feet height so leaving three individuals.

Yu Huo, 35 years old, 6'2 ft, Median realm Middle stage, from the side-branch family.

Yu In Go, 40 years old, 6 ft, Median realm High stage, from the main family, step-brother of Yu Lee In.

Yu Chuyun, 37 years old, 6'1ft, Median realm High stage, from the side-branch family, current head patriarch.

"What are your thoughts?" Chun asked them.

Lerrent did not replied. The gossip king responded, "I bet its Yu Chuyun! You know the usual things to happen. In order to usurp the position, he dealt a blow to the former."

The others agreed except for the sloth young man. He once again examined the simulation, doubting his first findings.

"Teacher, can I have a rest?" He suddenly stated and found himself a chair.

"You can."

The silent Rye frowned and turned to Chun, "Teacher, I thought this case was already closed?" The seven of them slowly registered what they heard.

The lazy youth then laughed, getting the attention of the others.

"So is this another revenge of yours, teacher?" Li Li poutingly said.

"Hahah, m-maybe? Well this is just a brain exercise. As I've told you before, our first step is profiling and I just wanted to test you all in solving a familiar case to you. But really, our main mission is to know the motive of the killer in this case," Chun explained as she played through her students.

"Is that all, teacher? Just the motive? Are we not going on the field?" Terra clarified while rolling her eyes at Chun, not finding the whole situation amusing.

"Yes. You're not yet ready for the

real case," the youth answered and stood up.

"Real case?" Han asked.

"Not ready yet. So first solved this exercise because I'll be grading you." Chun did not dally and explained to them. She lazily stretched her two arms and conversed to Art on her head.

Lerrent ignored their fussed and answered Chun, "The motive of the killer is to bring the Yu family down."

Chun looked at the former and smiled.

"As I observed, you're all driven by passion while solving the case. Hmm... good. Rin was right."

The blonde haired young woman inquiringly gazed at the youth, making the young man gestured to her.

"Teacher, why did you brought up this case?"

"Well, Rin is planning to open up this case."

Vote please 'cause maybe I will not delay any more exciting happenings on the next chapters.

AToastForADaycreators' thoughts