

(A/N: Before you proceed, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. UNDER REVISION. Thank you and Enjoy! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧) (FRIENDLY REMINDER; TWO CHAPTERS THAT AREN'T AN UPDATE: - AFTER CHAPTER 100 (ARC 3) - AFTER CHAPTER 188.4 (ARC 4) IF YOU ARE CURIOUS WHY DID THE AUTHOR NOT DELETE THOSE TWO? THE REASON IS SIMPLE, IT CANNOT BE DELETED IF A CHAPTER IS PART OF THE LOCKED CHAPTERS/PREMIUM CHAPTERS. ADDITIONALLY, IF THE CHAPTER IS ON THE 100 AND ABOVE CHAPTERS, IT WILL STATE THAT IT CANNOT EXCEED 100 WORDS FOR DELETION SO IT CANNOT BE REVISED. I JUST REVISED THE EARLIER CHAPTERS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING! ENJOY! THIS IS MY FIRST EVER NOVEL. ) ---- Xanxia, a diverse realm divided into ten continents, in which the continents had their own varying cultures, traditions, and advancement. In the farther north hailed the top revolutionary chefs, in the west were closed off species existed, in the south where intellective students were known, in the farther east where blood and war breeds - and finally, at the center where the smallest continent located was a girl in male clothing lived. Chun Shuho, an androgynous beauty who could attract 'bees and butterflies' around the place was born to hide her true gender due to an oracle. Because of her lost memories from five years ago, she decided to travel on the surrounding continents to retrieve her scattered, fragmented memories. Together with her was the mysterious butler that was not only a former prince of the demons but he had many secrets hidden behind. And because of a fated event, she encountered Zero, an existence that defied logic was somehow connected to her due to an extinct bloodline. As she journeyed on, a chase between time and space brought her back to the past and led her to the future which made her discover the secrets of her identity and what was her true purpose. This is a story of reincarnation, cultivation, systems and other interesting theme that would surely pique your curiosity. ---- Let yourself fall into the vast and unbridled world of imagination. 'Fortes fortuna adiuvat' -AToastForADay (Author) Warning: There are so many RECAPS in some parts of the story but bear with me as some are put as a flashbacks. Though, you can just skip that. Just do what you see fit. Thank you! cover from the respected owner. ( ◜‿◝ )♡

AToastForADay · Kỳ huyễn
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217 Chs


TwinCity Continent

Tetran Country, Willow City >>

Inside the Institute...

In a simulation white room with only a table and two chairs facing to each other, Chun was seated on one of it while Rin was standing and elaborating to her the expected students that would be under her care.

"You have seven students that will be on your hold and they have great statuses so you need to be careful. The only way for you to remain as their instructor is to gain their trust and respect..."

Rin briefed her for an entire half hour that made the young man to feel bored because the overall briefing was all about "don't offend them" "don't anger them" "be respectful" "value your life"

For some reasons Chun thought that she was not working as an instructor but entering as their classmate. The silver haired youth furrowed her brows while she listened to her instructions and she suddenly putted up her right hand in a 'stopping' manner.

The girl abruptly paused.

"Do you have any questions?"

"Can you proceed to my students---"


"Don't worry I will handle them 'properly' "

A slightly flustered Rin paused for a moment and collected her thoughts.

She cleared her throat, "Okay."

"Open projection," she commanded and the room suddenly jolted with lights then a projection of white light reflected in the white wall infront of them.

"The files in your hands will be yours to analyze. It contains the students' characteristics and such, so look up here," Rin pointed on the wall then a picture of a silver blue eyed young man appeared. He had a lazy look on his unruffled face. His dishevelled curly hair was a bit over his forehead.

"This is Lerrent admitted for three years here in Harconia Institute with no potential on cultivation and he's a sloth. Sleeping everywhere if it can be slept on. But he's the acknowledged captain and team leader in the group. When it comes to strategizing, decrypting codes, and other detective stuff are his specialty but he had only a lasting ability for 1 hour if he expended too much brain consumption. You can look up it in the file I have given you for additional information. Next."

Once Rin ushered, the projection like having its own mind, it switched to the next slide. It was another young man but had a very short clean cut black hair with a piercing glare on his charcoal colored eyes. He had the intent to kill on his eyes, the intensity of it could made a spine felt cold.

"Don't be intimidated, Han is a good kid but just don't get on his nerves and you'll be okay. He had a one-sided enmity with Lerrent due to the leadership position. Well he's a bit of a sadist. Admitted for five years here and no potential of cultivating the martial way so he just end up to be a disappointment on his household which was a household of assassin."

The projection then switched to another slide. The picture now was a young lady with a hundred dollar smile, her smile was like a candidate for miss photogenic. She had glossy auburn hair and her red fiery eyes could hooked a soul to her looks.

"Terra, she is a bit of outgoing, an extrovert and likes to meet new people. She's very friendly you can get along with her unless you don't like too much noise," Rin shrugged and continued, "Admitted for two years here and was sent to dentention for ten times for class disruption. She is a cousin to the first princess of Slatercort and unfortunately no potential in cultivation."

The next image that emerged, it was a young man with a smile on his face while giving a wacky pose. He had dark brown hair and hazel nut eyes.

"Oh this one is a bit of trouble in this institute, Kai Sun is a troublesome brat. He is best on collecting informations, well in laymans' term he's best at gossips and making and selling gossip stories. He knows every latest happenings in this continent and that's due to his connections. He made the two departments in this institue fought each other for some false rumor, last year. But another misfortune is he has no talent in cultivation."

Rin sighed while discussing again the misfortunes of these students. The next one that appeared had a blank look on his face. He did not bothered to stare at the camera and just looked sideways and the bags under his eyes was a bit darker caused of lack of sleep.

"This is Rye, introverted that sometimes he is so silent that you would not notice his presence yet he's a genius when it comes to technologies, proficient in hacking so lest be safe and do not reveal your identity card to him but he lacks talent on cultivation, too"

A girl with short blonde appeared in the next slide with her gentle smile and vibrant light brown eyes.

"Oh this is Lith, she's skilled in medicine and she's the very stable person on this group of students you're handling. If I'm not available you can inquire for her. She was a martial practitioner in Median Realm nascent stage yet something happened five years ago that crippled her so she delved herself in medicine and concocting potions and pills so this unfornate event for her was a pity or a great luck," Rin dismissed herself on reminiscing the past.

The last one was a girl with twin tails and with bright smile on her face, on her forehead was a headband that has some kind of mechanical spectacle on it, "Li Li, good at forging mechanical gadgets, artifacts and other stuff that can be able to make. She's a bit obsessed on her mechanical dolls and another unfortunate student, no talent in cultivation."

Rin ended the introduction there while she gave Chun an inquiring look if she has something to ask.

The silver haired youth slightly fixed her hair and opened her mouth, "So is this a gathering of a talentless group of students?"

"Hmm. You can say that."

While she confirmed her thoughts, Chun immediately flipped open the file that was on her hand.

> Faction A

-Lerrent: Team Leader

Brain power- Superior*

Strength level- 30/100 (*Slightly Normal)

;prodigy detective, loves to sleep, lazy.

-Kai Sun: Scout

Brain power- Superior

Strength level- 50/100 (Normal)

;gossip king, most updated to all news around the continent, loves to see conflicts, laidback.

-Lith: Doctor

Brain power- Superior

Strength level- 50/100 (Normal)

;proficient in all kinds of medicine, loves to concoct pills and potions, inscribing formulas. Note: she's OCD when it comes to her things.

-Li Li: Inventor

Brain power- Superior

Strength level- 80/100 (Above Normal)

;mechanical genius, likes playing pranks, loves her dolls.

>Faction B (Opposed to the Team Leader)

-Han: Assasin

Brain power- Superior

Strength level- 90/100 (Above Normal)

;hates Lerrent's guts, has a one-sided enmity with Lerrent, a sadist.

-Terra: Behaviorist

Brain power- Superior

Strenghth level- 50/100 (Normal)

;extrovert, likes new people, very friendly.

-Rye: Hacker

Brain power- Superior

Strength level- 40/50 (*a bit Normal)

;introvert, likes silence, loves hacking and fishing checks.

After she checked out the students that would be under her. She gestures at Rin and states, "So this group of students are not united?"

Rin nodded her head and affirmed the youth's inquiry and then continued, "The reason why the institute recruited an instructor because of their disharmony--"

Chun cutted off her statement while she raised her right brow.

"Is that the only reason?"

The young girl smiled a bit yet she did not responded.

"Then I will escort you to 'your' students' class hall," Rin changed the topic and lead Chun outside and towards the connecting hallways of each buildings.

They passed by many hallways until they finally arrived on the deserted gloomy building which had an eerie feeling to it.

"Is this really their building?" Chun asked, unsured on how to react on this ancient looking structure.

"Eyy, this is not the appearance of their building. Look closely."

The silver haired youth observed the building intently and noticed some obscured arrangements.

Rin just shaked her head and shouted at the entrance, "Li Li! You can stop it now."

Suddenly a childish looking girl on her mid-teens while holding a mechanical doll on her hand pouted at Rin.

"Sister Rin, you are a bully! Why did you lead this instructor here and revealed my illusion technique?! Hmp." She exclaimed and ran away.

Chun frowned and observed the place where Li Li vanished to.

"Haha, that was close. It's good that I'm here so they can't play their pranks on you. So let's proceed." Rin was about to stepped on a slightly suspicious looking red rock when Chun prevented her.

"Huh? What is it?"

The youth immediatetly pushed her off while she dodged. There were kunais that suddenly plunged in towards their previous location.

"So lucky! Good," a young man with piercing glare appeared and smiled at Chun with sarcasm.

'What is his name again?' Chun thought.

As traps and other ploys kept on persisting on Chun's way, the darker her face was.

She needs to teach this naughty children a lesson.