

You didn't do anything now that slut is getting married to my willy today but mark my words she won't marry him I'd rather be dead than to let her have my man, sir I need to use the warehouse at the north of the city am sure what am about to do they will suspect you first but me no one will have a clue you will keep them occupied and il make my moves I only need three men can you give me that??.

You can take all you need but how did you know those two you said you were helping me to take revenge as your boss so I can give you the position you wanted bt now you said willy is your man care to explain yourself because if anything goes south I won't help you out helping yourself.

It's a long story I need the position to get willy but that little slut was smart and fast since your incident happened she has started growing horns and I have to put her into her place and I don't need your help as far as I get my willy you can have fun with her for ruining your reputation.