

After getting caught up in an accident, Li Xin transmigrated into a fantasy novel called 'The Rise of the Heavenly Demon' and became the ultimate villain, Chen Zoe. Arriving fifteen years prior to the original plot, he decides to change his dark destiny and distance himself from the protagonist at any cost. However, his plans were ruined when the protagonist becomes his disciple, a twist that wasn't even part of the original novel. To escape from this situation, Chen Zoe tries every method to make the protagonist leave his side, but nothing works; in fact, it brings them even closer. They start to develop feelings for each other, but they never expect that their love will bring disaster to the entire world.

Black_Queen666 · LGBT+
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66 Chs

A new family member

In the dimly lit room of the inn, Chen Zeon's eyes were fixed on a scroll detailing the extensive damage caused by the recent battle. He tapped his fingers rhythmically on the armrest of his chair, his expression a mix of disbelief and wry amusement.

He couldn't help but chuckle dryly. "Well nephew, I must say, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe that stopping a war could cost this much. How about taking a look at how many zeros are here… The war itself might not have caused this much damage."

Chen Zoe exchanged a glance with Xi Shen, both stay silent over Chen Zeon's words. Seeing their silence, Chen Zeon continued. "At least tell me, what exactly happened here? Why exactly the beast men came here?"

Chen Zeon understood the seriousness of the situation and the reasons behind Chen Zoe's actions. However, the thought of the consequences that Chen Zoe would have to face upon returning to the sect filled him with worry. The elders of the sect were very difficult to handle, especially when their ideals and believes are completely opposite of Chen Zoe's actions. They won't let the matter go of that easy, this time he really crossed the limits that no one dare before.

Suddenly a knock appeared on the door, Xi Shen went to open it and seeing Long Yuzhen's face ruin the whole mood. He believed the root cause of all this problem where Yuzhen. If he doesn't speak non sense, nothing wrong would have happened. He realizes his temper on Yuzhen. "Do you have any commonsense? Don't know where or when to appear?"

"What the matter, Yuzhen?" Before the situation gone worse, Chen Zoe intervenes.

"Master, the cub... its condition is worsening," Yuzhen spoke urgently, his voice filled with concern. "He can barely breathe now. I don't know what to do."

Chen Zoe takes the cub from Yuzhen's hands and check him; the cub's breathing was shortened. "Quick Yuzhen, go fetch a physician immediately. I don't care if they are unwilling; take them by force or provide money, we cannot let the cub die because of their prejudices."

"Stop there…" Xi Shen stops Yuzhen from leaving the room and continued to Zoe. "I don't understand why you care for this thing so much. Do you think anyone willingly come to save him? He will die eventually, so let him die.

If you develop an interest in takings pets, there are many in our realm pick one and raise. Why bringing trouble?" Seeing Chen Zoe taking the path that he should had taken. Xi Shen harshly speak.

Hearing those words Chen Zoe's anger flared at Xi Shen. "Enough," he said firmly. But seeing the surprised expression on Xi Shen's face, Chen Zoe try to hold back himself and continued. "Please… I understand your emotions but now saving this child is important to me. I hope, you respect my decision." 

Seeing the urgency in Chen Zoe's eyes, Chen Zeon stepped forward, offering his assistance. "I may not be a physician, but I can help stabilize the cub's condition for now."

With skilled hands and a careful touch, Chen Zeon worked to save the cub's life. He managed to stabilize the young creature, but it was clear that the cub needed more advanced treatment.

"Don't worry, his condition is stable for now," he assured them. "But, Zoe, what exactly are your plans for this cub? You must be aware that black-furred, nine-tailed foxes are often seen as omens of destruction. They don't even have a place within their own kind. Bringing one home could be seen as inviting calamity."

Chen Zoe's gaze shifted between the fragile cub and Long Yuzhen; he wasn't sure who's the true calamity in his life. "It's my decision to take him under my care. Until my last breath, he is my responsibility.

Besides, we can put those superstitions to the test. What kind of destruction could my little cub possibly bring?"

Chen Zeon couldn't sway Chen Zoe's determination, and he couldn't help but see his younger self reflected in his nephew. He only hoped that the path Chen Zoe had chosen would lead to a different fate than him.

The next day they return to the sect, after reaching the first thing Chen Zoe do was hand overing the cub to Rui's hand. 

"Is he a gift?" Unexpectedly receiving a unique black cub after his Chen Zoe returns from a place, Rui curiously asks.

Chen Zoe chuckled softly at the notion. "No, Rui, he's not a gift. He's a new member of our family now.

Rui, can you take a look at him. His injuries are quite serious." [Chen Zoe]

"Senior, who do you think I am?" In a serious tone, Rui continued. "I'm a physician, a young talent that going to be famous all over the realm in few years and you are asking me such simple things."

Before Chen Zoe could inquire about the cub's condition, a disciple from the sect arrived with news. "Senior, you are summoned to the meeting hall."

Rui, sensing that something was amiss, looked at Chen Zoe with concern. "Senior, did you cause trouble again?"

Chen Zoe managed a wry smile in response. "Don't make that face; anyway, it's not my first time causing trouble. I'll return as soon as possible, but until then, please take good care of this guy.

Apart from you and Yuzhen, don't allow anyone near this child."

Rui nodded, determined to fulfill his duty. "Don't worry about this little guy. I'll take care of him until you return."

With that assurance, Chen Zoe made his way to the meeting hall, where the consequences of his actions awaited him, and the fate of the cub remained uncertain.