

While Michael and Kunkka's volley did a huge amount of damage, it was limited to the couple ships they were aiming at, leaving the other Thalmor ships to unload on them as they got into range... Or at least, they would, if Kunkka hadn't swung Tidebringer upwards and caused large torrents of water to sprout directly in front of the enemy ships, completely blocking their vision.

This doesn't last long, but it's definitely enough to avoid instant death. The Thalmor still fired their cannons despite being unable to properly aim... This causes a huge volley of cannon balls to speckle the ocean, some even managing to strike Kunkka's boat.

Kunkka crew drop low to take cover, but the Admiral himself stands on the bow with a straight back, as if the possibility of getting struck was, well, impossible. "MAKE ALL SAIL MEN! LET'S DRIVE THROUGH THEM LIKE ROTTED WOOD!"

The two sides trade volleys one more time, the Thalmor bringing down one of Kunkka's sails now that they were able to aim, but it was too late to slow their advance... Kunkka's ship slams into the broadside of a Thalmor ship, the collision creating a hellishly loud sound as the elf ship crumbles into itself.


Like Moses parting the waves, so too did Kunkk part the ship. His ghost ship crashes through the Thalmor boat with little issue, leaving the two sinking halves behind with the few elf survivors diving into the sea to save themselves... Not that such a thing would work, the north Skyrim seas were freezing temperatures. Any who went under never came up.

Michael had his own ship crash into the Thalmor vessel behind the one Kunkka had downed, as expected, the boat did similar damage. A few Thalmor threw themselves on the ghost ship in a vain attempt to fight back, but all they did was leave themselves surrounded on a boat full of angry undead sailors...

Michael looks away from the quickly dying elves and spots Kunkka getting shot from many sides, the Thalmor had prepared boats behind the vanguard for a situation similar to this, but the Admiral seemed intent on doing this as recklessly as possible.

Kunkka raises Tidebringer and slices horizontally towards the deck of the nearest enemy ship, this produces a slice of jet-like water which cleaves anyone caught up in it in half. It also cuts down the sails of the ship, all but crippling it.

"Why doesn't mine work like that...!?" Michael wonders aloud as his [Tidebringer] skill, despite being maxed out couldn't do what Kunkka had just done.

"It's his blade Partner, you've got a bit of the magic, but not the origin... That thing's almost as good as me!" Derflinger remarks, obviously impressed judging by his reluctant compliment... This was one of the first times he'd heard the sentient blade honestly compliment another weapon.

"Fuck it, the boat can handle itself..." he turns and looks at nearby undead sailors manning the sails, "You there, take the wheel! Ar Ar and all that shit!" he orders before summoning his frost wings and gliding to a nearby Thalmor ship, beginning to burn it and everyone on it with morbid glee.

Meanwhile with Kunkka...


Tidebringer cuts a cannonball in half as it's about to hit the Admiral straight on, them and then turns his attention to the ship in front of him.

Kunkka could tell that the flagship was behind it, so all he needed to do was get past and he'd send their leader to the seafloor. "FULL SPEED AHEAD!" he shouts, swinging his blade again after taking a moment to charge it up, literally splitting the boat in front of him in half vertically.


The ghost ship ploughs through it and sets on a course for the Thalmor flagship. Kunkka's own ship had sustained massive damage from the continuous enemy fire, but he was sure they could ram his target before they sunk.

He raises Tidebringer above him and yells, summoning the waves below the ship to carry them ever faster.



Admiral Tuindal's eyes widen as he looks at the rapidly approaching ship, unable to do anything to stop it... The ephemeral boat was already sinking as it sailed, but the enemy looked intent on taking them down with them.


"YOHOHO, AND A JOLLY DAY TO DIE!" the Admiral yells with a cackle and a mad gleam in his eye as the two ships crash. This signalled the death knell for the ghost ship as it crumbled on impact, but the ghostly sailors showed no fear as they streamed onto the Thalmor ship like locusts upon a field.

The Thalmor warriors and mages were working overtime to recover their footing and fight off the enemy. Admiral Tuindal himself had been quietly retreating after his Helmsman had taken a ghostly knife to the eye, but unfortunately, his vision was soon filled by a blood-smeared ocean blue coat worn by the leader of the ghostly vessel...

He raises his elven sword to defend himself but finds a glowing blue two-handed cutlass cutting through his weapon, disembowelling him and severing his spine all in one go.

He yells as he hits the ground, all feeling in his legs leaving him as he looks up at the grinning bearded man.

"You're the one leading this navy!? I should I thought it! All brains and no brawn! Suits the cowardly tactics you employ, both on the waves and on the deck!"

Tuindal tries to open his mouth to plead for mercy but barely gets out a whisper as his heart is stabbed, killing him faster than his already grievous wounds would've done.

"Hmph, don't worry, at least this crew will have a proper captain to go down with the ship... Me! Hahahaha!" is the last thing Admiral Tuindal hears before his life peters out.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts