

Miraak looks down at the small army of ships belong him from his dragon, he could see the many simpletons staring up at him in awe, all likely wondering who would burn first. "SURTR!" he roars, allowing his voice to reach everyone's ears through the wind. "THIS IS IT! THIS IS WHAT I ASKED FOR, AND YOU BROUGHT IT TO ME! NOW COME! FACE YOUR DOOM! STUN BAH QO!" he shouts, causing the sky to dim and lightning to start falling, occasionally striking an unlucky boat, or an even more unlucky person.

Miraak's dragon swoops down, baiting out the cannons and dodging the projectiles before actually beginning their attack.

Miraak himself had his dragon glide towards Surtr, who moved through the air and positioned himself near the broadside of a majority of the navy, putting anyone who approached in the path of hundreds of cannons.

"Come fight me if you dare! Ancient coward!" Surtr loudly taunts.

"YOU THINK SUCH TRICKS WOULD HARM ME!?" Miraak exclaims as he prompts his dragon to attack, the cannons all simultaneous fire but an Unrelenting Force shout throws them all straight back at the boats, sinking a few and killing many more. His dragon unleashes a stream of fire at Surtr, who with his dragon replies in kind.

The two fire breaths hit the one, overpowering it and forcing Miraak's dragon to twirl in the air, flying under Surtr's dragon before coming back around for another attack.

"IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE, SURTR!?" Miraak yells as they fly towards one another once more.

"NOT YET! JOOR ZAH FRUL!" Surtr roars in response just as his dragon uses Whirlwind Sprint, their form blurring and vanishing as they speed past the First Dragonborn, all while Dragonrend strikes the beast under Miraak.

It roars as the bright blue energy wave hits it, instantly causing its wings to buckle and stopping its glide, it falls towards the ocean while trying to keep aloft, but it's in vain as it soon crashing head first into the water, its body beginning to spin as the water rapidly slows it.

Miraak wasn't caught in this however, as he'd used his own Whirlwind Sprint to land on the back of a nearby dragon, leaving his original one to try and prevent itself from drowning until Dragonrend ended. "What shout was that!?" he quickly questions the dragon under him, having no idea what it was despite all his time spent in Apocrypha.

"Zaan tol oblaan Alduin, dii drog..." (The shout that ended Alduin, my lord...)

"It seems that my blood has more tricks than I thought-"


A blue blur flashes past and multiple things happen at once. A claw rakes across his dragon's face, destroying one eye and leaving a permanent scar. At the same time, a thin blade of ice passes by, slicing at Miraak. It's unable to pierce his mask by it scrapes by that and hits his neck, drawing a long bloody line across it.

A fatal wound.

Miraak coughs and gurgles the blood now beginning to fill his throat, a hand clutching it from both shock and caution, completely baffled that he'd been hit in such a way so quickly. With quick thinking, he pulls a large health potion from the pouch on his waist and gulps it down, but the wound was still too severe to heal, forcing him to employ something else...

"Zi Los Dii Du!" he shouts but the damage to his throat results in it coming out as a whisper, the dragon under him jolts at the words and its body flashes brightly as its soul is absorbed into the First Dragonborn. "You have served your purpose!" he states somberly, less sad at the dragon's death than at the loss of a valuable asset.

"FODINOKDRUN!" he shouts as he begins falling, the dragon under him quickly turning to bones with the removal of its soul. His call is heard however, allowing yet another dragon to catch him from the air.

He looks over towards the thing that came so close to killing him, realising it was yet another dragon rider, this one short with blue hair matching her dragon's scales. "YOU ARE STRONG! JOIN ME! GOL HAH DOV!" he shouts, but the duo easily dodge and quickly gain distance, not wanting to get caught by whatever shout Miraak was trying to use on them.

Miraak's new dragon ducks its head and aims directly for the ocean as Surtr comes around with Wuuthrad, trying to cut Miraak's head off as he passes. This is dodged of course, and Miraak instead turns his attention to the rest of the battle... Something that, surprisingly, wasn't going so well for his dragons.


Medusa raise her head and the snakes that form her hair focuses on one target each. She aims her large, clearly magical bow up into the sky with no perceivable target... Then looses the arrow...

The arrow glows brightly and then splits into hundreds more that begin filling the sky, groups of them splitting off from the whole like a flock of birds as they pursue the dragons. This strange sight had a few dragons unable to reach, some thinking it a mere illusion while others didn't think such simple projectiles could damage them... They were wrong.


A single arrow catches a dragon's tail, completely obliterating everyone in a meter area where it'd struck. Half of the dragon's tail was simply just... Gone.

Another dragon gets caught in the wing, causing it to flounder in the air and allow even more arrows to strike it. As if caught in a giant strangely shaped blender, the dragon's body quickly evaporated in the sky, with the only remnants of it existing being the bone shards and large globules of flesh that'd been blown off during its death.

These two sights had the other dragons fleeing at the sight of these arrows, using Whirlwind Sprint and other movement-related shouts to flee the freakishly powerful attack.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts