
Evil Drink

Was Michael being selfish with his attempt to create a nexus simply to protect himself from the Daedra? Definitely, but he didn't really care about that if he were honest... If shit really hit the fan then he'd just grab the girls and vacate this world. It wasn't as if he'd completely set down roots or anything.

Now, he wasn't just being an asshole however, while the nexus would become a weak point, once the Eye of Magnus begins powering it, it'd also empower the barrier protecting Mundus, making it all but impenetrable, even for the slickest Daedric Prince's like Sheogorath.

There might be additional consequences of this, but Michael was sure the benefits would outway whatever negatives he creates.


"Aha! Look at this! It's working! It's really working!" Borvir happily exclaims in his loaned workshop in the Hall of Attainment.


Michael, Yisra and Megumin frown at this scene, the trio standing at the side as Borvir displays the project he'd been spending most of his time on.

"Shouldn't you have made sure it was working before dragging us here to show us?" Yisra says with folded arms and a peculiar expression.

Borvir shrugs, "Eh, I tried it earlier but it has a habit of choosing when to work... But still, I mean, just look at it! It's a beauty isn't it? I'm still thinking up names but, 'The Gem of Skyrim' sounds like a good fit!" he says as he runs a loving hand across the distillery's metal exterior as if it was his favourite son or something akin to that.

"It's just a high-tech distillery, stop acting like you've pieced together the Heart of Lorkhan... unless you've enchanted it with some sort of charming effect? No, that'd just make it a ruffy machine... You haven't fucked it, right?" Michael trails off before asking the real questions. Causing everyone to look at him as if he'd grown a second head.

"What? He's rubbing the thing down like a lover... Whatever, carry on." Michael says while gesturing to Borvir.

"R-right... Look, this isn't just a 'high-tech distillery' as you put it, it's THE Distillery, the best distillery in the whole world! Everything is designed to make the product better! These soul gems here? They'll help imbue the flavour of honey into the drink! A combination of Daedric runes will-"

"Hold on a second! Daedric runes!? You used Daedric runes to upgrade your mead-maker!?" Yisra exclaims, shocked.

Borvir shrugs, "Er, yes? Why?"


"Where'd you even pull this idea from? Your ass? We won't have another Oblivion crisis when you pour a drink, right!?"

Borvir snorts, "No way! Any Daedra that's summoned in this will die of alcohol poisoning... Not mention the Daedra I already have possessing it-"



"Well, you know, I got the idea during Master Falion's lecture on Conjuration. Plus, you always said that Mead was a sinful pleasure... Might as well go all the way right? If you can make Daedric weapons and armour, why not a Daedric Distillery?"


The trio is baffled by this, each glancing at the Distillery and only now noticing the thin red lines lining its underside. Usually, the only material that could endure being possessed by a Daedra spirit was Ebony, but this crazy Nord had somehow managed it with steel, copper, and malachite.

Michael shakes his head, "Whatever, are we going to try it or what?"

Borvir nods, filling a jar with the mead, only to then throw it out of the window. At the questioning looks the Nord gives a tentative smile, "Eh, the first and last batches in regular stills are bad, in this one they could literally be called 'Evil'... The rat I had drink it grew five times the size and started babbling in a strange language... Everything else is amazing though." he chirps, ignoring the still baffled looks of the group.

"Eh, Megumin, you sure you should be drinking? You're a little... Young." Michael asks as the girl picks up a glass of her own.

She huffs, "I am a Crimson Demon! You think I can't handle this demon drink!? WATCH ME!" she exclaims before drinking the entire thing and wiping her mouth with a victorious expression.


"How's tha-t... Oh..." she mutters, her smug look fading as she glares down at the empty glass, "It tastes of fear..." she manages to get out before dropping the glass and falling onto her back.

"Oi! Are you alright!?" Michael asks as he catches her, with one arm, attempting to shake her back to her senses.

Her eyes open as she gives an off-kilter smile, "Oooh, is this what it feels like to beee drunnk!? Hmhm! Michael, your face is fuzzy, it's funny." she says with a hiccup.


Michael takes a sip of his own drink and blinks a couple times as he slides down his throat, "G-od damn! This is like honey-moonshine! Are you trying to kill us Borvir!? This shit should be served in shot glasses! Not regular drinking ones!"

Michael feels a hand awkwardly smoosh his cheek, Megumin giggling nonsensically, "Hehe, can I have sommmore? Please?"

Ignoring her, Michael turns to Borvir who looked uncaring for his plight, "Eh, I know a girl half her age who could handle this better." he huffs, taking a sip of the drink before spraying it out, "Eh!? Why's it so strong now!? Earlier it wasn't like this!"

"The Daedra possessing it must've thought it funny to do... Again, this is your fault, Borvir... Shall we get your brother to kick some sense into the empty head of yours?" Yisra sighs.

"Miiiichaellll, let's go outside! I want to cast some magiiick!" Megumin childishly asks.

"We are not doing drunk magic! That's like drunk driving but with the laws of reality!... I'm not letting your explode Cthulu into this dimension!" he exclaims, throwing the girl over his shoulder and marching towards the door, "Fix your damn drink Borvir!" he grouses before leaving, carrying the drunkenly slurring Megumin out with him.


"Want another?" Borvir asks while sipping his drink, this time not spitting it out.


"Eh, fuck it. No point in wasting it, right?" Yisra relents, downing her glass and filling up another.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts