
Deja vu?

Michael rubs his temples, feeling the sensation of Deja vu only get stronger, who would have had access to his map? He was the only one who'd looked at it or even knew it existed, unless?

"Urgh!" he groans, the feeling of Deja vu becoming almost painful as it envelopes him like a burning blanket. "What the fuck is happening?" he mutters, wondering if he'd been cursed or something.

Then, suddenly... It stops, and Michael's eyes widen...

"Tiffania!" he suddenly shouts, his erased memories coming back with full force!


Flashback :

Michael wanders into the peaceful-looking village of Westwood, his eyes fondly tracing the buildings and people going about their own business. Nearby, children play outside of an orphanage, the boys playfully swinging sticks at each other while the girls watch at the side, occasionally throwing out funny remarks to annoy the boys.

Smiling to himself at how similarly they acted to his own sister, he walks over and easily greets with a wave, "Hey guys, I'm new around here and was wondering if you could answer a few of my questions? I'd be willing to pay you for it." he offers, causing all the kids to drop what they were doing and rush over to him.

"Mister, mister! Pick me! Pick me!" a boy loudly asks.

"I am the smartest out of everyone here! Pick me!" a girl says, causing another to lightly hit her on the arm.

"I am the oldest! Pick me!" the tallest girl says.

Michael shows his palms placatingly, "Hold it, hold it... Calm down. I'll give you all a bit of money if you answer my questions... Consider it a team effort." he says, causing the group to get excited. "Alright, now... Do any of you know anyone called Tiffania?"


"No?... Okay, do any of you know any fairies nearby? I've been searching for one for a long time now." he admits with a small smile.

"Uh!..." one boy starts but pauses as he looks at the others, "T-the fairy asked us not to talk about her!..."

Michael's smile only gets wider at this, gotcha! "I don't want to harm the fairy if that's what you mean... She saved my life once, so I want to repay her. She's very kind you know."

The boy nods, "She is! The fairy is very, very kind!"

"And pretty" another adds.

"And has big boobies!" one of the smaller ones shout, causing a few of the girl to glare at him.

"Aha! Now, now... Do any of you know where she lives?" Michael asks and the children all quickly nod.

"She lives in the forest that way! There's a small path, if you follow it you will find the fairy!" a girl says, pointing at a barely visible path in the nearby treeline.

Michael nods and pulls out his pouch, handing each of the kids a silver piece. "There you go, now don't spend it all in one place. I'm sure your caretaker would be upset if you handled it childishly." he says, patting the closest boy on his head before making his way towards the path.

"Okay! Thank you! Goodbye mister!"


"Treat the fairy well, mister!"

Unbeknownst to them all, someone else had been listening in on the conversation, someone who previously wasn't aware of the existence of the 'fairy'.

Michael spends around twenty minutes walking the path until he eventually finds a small cabin surrounded by lovely-looking and well-maintained flowers. Clearly, someone had taken a great interest in cultivating them.

He spots movement from behind the cabin and walks over, now spotting his target, Tiffania. Compared to the anime, she looked far more beautiful than he'd expected.

Tiffania had long, almost glowing gold hair, with two ears so long that they resembled the Elves from World of Warcraft... She had bright blue eyes and a soft, pretty face... She was currently wearing an ornate, elven-looking cloak, but under it, he could see her rather scandalous clothing.

She wore a short green dress that barely restrained her gigantic K-cup sized breasts and was only attached by a thin thread hanging from her neck. Her shoulders were completely bare, and the dress had a slit in the side of it that would allow most of her lower body to become visible at the slightest breeze. The dress itself ended at the middle of her thigh, allowing Michael to see her entire, immaculately sculpted legs that had nary a hair marring them.

Michael could feel lust rising up in him at just the sight of her, truly, no human he'd met thus far comes anywhere near close to how pretty Tiffania was. Not even Zerbst, who was the closest he'd seen a human come.

Tiffania was currently leaning over and watering a sunflower that was growing next to her cabin, giving Michael a great view of her equally impressive backside. Eventually, though, he had to get to why he'd come here in the first place. "Ahem!" he coughs into his fist, causing the girl to jump in surprise, accidentally dropping her watering can on the sunflower as she falls over onto her butt.

"Owwie!!" she squeaks, getting slightly tearful at the fact she'd unintentionally killed one of her favourite flowers. She'd seemingly forgotten Michael due to it, but eventually remembers as her eyes widen and her head turns to him. "A-a-ah...?" she stutters out, trying to formulate a response to the intruder suddenly outside her cabin.

Again, in a similar manner to how he'd treated the children, he holds his hands up placatingly and smiles, "Hello, Tiffania. I'm not here to hurt you, but I think we need to tal-"

"Erase!" she suddenly blurts, somehow pulling her wand from between her breasts and casting a spell at Michael. His mind goes blank as his memories of her are instantly erased, leaving him just dumbly standing there as Tiffania panics at what she'd just done.

"Oh no! Not again!" she cries, not having meant to erase Michael's memories but reacting on muscle memory alone.

Flashback end :


Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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