

Zaya_McHugh · Thanh xuân
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9 Chs

Chapter One

"ZARA ROSE STONE!!!" yelled Zuri "What Zuri?" I say in a groggy voice "Dr.D is gonna be here any minute you slept in again" she said in panic, so I jumped up and started changing. I put on my black hoodie, a black T-shirt and a pair of leggings.

"There I'm done" I say mostly to myself and just in time because right after I say it Dr.D comes in. "Good morning girls, are you ready to start the day?" he says in his fake chirpy voice, so me and Zuri reply "Yup Dr.D" "Okay then girls lets get you to breakfast" he says motioning us to leave our room and into a sleek white hall with white and grey tiles that looked like a hospital.

But what else do you expect from a science lab. That's where I "live", in a weird science lab. All of us kids have lived here ever since we were born.

All I remember from my childhood is being here. I have no idea what the outside world looks like, all I know is that I live somewhere in NY City. We only leave our rooms to go to the tutoring they have for us and the gym.

We never suspected anything when we were younger but as we got older they started running tests on us.

All anyone wants to do is escape and to find out who our real parents are.

The lab never answers our questions about them just that they were smart to give us to them so they could "protect" us.

I still don't know why they choose me, I'm normal compared to the others. There are eight of us total. There's Noah. He's 17, he has long blonde hair and tan skin with blue eyes that have pricks of yellow. Other than that he's a real pain, he never lets his guard down. He is really smart too, he's a Hombre-lobo we don't talk much. He's always protecting his "brother" not by blood they just treat each other like brothers they're closer than anyone here.

His name is Liam, he's 16. He has black hair with pale skin and light blue eyes with tints of white. He's a really good drawer, he is obsessed with his sketches. He's a Semi-Demonio, we talk every now and again.

After the "brothers", there's Alexander but he likes to be called Alex for short. He has short brown hair and light brown eyes. He has a normal skin complection.

He's an el brujo, a powerful one too. He likes reading and is full of himself. He's 15 but we normally avoid each other. We argue a lot when we do talk though.

Now we have Emma, but she only answers to Em. She has long blonde hair, a normal skin complexion and blues eyes.

She is Telekinetic and completely full of herself. She says she has to look perfect. She's 16, we never talk unless we're arguing, and we argue a lot because she likes Liam and Liam doesn't like her back.

Then there's Em's side-kick Sophia. She is 16 and likes to be called Soph.

She has long red hair, fair skin and light green eyes.

She's a Vampiro de energia and she's like a lost puppy towards Em, but she's also really stupid she crushes on Alex.

The last two are the quiet ones Zuri and Mia. Zuri is 16 her nickname is Z she has black hair that fades into white with pale skin and light blue eyes.

She's an Aerona, she's really smart. As for Mia, Mia is 15 she has dirty blonde shoulder length hair with blue eyes.

She's always nice to everyone even if they're rude to her. She is a Nigromante, it's really cool and creepy, it's like a Ouija board but only she can see the spirits.

As for me I'm just 16 with long black hair, pale skin and green eyes with black in just the right spots that it looks like a clock.

I'm the only one who doesn't have any powers but the scientists seem to be getting anxious and started doing more tests on me. But I don't really know much about everyone else's powers, they seclude me from those conversations, but I over hear them sometimes.

"Zara" called over Liam just as I entered the Cafe so I walked over and sat down. I started to zone out thinking about my dream a couple days ago. "ZARA!!!" yelled Liam trying to get my attention, so I yelled back "WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!" he looked a little shocked by my recent outburst not expecting it. "To talk, you've been zoned out all day" Liam said calmer. "Sorry, just thinking about this weird dream I had a few nights ago" I said feeling bad that I haven't been talking to my friends more. "Well what was it about?" he asked, looking concerned.

"Come here" I say and he and Noah lean forward across the table. "I dreamt I had powers too but not just one and it's just been on my mind lately and I feel like it was a sign I'm gonna get my power soon."

I whisper. It's forbidden to talk about our powers to each other, but me and the boys talk about it when the adults aren't paying attention. I talk about it with Zuri and Mia too sometimes.

"Zara? Did you hear me?" said Liam interrupting my thoughts. "What? Sorry, no I didn't hear you. What did you say?" "What is it that bugs you about the dream?" Liam whispers "If I do have powers I don't wanna be cooped up when I get them, I wanna be free. It'll be like a new life" I whisper to Liam.

His eyes filled with sadness knowing how much my powers meant to me and how badly I wish to be free of this place. He leans forward even more and whispers "Me and Noah have an escape plan, it was just gonna be me and him but you can come and bring…" he looks back at Noah as if asking permission for something then turns back to me and continues whispering "...you can bring two people of your choosing, just make sure they won't tell on us."

I look around thinking of two people to bring but the only good option is Zuri and Mia because if I pick anyone else they will want to bring one of their friends and then the whole place would be trying to escape. "I choose Zuri and Mia" Liam looks at Noah again as if asking him something, Noah nods and Liam turns back around to me with a smile and leans close to my ear "I wouldn't have left without you either way" Then he leans back into his seat. I sit there blushing, just as Liam goes to look at me I turn my head and my hair covers my face. I hoped no one noticed, I looked over at Noah and he's staring at me with a look in his eyes. But before I could figure out the look it's gone and he's back to eating, making sure to keep his head down.

"Children, it's time for classes" said Dr.D from the doorway. We all stand up and go to start walking but he steps in front of us "Except you guys" he said pointing to me, Noah, Liam, Em, Soph and Z. So Alex and Mia walked off to their classroom. "What's up Dr.D?" I ask a little weary. "Me and everyone else here have decided to let you older kids go outside and if you would like Alex and Mia may join you."

Without thinking I shout "yes!!!" Dr.D looks at me annoyed but continues. "Since Zara would like the little kids to come along we'll let them, but you must watch them Zara" Dr.D says in a stern voice. "Yes Dr.D. May I ask who will be joining..." and before I could finish I hear the clicking of heels and quickly spin around to see my least favorite employee in the building, Mrs.Joy, no one likes her and I mean no one. She's the one who does most of the experimenting on us. Once everyone sees her they groan, except for Me and Noah we just back away from her a little, but not enough to notice.

"Come now children go get dressed" said Mrs.Joy. I look over at Liam and mouth "We get out today" he nods and looks at Noah for permission he gives the okay so we all rush back to our bedrooms. But when I was about to go into my room Em grabbed my arm. "Yes Em?" I ask in a questioning tone. "What do you and the guys have planned?" she asks bluntly, but I don't answer and she continues bombarding me. "You guys are planning to escape, aren't you?" She questions. "Y-y-y-yes" I stutter out without thinking. "Me and Soph want in" She bluntly says again. "W-w-w-what n-no y-y-you c-c-can't" I stutter out starting to worry our plan would fail. "Why not?" said Em, raising one eyebrow in a questioning look. "Noah doesnt think he can get that many people out." said a voice behind me, making me jump. I turn around to see Liam then quickly turn back to Em.

"Well it's either we all go or I rat out your whole plan and ruin the first time we ever get to go outside" I looked at Em in anger and I could feel Liams anger from behind me. I then notice another presence from behind me. "Fine you all can go but don't say we didn't warn you and you have to listen to me" said Noah. Em nodded and ran to tell the others.

I turned around to see a pissed looking Noah. "Why did you tell her!?" he seethed through his teeth "I didn't I sw..." but he cut me off. "Save it get whatever you need and hurry they're getting suspicious" said Noah's deep rough voice say he sure did like to boss me around but I listen to him anyway not wanting to piss him off and I go in my room grab my backpack put a book a blanket three days worth of clothes and a thousand dollars, I like pick pocketing the workers. After I finished I left my room and headed down stairs where I saw everyone waiting with backpacks and hoodies on "Zara hurry now we're running late" said Mrs.Joy "sorry.." I say with a hint of sass in my voice but Noah elbowed me to shut up so I did.

"Okay children we're gonna be out late tonight since it's your first time everyone pick a buddy and stay close don't talk to strangers" said Dr.D who was standing next to Mrs.Joy "how late will we be out tonight" " till dark which is why you have your buddies" said Mrs.Joy I put a small smile on my face Dr.D walked us all to the exit of the building it was a wing we were not allowed in now I know why as soon as we walk through the door the white tiles change to a reddish colored carpet and the white walls changed to a blackish grey color with pictures of us as kids and random adults next to us the ones next to me look familiar but I couldn't place where I had seen them before once we left the hallway everyone started murmuring about the pictures we turned down another hallway and there was a clear door with big red letters spelling EXIT once we got outside Liam dropped out of the group and started walking towards me "hey,Zara you excited" he said in a cheerful voice "definitely,just curious on who all those different people were that stood next to us" I said "Noah thinks that those people were our parents and that's why we aren't allowed in that wing bc of the pictures it might click are memoires" said Liam as we walked towards the bus.

Once we were on the bus everyone went quiet knowing we lived in the middle of nowhere it would be a long ride so we all found a comfy seat and settled down. Liam sat next to me and we started driving and after a while I started to doze off until I fell asleep into a peaceful dream of me with my powers.