
Un-stable in DC

A kid wakes up in a catmis tube.after the failed attempts to stabilize the DNA of project match they took his unstable genes and tried to stabilize them outside the body. follow kuro on her journey throught the dc Universe as she trys to find out who she is and why she keeps having these straing thoughts like she's seen all this before

Alex_Foster_2624 · Ti vi
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chapter 1 [Existence]

The first think I remember is endless nothing... Darkness... The first feeling I remember is pain.. like a shocking pain and a throbbing in my head. I wanted to scream to make it stop.. and it did.. then I was back in the darkness.. then after some time it was back but this time it was my leg(?) This process continued sometimes changing what part was hurting sometimes it burns sometimes it ached and....sometimes it was so unbearable I wanted to pass out.. but I couldn't I didn't even know if I was awake to begin with. But one day.. it stopped...truly stopped.. I was so. So? Not sad the pain was gone.. the darkness was a little brighter.. what was this feeling? what was this place? Why am I here? My thoughts go unheard and unanswered.

Then images, pictures of things what seemed at random "square" 'what's a square?' "a shape with only 4 sides" 'what's a shape'. Silent then PAIN LIKE I've NEVER FELT BEFORE. then another shape "circle" what's a circle' "a shape with no sides" then a picture of a person "Superman" 'who...' the pain again like my SOUL was on fire "Superman" the pain wasn't there but I still screamed inside like it was...then another image "Batman" 'ahhhhhhhh' the pain came again "Batman" 'ahhhhhhh' same as last the second one had no pain but it felt like it was there.. another image 'noo plz no more ahhhhhhh' pain came even though it wasn't accompanied by a name. Another "wonder woman" 'ahhhhhhhh' I couldn't tell if the pain was real or just me anymore it was just... To...much.. 'stop!!!!' 'ahhhhhhhh' a new feeling came a burning feeling that wasn't painful but warming it mad me feel STRONG "Superman" 'arrrrr' instead of screaming it was a raor as the warmth took over my mind then it cooled down "sam" it said but there was no anger or pain "Superman" 'ahhhhhhhh' pain "Batman" pain "Superman" with his pic anger, "Superman" pain, "wonderwoman" pain, it happened over and over and OVER AGAIN till those three names only made me angry, the normal names where fine like luthor, queen bee, savage, and others they made me happy it was a good reprieve from those... Names... The bad once... 'stop.. stop thinking about those monsters they hurt they pain they anger' after a while I started to see new things pictures with no names. Pictures with no pain, no anger pictures that were just pictures I cried... No PAIN NO ANGER tears stream down my face and I don't know why... Another pic of a girl with black hair dark brown eyes, and a nude form modest breasts but not flat but not as big as wonder 'anger' "arrrrrrr".. not.. not as big as that WOMAN'S breasts but not small... That picture stade for a very long time even when the voice went away even when the other pictures, even when the anger, pain went away. When the darkness went away. She was there when the anger overtook me she was there when the pain was unbelievable she was there. When all I wanted to do was not exist SHE WAS THERE!!!!!. she... I?...we?.. where there we stade together through it all...I STADE ALIVE Through IT ALLL!!! Then the pic went away 'why did they take my pic away?' I thought as I went back through the routine of pain and anger but they never saw my pic again 'i wonder why?' then suddenly a feeling of something entering my chest through my mouth? "Air" 'what is this' "breath", "gasp" I took in a deep breath. Frome that moment in I just breathed, after that I started doing new things "eating", "peeing", "pooping" I did what was, normal? Then finally the darkness was gone I was blinded by light. But I quickly adjusted. I was in a.. a... "Tube" yes that was the shape a tube a tube of...of "glass" yes this was a tube of glass "pod" a pod yes I was in a glass pod, but why? "Subject 0002 is awake begining drainage of containment liquid" said a..a.. "human" yes a human at a..a.."computer" yes a human said at a computer as a liquid was drained and I was soon standing on my feet. "Opening pod door" as the door opens I walk out and stand waiting. "Running subject diagnostic... diagnostic complete.. subject 0002 DNA stable... Correction partially stable..sigh put it back in it seems like we need more work to... What.. what's happening up there.." there where booms from above my head "damn they where too fast put it in a suit and help me put in a portable pod we can't lose this one it's the closest we have gotten to having a stable Kryptonian DNA!!!" I was put in a black full body suit that covers everything but my head. I was then put in a tube with wheels and was taken out of the room and into an elevator when we wheels me out we went to a truck but as we were driving off the truck flipped. The pod with me in it rolled out of the truck and the pod shattered. A shadow overlapped me as I looked up at the sky there was a man and when the sun finally showed his body I new who he was

ANGER!!!!!' "y..y..grrr you!!!" I growled out as I jumped up surprised that I could jump really HIGH? no I could FLY I tackled anger out of the sky and into the ground. I punched and punched until it I was...was. "bleeding" I was bleeding but I didn't care it felt good to punch anger in the face. Then ..SHE flew close "Superman are you ok!!" SHE said "ahhhhhhh" it hurt the name still hurt even though I was punching anger and it felt good angers name still hurt I turned to HER and "grrrr" I growled as 2 red lasers burned from my eyes, she blocked them with HER bracers till my eyes hurt and tears streamed down my face. "Wonder woman!!!" Pain burned through me again "Ahhhhh" I fell to my knees in pain as HE(BATMAN) came into view making the pain worse. I just sat frozen in pain crying and as I did the SCREAM I've been holding in came out as the tears fell. The SCREAM was like a sonic wave shattering glass within a 50 foot area "Batman what do we do" asked HER and that was it.. the final bit of pain I could take. I passed out as HE said "take her to mount justice"