
made an agreement

jack i want some money." what we met yesterday and now your asking money i thought your a good person but now you doing this all for money right ".no jack I'm not that kind of person who gives important to money I'm just asking because I need money right now I will do what you said ."why i have to give money to you tell me one perfect reason that satisfies me then i can give you money ".if you can give money to me then i will help you to find the person who trying to kill you. "how can you find that even I'm giving you a shelter and food now".jack i don't know the reason but I'm sensing my sixth sense that will helps to find that person and also I already help you yesterday at least you have to trust me for that. "okay i trust you but you have to sign the contract and made an agreement ".what type of agreement is that. "you have to find that person within one month and you have to stay with me in that period of time you have to do what I said and also work under my employer this is only between us when you can agree my conditions and sign it then I can help you ".okay i can agree your conditions and also you have to trust me what I said and give me what I want. "done i will trust you but only the that period of time if you don't find anything then I will suspect you and your remaining life in jail be aware of everything in your stupid brain i will call john now he can give you money what you want you can go now and from tomorrow onwards our agreement will starts".after one hour she helped that child but she also waiting for her new job starting from tomorrow...