
First meet 01

After driving to a secluded area, Arya finally found a place to cry and vent out her emotions after being rejected repeatedly by James ,"Arya you know am not the type of guy who wants to settle down I think ,its best you find someone else I'll be cheering for you" that's what James told her before he left to explore leaving devasted .

With a big bottle beer Arya drank but the pain was still there it was like crying for her was her only consolation.

Arya suddenly felt like she was being suffocated although not by her emotions there was smoke,"is that a fire, Arya muttered to herself scared because this place was secluded and there was no signal to call the fire department after some time she realized there was a person near the building ,with a pounding heart and furrowed brows Arya walked closer until she saw a woman or atleast she thought it was a woman upon closer inspection she realized it was a man a stunning man one of the most beautiful men she has ever seen but wait he was injured

first novel ever hehe tell me what you yall

Josephine_Sishumbacreators' thoughts