
Ultra Universe

Ultra Universe is based many years in the future... The story revolves around Kiana an 18 year old girl who's dream is to join the 9Xforce and protect the earth from vicious monsters who threaten the earth survial.... But she soon discovers that those monsters aren't their only enemies.

Quin_RED · Khoa huyễn
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43 Chs

Rescue Mission

Tyler opened the door of the building and walked slowly into it. As he arrived the middle of the hall the door slammed behind him and Darin appeared out of the shadows. "Long time no see brother" Darin said as three men stood behind him.

"How can you still be alive?" Tyler asked

"What? You're not happy am alive?" Darin said walking up to Tyler

"Why did you Kidnap her?" Tyler yelled

"To keep an eye on my property" Andrew replied coming down some stairs while Tyler starred in shock

"Mr Kim... Davis?" Tyler said stumbling back

"I knew if i told you my real plans, You wouldn't agree to it, so I had to lie and you know fake my death. I must say you are really gullible" Andrew replied

"What did you do to him?" Tyler yelled clutching his fist

" You've been living for a long time loosing just one guy shouldn't hurt you this much" Andrew smirked. Tyler clutched his fist harder and charged toward Andrew but was blocked by a punch from Darin.

"I see you didn't take my advice on the anger management classes" Andrew said walking up to Tyler

"I trusted you" Tyler muttered under his breath

"You didn't trust me, I made you trust me Tyler. You hated me for your mother and sisters death... Is it so wrong that I want to create a perfect world huh?" Andrew yelled grabbing hold of Tyler's face "Of course, you don't remember" He added noticing the confusion in Tyler's eyes

"It doesn't matter anyway, I am still going to create my perfect world" Andrew said letting go of Tyler

"Sir we've contacted the Hybrid secretary, it's time" An Android said coming out of a lab

"Let the chaos begin" Andrew smirked "Attend to our visitor" He added turning to Darin.

"Sir?" Darin said

"I know but I can make a better one" Andrew noted starring sadly at Tyler before taking his leave.

"Am not leaving here without Kiana" Tyler noted bringing out a metal blade.

"You still use that stuff?" Darin asked bringing out a blaster and the three men behind him did the same.

"And who said you were leaving" He added

"You've always underestimated me" Tyler noted and a swan of drones filled the building

"Argh! find him" Darin yelled noticing that Tyler wasn't in the hall again.


Tyler headed to the room where Kiana was kept but it was heavily guarded.

"I will handle them" Terri said appearing next to Tyler

"Be careful" Tyler noted watching her blend with her environment and almost immediately the power in the building went off. Tyler snuck past the guards who where taking aback by the sudden power outage. "Kiana" He whispered entering into the room

"She's not here" Terri replied

"They must have switched the rooms" Tyler noted, they headed towards the exit of the room when the power came back on. Tyler starred at Terri who shrugged, She held him and they both blended with their environment and snuck out of the room.

"Where is he?" Darin asked the guards

"He isn't in the room" They replied

"I didn't ask where he isn't" Darin yelled stumping past them.

Tyler hid in the vent and brought out a head gear. He was trying to contact Kiana so he could find her location.

"I have found her" Terri said before Tyler could begin.

Kiana stood in a glass chamber as five scientist ran back and fort the room.

"What are you planning to do to me" Kiana asked Andrew Davis who sat next to a computer

"Don't worry I won't hurt my daughter" Andrew smiled

"Am not your daughter" Kiana yelled

"You never talked back before but I can deal with that" Andrew noted "Activate the chip" he said

"What are you doing?" Kiana yelled as she watched one of the scientist push a red button. Kiana slowly began to feel dizzy and the began to vibrate before falling the floor.

"Is she okay?" A scientist asked

"Kiana stand up and kill him" Andrew noted and within a split second Kiana broke through the glass chamber, and stabbed the scientist using one of the glass piece.

"She's perfect" Andrew said standing over the scientist while the other four kept their distance.

"You love your father don't you" He said starring at Kiana whose eyes where completely dark and empty

"Of course I do... Father" Kiana replied starring at Andrew with a smile.