

Leaving Mike was one of the hardest decision, I had made in my entire life, but I knew it had to be for both our sakes. I looked at him one last time and I left the room quietly. Mike's ward, was at the top floor of the hospital, which meant that I had to bypass the other floors to get out of the hospital.

I pulled my hoodie as forward as it could go and I proceeded downwards, I decided to use the stairs since most people would prefer the lift. I had chosen right because the only person I saw on the way down was the janitor, and all he did was mumble a greeting at me without even looking up. I was now approaching the receptionist, I knew that if I hesitated too long someone would suspect me, so I just strolled out like I was meant to be there, which I supposed was true, after all I had a friend here that was half dead.

Thirty or so minutes later I was back at the road where the chubby man had picked us up, a plan had already been formulating in my head ever since I saw the news, and I knew exactly what I had to do, I had to find whatever evidence my dad had kept and I had to do it fast, but first o had to take care of something else.

There was only at most two hours before daylight and I had to work fast, I started gathering the bodies of the attackers one by one, it was tedious work but I had to get it done, I gathered them towards the cars, they had brought two, a van and a jeep. I piled them up into the van and I locked it.

Now what I thought, I had to get rid of both cars and the bodies, but there was no way I could drive the first car and then come back for the second before daybreak, If only there was a way to move both cars at the same time like a...…..tow truck, why didn't I think of that, I dashed towards the cabin to find anything I could use to tie both trucks together, luckily I found a chain, I grabbed it and a padlock, I raced back to the cars and I connected the back of the jeep to the front of the van before securing it with the padlock, I slid into the jeep and started the engine, thank God I had learnt how to drive at an early age.

I drive off into the night not really sure where I was going, but I need it had to be very far away, I took turns and bends and I came to a clearing, I stopped the car and jumped out, I checked my surroundings I was almost at the edge of a cliff, well this was better than what I had anticipated.

I went back to the jeep and I positioned it to face the cliff and then I got out letting the engine run idle, it was now inching forward bit by bit but I needed it to go faster, I grabbed a thick tree branch that had fallen to the ground and I jammed it between the accelerator and the driver's seat, immediately the car shot forward as if been pushed by an invisible hand, I just had time to roll away and look up before it tipped off the cliff carrying the van with it.

I rushed to the edge and peered down in time to see both cars bouncing down the cliff and then shattering at the bottom with a big explosion. I sighed, some hours ago all I wanted was to get over my sister's wedding, now I was tipping dead bodies over cliffs as if I had been doing it my whole life.

I got back at the cabin a few minutes to daybreak, I was exhausted, and covered in blood, who knew getting rid of dead bodies was tiring work. I dragged myself inside and I tore my clothes away from my body before taking a shower. I had to make a plan soon for what was coming but I had to sleep first, I was tired .

I must have slept for so long because when I woke up sunlight was already streaming into the room from the window, I blinked my eyes and it took me a while to register where I was, I scanned the room it wasn't my room back at the mansion, where was my king sized water bed, my aquarium was missing, I couldn't find my computer station, even the Persian rugs were missing, then everything that had happened the day before came rushing back, the shooting, our escape, the attack on the cabin.

I groaned as I climbed out of bed, the floorboards creaked under my feet, my throat was parched and I needed something to drink, I went into the kitchen to get a drink, there was only one bottle in the fridge and it looked as if it had been there for a long time, I didn't care I gulped it down. My stomach grumbled and I remembered I hadn't eaten since I got back.

I opened the cabinets one by one and I only found a few cups of rice and some rotten plantain, I almost puked at the thought that I might have eaten some of this rotten plantain yesterday night. I cooked the rice and I wolfed it down as quickly as I cooked it.

I decided to take my bath after that, despite the shower I had last night, I still felt dirty, after I had taken a proper bath and changed into an hoodie and jeans I decided to fully check out the cabin, I started from the kitchen and then the main room, almost everything was in order but the food was almost finished which I had to do something about.

I found a computer and a TV in another room, but I hadn't seen any power cables that brought power into the house, I went to he back door and opened it, a wall of green greeted me, this place was located in the deepest part of the woods, it would be near impossible for someone to stumble here by mistake, it was as if Mike had built it to cut himself from the world.

I walked the length of the back and I found a wire connecting the cabin to a shed, I checked the shed and I was happy with what I found, a generator, now at least I had a way to get power, but I wouldn't be using it too much for fear of being heard. There was another shed a distance away and this one was filled with Jerry cans and they contained petrol. At a mere distance was a small pump, so this was what supplied water into the house.

I spent some time checking the rest of the cabin, in one room I found some supplies, food, clothes, blankets. In the big room I had been searching the wardrobe when I accidentally hit my hand against the back, the sound was hollow, I tried pushing it but it didn't budge, then I slid it open and inside was more weapons, from guns to knives and even an axe.

I went back to the main room and I thought about what my next line of action would be, but I already knew what to do even as I left the hospital I was already thinking about it. I had to find the evidence and give this people what they deserve and if I could kill some of the bastards on the way, then that was a added bonus.

And I knew just where to start looking for answers, my father's office.