
Ultimate Throne

"A king who sits on the Throne of Judgment scatters away all evil with his eyes.” (Proverbs 20:8) On the distant planet Ablauf, nestled in the depths of the universe, an empty Throne awaits its rightful ruler. Legends of the Ultimate Throne have been circulated far and wide, attracting ambitious individuals from neighboring planets seeking to claim the title of King or Queen of Ablauf. In the midst of this pursuit, the authoritative presence of the World Government intervenes, thwarting these hopeful adventurers and condemning them to the desolate confines of the Galactic Prison, where sunlight is a rare sight. Trapped within its walls, escape seems impossible, leaving inmates to endure a grim existence marked by decay and despair. In a serendipitous turn of events, Tito Roux, a reclusive sociopath with the uncanny ability to transform into fiery flames post getting nipped by a mystical Gemini crystal firefly, unexpectedly lands on the planet of Ablauf. This unusual arrival comes about after a mishap involving a hijacked prison-bound vehicle commandeered by an alien mentalist. Dispatching the alien assailant with ease using his fiery powers, Tito soon finds himself in the clutches of the stern Deputy General Russ N’Dowa, who administers a heavy-handed punishment by biting him all colors of black and blue before sending him off to the notorious Galactic Prison. Biding his time and scheming for a way out, Tito crosses paths with the enigmatic ‘Red Panda’ Encender Tohil, a daring adventurer on a quest to assemble a crew to journey along the revered Supreme Road in pursuit of the elusive Ultimate Throne. Armed with a quirky tactician yearning for a hermitic existence on deserted islands with a side of sugary treats, can Encender Tohil and her eclectic team navigate the treacherous path ahead and secure their coveted prize – the Ultimate Throne?

Platofox · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs


The bullet penetrated through my upper shoulder. The blood dripped to the ground like raindrops. However, I just kept on my serious face.

'It is not time to give up yet. I need to stand my ground.'

Sunil smiled, "If you were a day younger, then you would be crying from such an insect bite. Now, it seems I have room for three. Let me test your limit."

Seeing his finger about to pull the trigger, I closed my eyes and waited for something painful to happen in my right shoulder. However, that was all there was to it.

"Hahahahahaha! Why are you making that face!" My Uncle laughed with his hands on his stomach, and soon everyone followed.

'I feel like a chicken.' I thought, as the gentle snowflakes fell on my face, 'I have fallen for one of my uncle's pranks.'

"You should have seen the cowardly look on your face, kid! Hahahaha!" My Uncle walked over to my position.

He gave me a really wide hug filled with nothing but love for his dear nephew. Even so, my body was far from being in a condition where it could hug people when it needed.

"Argh!" I groaned, before adding, "Uncle you are hurting me. We should hurry up, and fly to the Mysore palace. The condition of your sister worries me a lot."

"Hahaga!" The old man laughed with pleasure, and all the red lines on my body disappeared, "You are way too young to be worried about Trisha. She is the so-called Queen of India, for crying out loud. I assure you she is fine. When she was only a teenager, she used to hunt down Aoes that entered our estate on her own."

I took a sign of relief, as I glanced at the thousand of fighter jets that surrounded me, 'Hearing that from one of the strongest people in the country makes me a little reviewed. Wait for me mother, I will be there soon.'

Oblivious to my thoughts, my uncle immediately used his resonate ability on me. His black hand touched my bleeding shoulder, and everything recovered to what it was before. Not only that, but all the fatigue I have been feeling vanished.

'I wish the Asclepius worm had bitten me instead. The side effect of losing all sexual desires is something I was born with.'

I just kept my thoughts to myself, as I stared at the soldiers clad in white military uniforms saluting at me with nothing but respect.

I saluted the white-bearded general, "Uncle, no, Sunil Iyer, thank you for standing with me in this difficult time when all of India has labeled me an enemy. My thanks extend to your brave men and women who swore an oath to protect our lovely India no matter what."

Indra laughed heartily, a sly smile covering his thin lip, "If what you said is true, then show your gratitude through actions, not words. Why don't you go out with Ishwar on a date? I am sure you will get along well."

"Uncle! Please don't say that!" I roared.

"You really don't change." A pink-haired girl with light skin addressed, before she started chuckling underneath her breath.

Most women would be enraged if someone were forced to be their bride, yet she doesn't seem one bit uninterested in the issue. Just my luck.

"Ahem..." I faked a cough trying to grab everyone's attention, "Guys, we need to act quickly before Gaurav takes over this kingdom. It is in our best interest to damage all of his sources of–"

My words halted as my skin turned pale like ice. A really smooth left hand had found it comfortable to hang on a prince's body, while the other hand grasped my collar.

"You should take a chill pill sometimes," Ishwar said with her seductive mouth close to my ear, almost causing me to pass out. However, she didn't seem to care at all. "Throughout history, princes are known to have women as their aids. You really are something, Rajah. Try fixing yourself before fixing the whole country. I will gladly help you get used to talking to women."


'Someone, get this scary woman off me!'

My uncle quickly answers my prayer, "Don't do that to him, Ishwar. There are a few ways to help him talk to women. Nonetheless, that is not important right now. We should look for ways to appear as heroes to the public."

Everyone nodded at the end of those words. As of now, I am a sexual assaulter who should be stoned to death a billion times. However, my luck with women wasn't swinging close by.


A mechanical chime rang in my left ear. A translucent blue screen formed from the black ear-bud, and a video I had no clue about started playing.

In the video, I was seen selling our land and people to foreigners from overseas at a shore unknown to me. Not only that, but once the deal was completed, I wiped a few of the Indians on their backs, leaving one of them dead.

"Damn it!" I cursed, 'I will never harm an Indian because of my own greed. That bastard Gaurav really is testing my limits. I wish there was a way to end this one-on-one without involving innocent people.'

Sunil answers my thoughts again, "That will appear as difficult to do, my dear boy. Gaurav might not be the one to face you in general."

He sighed and added, "Follow me, boy. You should have listened to me when I suggested joining the military."

I had no choice but to follow my uncle as he ascended the stairlift that led to the floating tank helicopter that blended in with the clouds. When we arrived, Sunhil quickly took control of things.

"Enter auto-drive mode and take us to Guntaki. Make sure the stealth mode is activated. This is a secret mission and I don't want people messing that up."

[Safe path to Gunt aki has been found. You will reach the destination in T-5 hours.]