
ultimate technology system (dropped) read verstion 2

please read versrtion 2 https://www.webnovel.com/book/a-scientist-in-a-magical-world_18132378505390605

ArinzeArimah · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

I hate hypocrites

Nightowl and Alonso are fighting very rigorously BANG! BANG! BANG! when it comes to physical strength they are both even.

Nightowl has a very creepy smile on his face, Nightowl dashes towards Alonso and tries to grab his neck Alonso dodges Nightowl and grabs Nightowl's arm that aimed for Alonso's neck using Nightowls own hand Alonso manipulates Nightowl's arm by striking his elbow joint.

Bang! Nightowl just struck himself in the face.

Alonso knows every type of martial arts but his favourite martial arts is Chin Na which focuses on joint manipulation locks and fast movement

Nightowl is not set back from this but he is confused over Alonso's fighting style he noticed that with Alonso hand to hand skill he can be classed as a martial arts master but he does not manipulate Ki so he is not a cultivator.

Nightowl could only guess that Alonso is a Monk.

Monks are religious people who mix martial arts with magic they are secluded and are rarely ever seen they do not like to interact with the outside world.

Nightowl and Alonso dash towards each other Alonso aims to knee Nightowl in the stomach but Nightowl blocks the knee with his palms, then Alonso headbuts Nightowl.

Nightowl starts bleeding from his nose but Alonso did not give Nightowl any chance to recover he follows up with a three combo punch, a right hook a left hook and an uppercut.

The power of the uppercut lifts Nightowl into the air, Nightowl comes crashing down but Nightowl lands safely on his feet only a few bruises can be seen on Nightowl's face

Nightowls claps his hands and says "wonderfull what lovey skill you have clearly I lose in hand to hand combat how can I expect to out fight you ha ha ha ha ha".

Alonso says "I outclass you in everything so don't be surprised".

Nightowls says "ha ha ha i see your the confident type but before you decide to fight to the death I want you to join me.

Alonso Is surprised by Nightowl's words he did not expect to get an invitation, in his mind Nightowl is just a piece of shit that would do anything for money.

Nightowl says to Alonso "tell me your name"? Alonso says "Alonso".

Nightowl says "well Mr Alonso i can tell you are a man of ambition do you know why I got into the slave trading business".

Alonso knew he was in the middle of a fight and stopping to chat with his opponent is foolish the opponent could be setting up a trap or even channeling their mana for a big attack.

But something in Alonso's mind told him that Nightowl is being genuine and Alonso really wanted to talk to him so Alonso decided to humor Nightowl.

Nightowl says "it is because I hate hypocrites", Alonso says "what do you mean"? Nightowl says "that's right hypocrites I fucking hate them the world is full of hypocrites and contradictions, not just humans we all are hypocrites we lie, we steal, we cheat, we kill, we betray our brethren when noone is looking".

"But when people are looking we preach good doctrines and act kind even give to the poor the whole world is rotten to the core the only difference is that I do not hide what I am".

"Do you know who my top customers are ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha" .

Nightowl had an ecstatic expression on his face he looked so happy like he was in the middle of intercouse with the most beautifull woman in the world.

Alonso understood where nightowl is coming from as someone who have lived for 20,000 years Alonso understood human nature very well he did not disagree with Nightowl.

Alonso said "you are right but you forget one major thing, we as people can change and if we can't change people we can change the world".

"You are just contributing to the problems of the world by selling slaves you could have being doing something more productive with the abilities you hold".

Nightowl says "are you retarded? you think what i am doing is not productive, i am feeding what people want this is how the world works good and evil does not exist in the world there is only order and chaos and without chaos there cannot be order".

That is what i am chaos, all does bastards that live comfortable lives it's through the blood sweat and tears of slaves that they can live so luxuriously that is the nature of every creature that exist.

Alonso says "you are wrong the woman you kidnapped showed be there is good in the world we just need people like you and me to show it".

Nightowl's says "enough! it seems that we have different ideals it's a shame I started to like you i can tell you have a lot of potential but you are far too soft to be my follower.

Alonso laughs out loud "me soft no i am far from soft i have seen planets and entire civilization fall you are far too young to even begin to understand the nature of man, young man" says Alonso

Nightowl took off the stupid grin of his face and says "what do you mean" ?

Alonso says "its a shame i cannot show you because I could have forgiving you if you just cut off Maria's arms but the moment you killed does kids is the moment you signed you death certificate".

"When i am done with you i am gonna create a world where everyone can live in peace and harmony shame you can't be part of my world young man".

It seems Alonso true personality has started to come out even Nightowl could sense that Alonso had deep wisdom in him, but Nightowl also believed that Alonso words where just fantasy and can never be done.

But does same words reminded Nightowl of a childhood friend that said the exact same thing, which caused Nightowl great depression which Nightowl channeled into rage.

Nightowl starts to laugh like a maniac he shouts at Alonso "you fool do you know what it means to change the world do you have any idea the powers that rule the world the demon kings, the Arc angels, the demi gods, the vampire kings, the human priests and even the devils"!.

"To them you are nothing but a speck of dust how dear you sprout such idealism in front of me!".

"let me see what kind of world you are going to make when you are dead".

Nightowl lifts his hands above his head and suddenly all the blood from Nightowls subordinates that he kill all over the members district began to rise up out of their corpse.

The blood flew into Nightowl's hand making a perfect circle, then all the blood flies into Nightowl's mouth.

Nightowl drank all the blood this caused his pale white skin to turn blood red and Nightowl grew a pair of bat wings on his back.

Nightowls magical power increased over 10 foldes he rips of his blazer and his shirt Nightowl is now standing bare chested laughing like a maniac.

Nightowl says "now we can truly begin this battle please try to keep up.

more coming later gonna go sleep now

ArinzeArimahcreators' thoughts